Chapter 10

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A Honest Mistake

     Me and Ru finally talk. When we do, I find out her and D never fucked around. He wanted to but she wouldn't stand for it. For some reason I believe her. She hasn't given me a reason not to believe her and I wasn't tryn to hear her out at first, So why would lie now? Not only that but Kell just previously text me and told me it wasn't D in the picture it was his younger brother. I couldn't really see the face so I took my brothers word that he made an honest mistake and that the girl on the other end of the phone was just his sister. I told the both of them I would apologize and trust him til hes proven guilty. In my book hes still dead wrong for 'tryn' to get with Ru. But I call him "Hello." It feels like when we first met all over again. He repeats "Hello?" So I say "Hey." He responds "What now?" At that I say "I apologize." "For?" "For assuming you were fuckn around." "And I apologize for accusing you of sleeping with Sky and denying our child. I love you." "I love you too." "Did you ever find out what we're having?" "Yes, A girl." "Wow, ima be fighting alot in the future." "Why'd you say that?" "Cuz if she looks as beautiful as her mother them hot in the dick lil boys gone try her." "Aw, look at you being a dad already." "Yeah, I miss you baby." "I miss you too."
      The next month or so flys by with no complications until one day I get a text from an unknown number sayn "I got yo man & I'm haven his baby bitch." I take a deep breath. Just when I'm about to call Val she calls me "Jay, guess what I just heard." "I think I know but spill." "Carma... Cream... whatever the sluts name is, might be pregnant with Ds baby." "Yeah, I'ma kill him. He was fuckn with this hoe and lied to me." I hang up on my bestfriend and pace myself. Then I think... let me surprise him for our 10 month anniversary.
      Knock knock knock. I hear a females voice say "Who is it?" I respond "Kari, Ds sister." She opens the door "I didnt know he had a sister but come on in. Hes in the shower." "And who are you? If you dont mind me askn?" Keep calm Jay, keep calm. I repeat this to myself when she says "Camel." I swallow and say "Oh, hes never spoke about you before. Are you a friend of Jay's?" "Um, who is Jay?" He walks around the corner as I say "Me bitch." I start beatn her ass. He grabs me and pulls me off her and says "Yo. What the fuck is your problem? Why are you here and hittn my brothers girl?" "This bitch is not your brothers girlfriend." She spits back "Damn right I'm not." He looks at her, grabs me when I swing again and says "Okay, damn Jay. Shes just sumn to do. With you being gone all the time---" She cuts him off "I pick up where you're slackn and" she looks at D "I'm pregnant." I kick that bitch in her stomach and say "Not for long bitch." He pulls me away from her again and says "Bitch stop lying. Bae stop doin this shit. You're pregnant, damn." See hoe, even hes calling you a bitch. You see who comes first. Pregnant or not I will always come first bitch." I pull away from D "Some anniversary." He goes to grab my hand as he says "I'm sorry." I shake my head "Fuck you. This is what you want. She can have you. This ain't worth loosing my daughter over. Now if you'd excuse me... I have a plane to catch."
      The last to find out, Kell finally calls and tells me that Tomorrow found out she's pregnant 2 days after my birthday. Kell asks me "So what you gone name the baby?" I tell him "Illianna Grace Wynnes" "Your not gonna give her his last name?" "Fuck no." "Sorry, I forgot." "Not til I find out if that bitch is really pregnant or not." "Oh, you haven't heard?" "Heard what?" "She goin around telling people she lost the baby cuz of you. I just feel like she was lying to try in win him over from you." "Fuck him. And her. I hope like fuck she really did loose it." "Sis, that's not cool. That was still a baby. It didnt ask for none of this, if it was real." "You right, I apologize." "Thank you." "Well, let me let you go. Tell ma I said eat healthy." "Will do, bye."
     Val comes over and trys to convince me to get back with D. "The girl was never pregnant Jay. She dont even have any hospital bills to prove shit. She dont know how they took the baby out. She dont know shit cuz it was all a lie." "Lie or not Val, he still fucked her. And blames it on me for being in school." "Jay, everyone makes mistakes. He really misses you." "And maybe I miss him too. So what." "So what? So call him." She takes my phone and calls him. "Hello." As soon as he answers, she hands me the phone and says "Talk." He repeats "Hello. Jay if you calln to cuss me out some more then dont bother." "I'm not." Val smiles and gives me a thumbs up "I'm actually calln to tell you I miss you." "Really?" "Yeah, you sound like shit. You've been tortured enough." "Not really." "Oh, I know." "I'm sorry Jay." "I know." "I deserve this but can you find it in your heart to forgive me and give me a second chance?" I take a deep breath "Yes." "Baby plz I just..." he stops then says "wait, what? Did you just say yes?" I smile "Yes." "I love you so much Jaloni. Thank you. I promise baby you wont regret it." "Dont get too happy." "I love you so much and thought I lost you for good." "But look D... I gotta go so I'll catch you later." "Yeah, I love you." I turn to my bestfriend "Happy now? We're back together." "Yes." "Shut up Val." She rubs my stomach and Gracey starts kicking instantly. She loves her some Val. Then Val says "You're mommy and daddy are back together." Gracey kicks again like she understands what Val just said. Me and Val laugh then get up to get something to eat.

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