Chapter Twenty One

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Newt followed easily as his newfound group of friends- the majority, sprinted through hallways, occasionally a guard had to be taken out, that task was left to Argent and Malia.

Newt was slightly scared of Malia, he had a feeling she had a temper with a short fuse, He smirked as one guard got kicked in the face by her. "How much farther Scott?" He called out, skidding around a corner.

Scott replied. "Almost there! Just round the corner and through some doors!" Newt began to pant, it had been a while since he had the need to run.

They rounded the corner. Newt paled and skidded to a stop. The other continued running.

Newt had spotted something. That was a danger to them all.

In the top corner of the corridor sat a camera, attached to it was a machine gun. Newt had seen the difference between werewolf/werecoyote reflexes and guns. He knew they weren't good enough to dodge that many bullets.

Newt looked around for anything he could use to distract the weapon. To his left was a metal tray, he grabbed it and threw it at the gun, a loud thud was heard.

Newt shouted, "Theres a bloody machine gun! Do something! Take cover!" The other skidded to a stop and dove to nearby doorways and barrels, Newt opened a door and hid behind it.

Two seconds later the machine gun flashed to life, bullets sprayed all over the corridor, bouncing around. Newt flinched as one whistled past his head after rebounding off the ceiling.

Scott shouted above the noise, "What are we gonna do?! Does someone have a plan?" Malia replied, "You're the leader! You're supposed to have a plan!"

Lydia was hiding opposite Newt, behind some chemical barrels. She yelled, "Guys! Newt saw the machine gun in the first place! Let's see if he can help!"

Newt gave Lydia a thankful look and shouted, "Grab whatever you can throw, aim for the turret! If we take that out we can disable the camera too!"

Argent joined the conversation, "Good point! I'll throw something first!" Newt heard the sound of a door being slammed shut and the sound of shots being fired.

Newt waited a moment, wondering what Argent had thrown. His thoughts were interrupted with the sound of a groan, Newt had only one thought. Argent was shot.

He looked over to Lydia and shouted, "Throw some barrels if you can! I need cover to get to Argent and see if he's okay!"

Lydia grabbed hold of a barrel and lifted it, giving Newt a curt nod. She began to toss the barrels towards the turret, providing Newt the distraction he needed.

He dove out from behind the door, using his knee pads to slid across the floor. Lydia continued throwing barrels.

He reached Argent who lay crumpled beside some boxes. He was bleeding from his stomach.

Newt shouted, "Someone take out that turret already! Scott, Liam, Malia?!"
Malia replied, "On it!"

He saw Malia sprint past him, almost in a blur, she leapt up the wall and flipped off of it, something metal gleamed in her hands. It was a ripped off metal bed post.
"Good thinking Malia..."  he mumbled.

He watched as she lashed out at the turret, smashing it with the rod. All the others came out from their cover and ran over, leaving Malia to destroy the camera.

Newt placed his hands on Argent's gunshot wound, applying pressure. "I'm not a medic, is anyone here? I need bandages and antiseptic. Oh! And tweezers. We can't leave this bullet in there."

Liam stared at Newt like he was mad. "Are you crazy? We can't get that stuff down here. We can't go backwards either. Isn't there anything else you could use?"

Newt shook his head, insisting. "We have to help Argent before he bleeds out. He's part of your pack for god's sake! Help him!"

The blood was pumping out of Argent's wound, Newt began to panic. If he didn't die from internal organs being pierced, he would either die from bleeding out or infection. He wasn't sure which was worse.

Argent groaned and tried to sit up. His face was set in a grimace. "G-go on without me... I'll be okay." His eyes rolled back into his head and he passed out.

Newt took his hands away, knowing applying pressure was no longer working. He glanced at his hands.

They were stained with blood. Blood he had spilled. Argent's blood.

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