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Virgil tore through boxes and drawers in his room angrily. He slowly began to calm down.

He finally found what he was looking for. Two journals on the different codes his grandmother had made up over the years.

He clutched them grimacing as he remembered helping his grandma write them.

His mother and father would be coming to pick him up today.

And they would be selling the house.

Virgil couldn't argue.

He snapped out of his thoughts and ran back downstairs.

"You didn't-"

"Remus can't you fucking trust me at least a little bit?!" Virgil's anger came back.

Remus was a bit offended, did the author want them to fight?

Yes. Yes he did.

"I'm sorry I care about you!"

"You don't give a sing fuck about me!"

Remus was starting to loose control of his anger. "You're being so unreasonable Virgil! I'm worried you'll hurt yourself again! I thought you stopped YEARS ago!"

Virgil pinched his nose. "I did! I fucking stopped! My Grandma died Remus! What else was I supposed to do!?"

Remus lost it.


Everything suddenly froze.


Remy was working overtime as much as possible to keep his mind off of things.

He was getting closer to finding the missing boy, Everett Aleister Royal.

They had almost been able to get the two surviving children.

They had learned their names.

Saphirre Moonstar.

Kumari Swallowtail.

They now needed to locate them, the families had both moved so that made the police more suspicious of them.

Remy walked with his partner. They were going to investigate an abandoned wearhouse.

(I changed my mind-someone else is dying-justgonnathrowanotherobstacleinfortheLociet..there!)

Remy walked in cautiously with his partner, they had their guns out, just in case, and walked quietly.

Remy tripped and looked down. "Tripwire.. someone's been here. And they're prepared."

His partner nodded to him and they became more attentive to their surroundings.

They soon stepped into an area not blocked by boxes and someone came flying at them with a hammer.

Remy stepped to the side as the person swung at him. His eyes widened as he saw it was a kid.

His partner began to aim. "Don't shoot! It's a kid!"

His partner stopped and took a closer look at the blur that was going back for round two.

Remy let him get closer then moved swiftly and quickly enough so that no one would be able to react. He disarmed the kid and pushed him forward lightly to knock him off balance.

The kid merely swivelled around and snarled at them in an defensive-leaning towards agressive-stance.

457 words
Ooooo who's dat?
Songbird_Robin666 got the side right on the last chapter. MarieIsDepressed got the side on the chapter "To Dee and Logan" thatiforgotabout-

The air was soft and bright. Unlike the cruel and dark air of the other forest. He stood between the two forests for a long, long time. Finally, it was over. And he crossed the brink. The battle between forests continued. Now they wanted him back.

Edit 07/31/21 haha typo funny haha sing fuck

(Lociet) High School Hierarchy Book 2Where stories live. Discover now