"Im not worth it....."

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Tamaki was still shocked from the events that had just played out infront of him, without a word to say he just walked down the stairs, he had reached the hallway, and started walking down, when he went past the school gym. He went inside. Inside the gym there were treadmills, weights, and plenty of others. There was also a mirror. Tamaki began to walk up to the Mirror, and take off his shirt.

He look at himself in the mirror, his slightly muscular body, and then he remembered how Mirio's body had looked, always seeping through his shirts where you could basically see all his muscle, and boy there was a lot of it. Tamaki blushed at the thought of Mirio topless. But pushed that aside. "I'm not a pervert" He quietly mumbled to himself. He wanted to be more of a muscular body, he wanted to be stronger he wanted to be feared- "wait... why do I want to be feared..? I'm a hero.. not a villain."  He pondered to himself.

He decided that right there on the spot, he was going to start working out more. And by "more" He means a lot more. He decided the following for himself : he would wake up before the sunrise everyday, and do 1 hour and 30 minutes of training each day. And on the weekends, he would work out for a extra hour, since on the week days he would have to attend school. He would only eat vegetables, ( which is bad because of his quirk ) and would pay so much attention in class. He would not use lunch to relax, he will study during lunch time. And when he gets back to the dorms he'll study even more.

Tamaki was so determined to do this that he wanted to get to bed quickly, so that he could be ready for training the next day. He walked out of the gym, continued his way down the hall and reached his dorm. He pulled out his keys, unlocked the door. And just got ready for bed, he set his alarm to 4:00, this would mean he would have an hour and 30 minutes of training, which will leave him at 5:30 to get ready for school, and then he could study until seven. And with that in mind he went to bed.

The next day his alarm went off, beep beep, he groaned and shut it off, he really was regretting his choices right now, but he wanted to be the best, he was not good enough. He got up and walked to the bathroom, he splashed some water on his face. And brushed his teeth. He then put on his training clothes and headed to the gym.

He walked down the hallway, the lights were still off. And it was very silent, he rubbed his eyes, begging them to stay open and headed to the gym to train.

He ran on the treadmill, for about 30 minutes, each 10 minutes he would increase the speed. So when 30 minutes were up Tamaki's legs were basically shaking, he didn't care, as long as he worked out. All his problems would go away. After that, he did some arm work for around 40 minutes, he still had 10 minutes to spare so he used that with mobility and reflexes. After that Tamaki was breathing heavily, and his eyes wanted to close so badly but he did'nt let them. After that Tamaki grabbed some carrot and ate it.

He was on his way back from the gym, he pulled out his phone and checked the time. 5:30, he smiled to himself, he then got into his dorm and took a quick cold shower. He then got changed and  walked to school, he checked his phone again, 6:30. The school opens at 7:00, so Tamaki took his sweet time getting to school.

While Tamaki was walking, Mirio woke up. And stretched his arms, he looked at his phone, 6:43. Perfect he thought. He got in the shower, and got ready and started walking to school.

So basically, the next chapter will be the Injured Tamaki thing because I needed to kinda build it up you know? Like I can't just say "Tamaki walked to school and fainted" because then why has he fainted.
So, you just gotta wait!
Cya next time!!

Mirio x Tamaki 🙌 Show me the light (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now