Chapter 1

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New Beginnings

People always underestimate me but when I walk pass them they stop and stare, until today. "Pisst, how old are you? Asked an unknown voice. With an attitude I roll my eyes and respond, "Do I look anywhere near yo age? No, so get to stepn." He paused for a second but didnt walk away. Then finally said, "Actually you do. So what's yo age?" I suck my teeth, put my hands on my hips, and roll my eyes again just to say "Thirteen - now keep it moven." He shakes his head casually, rubs his chin, smiles, and says, "Iight cool - you just up my alley, I'm fifteen." He looks me up and down. With one hand on my hip and my face rested on the other I smile, "okay, i see ya - you caught my bluff. Cute." With the slightest movement of his hands he fiddles in his pockets and looks down, then up to me again and says, "Yeah, so how old are you really - if you dont mind me askn?" I think it's kinda cute so without saying anything I pull out my wallet, hold up my ID with my name covered by my hand. He bobs his head as if amused and reads out loud "Twentytwo?" I give a slight smile and respond, "Yep... Twentytwo, So watz yo age?" He does the same as me and pulls out his ID only partially covering his name, lifts his eyebrow and says, "Twenty." I look back up to him after reading his ID and say "So - your names D'vontez? Cute." He looks at his ID, grins then looks at me and says, "Now you know mine so its only fair that I know yours." I take a second to debate on whether or not I want to tell him my real name and finally come up with my answer, "Beauty." He looks at me from the corner of his eye and says, "Yo that's hot - Beauty what?" Hesitant I say "Beaty Phool." With a surprised look he says "Damn, like B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L, Beautiful? That's sexy. Is that just yo first name?" I look down and respond, "No my first name is just Beauty and my last name is Phool, P.H.O.O.L." He lightly places his hand under my chin and lifts my head to say "That's beautiful, who named you?" Half embarrassed and half intrigued I say with a smile "My momma." In true amazement he asks, "What's yo moms name?" I look around to see if anyone else was listening and say "Tomorrow. It's spelled like tomorrow but pronounced like Tamarra - Tomorrow Wynnes." He says with a smile, "Hmm, that's weird. You got a weird kind of family - I like that." I highly shook my candy curls and said, "Thanks." He reaches out and grabs my hand, then says, "No problem beautiful. Can I call you some time?" I pulled out my phone and said with a smile "Ya know classy people dont give out their numbers to just anybody and I'm classy not trashy." I pause for a second and then say, "But I can take yours." Before he could say anything he pulls out his phone, apologizes and says, "I just got a new number and its taking me some getting use to. Plus I'm not use to people asking me for my number. Its different and I like it. But the number is 678-527-4804." I programmed the number and say "Talk to you soon, it was nice meeting you - bye." I sat there and watched him walk away. This was the beginning of a new life for me.

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