Chapter 11

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An Early Arrival

      I find myself in the hospital two months later at 27 weeks pregnant. Something was wrong... terribly wrong. I have my two bestfriends at my bedside and Sky pasten 'round the room. The anxiousness is so thick in this room you could cut it with a knife. Val looks at me and says "If you loose the baby, I'm here for you." Before I could respond Sky stops, looks at Val like a deranged man, and says "Dont say that. Dont even think shit like that. Her and Grace are fine." He starts back pasten as Ru says "Damn Sky, you act like that's yo baby. So over protective, calm down baby boy." "If she was mine, Jay wouldn't be here. She would have never been stressed - none of that. But since I'm her friend and her asswhole of a boyfriend cant make---" Knock knock knock. "Did I hear someone say 'asswhole of a boyfriend'?" D'vontez walks in. I smile and try to sit up when Sky mumbles "Speaking of the devil." D walks pass him Pat's his shoulder and says "Thanks watch boy. I think I can take it from here." Sky balls his fist and Val jumps up, grabs him, and says "Let's give them some room to talk. I think we all need some fresh air." Ru gets up too as D says "Yeah, cool it hot head." Sky turns around and throws the first punch but Val yanks him before it could connect. Before D could react I simply touch his hand and say "Not now." All the anger that was once in his face instantly disappeared and turned to worrisome. As soon as my 3 friends walk out the doctor comes in and says "We're gonna have to induce you. The baby is breached due to the complications you're having. She has flipped earlier than she should have and isn't getting enough oxygen in her lungs." By this time I'm squeezing Ds hand in fear without noticing it, til he says "Babe, your killing my hand. Its gonna be ok." I look at the doctor, ignoring D, and ask "How long before you induce me?" He looks at his watch and say "15, maybe 20 minutes." I smile and nod with great appreciation but deep down I'm freaking out. As he turns to leave Ru comes running in screaming "Skys beatn the shit out of some guy outside. Hes taken out his anger from D on dude and all he did was bump him by mistake." I try to sit up but D stops me, looks at her, and says "We have bigger problems - shes being induced today and we're gonna be haven the baby tonight or tomorrow morning." Ru's face drops, she steps closer, hugs me and says "Congratulations." Then she runs back out the door. Not even 10 minutes later all 3 of them are running back in the room. D stands to his feet and tells them that I just fell asleep. Before I fell deep into my sleep I hear Sky say "Is she okay? What happened?"
      "Dude, shes fine. The doctor should be back any minute now to induce her. Shits crazy, I'm bout to be a whole dad bruh." I let down my guard, unclench my teeth and say "D, you really are about to be a dad and that little girl needs you---" He cuts me off "No hard feelings Sky. You were only being a man and really good friend." I dap him up "No hard feelings."
      Behind us someone clears there throat and says "Which one of you are the father?" I step back and D says "I am." Proudly. I look at Val and see her smiling. The doctor says "Good, we need you to fill this out." He takes the clipboard and looks back at us like hes confused as hell and I'm sure he is, it's his first kid. So me and Val step back again and push Ru up. "That's your cue. You've been through this... we haven't." Her and D sit down and fill everything out that they could. When the doctor returns he tells us that Jay had dilated 7 cm and her contractions are 2 minutes apart. None of us understood what the hell he was sayn except Ru. All we knew was the baby was coming.. and soon.
      At 9:48 am on March 10th Illianna Grace was born. D looks at her and says "Shes blue? Why is she blue? Is she okay?" "Calm down sir, she only came out discolored because she was born much earlier than expected. Her color will come in just fine." "Where are you taking her?" "She has to be taken to ICU for a while. With her only be 2 lbs 8oz and being born so early we need to keep a close eye on her. Shes in good hands." He turns to face me when everyone is gone, kisses my forehead, and unaware that I'm awake says "Our baby's gonna be fine." I open my eyes and say "I know." He kisses my lips and says "You're so beautiful. I'm sorry for all the wrong I've done. I caused this to happen and I'm so sorry. I love you." He kisses me again and this time with tears in his eyes. Speaking slightly above a whisper I say "Everyone  makes mistakes but everything happens for a reason."
       Four months have passed and we finally get to hold our beautiful baby girl. And her color has come in so much. I'm sure shes still growing into it but shes the most beautiful thing me and Jay have ever seen. We made the perfect baby.

 We made the perfect baby

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