Chapter 8

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The Announcement

I was awakened with a kiss.
"Good morning beautiful." I sit up with a smile, kiss him again, and say "Its been four days and you're still here. You've made my day every morning since you've arrived but how does your family feel about this?" He wraps his arms around me and says "My 1st night here you made your big confession. When we went to bed that I got to thinkn, I cant leave her. I feared you'd go right back in to your depression stage. So that night, laying next to you, I decided I'd stay a few more days. Actually, today is my last day. I'll keep in touch, you have my word." I smile and kiss him again, "You're so sweet. I've got class today, so if you're gone before I get back---" He cuts me off "I'll leave a note." I smile "Okay, let me get ready for this Monday morning. I love you." I kiss him one last time before I leave him laying in bed.
"Girl, you dont look so hot. You've been throwing up and your temp has been high and low. You might need to get checked for the flu." "Val, I'm fine. Just to prove to you its nothing but a simple stomach virus, I'll get checked." She smiles, claps her hands and says "Thank you." We go our separate ways and I run into this guy at the laundry mat. Hes tall, looks about 5'11. Hes light skin, with this gorgeous smile, and pretty hazel eyes. He looks at me as I walk by and says "Good afternoon." I look up to him and say "Same to you." Before I could walk to another washer he says "Are you in Apt. 114?" With confusion on my face I say "How'd you know that?" He smiles "I believe I'm your new neighbor." He extends his hand "I'm Skylar. Skylar Hollands." I shake his hand "Nice to meet you Skylar, I'm... I'm Jaloni." "Nice to meet you too." He gathers his belongings and leaves. I just sit there for a moment thinking when suddenly I'm hit with a rush of nausea. I run to the nearest trash can and vomit. Maybe Vals right I need to go to the clinic.
Over the entercom at the health center my name is called "Jaloni Wynnes... Jaloni Wynnes... You're needed at the first desk." I grab my purse and walk to the front desk where a lady stands with a clipboard "Yes?" "Are you Jaloni Wynnes?" "That would be me." With a slight grin. She turns around and says "Follow me." She takes me to the very back and places me in room #127. "Wait here and the nurse will be right with you." I sit there nervous to find out what's wrong with me. What if I'm dying or something? A nurse comes in and breaks my internal babbling "Hi, I'm Dr. Chase, and I'll be your nurse for today." He turns, puts on some gloves and says "So, what seems to be the problem today?" "I don't know. I've been really queasy and vomiting alot." "When was your last period?" I stop to think about this question then say "About a month ago." Have you missed your period before? Or has it been late before?" "Yes sir. My periods are irregular." "I'm going to need you to pee in this cup for me." "Yes sir." After atleast 15 minutes he returns. When he does, he comes back with a smile on his face and says "I have good news." "You found out what's wrong with me and I'm dying?" "Yes. And No, you're pregnant." I look at him with confusion and scream "What?" He repeats himself "Your pregnant." I shake my head "But I cant be." "But you are." I look at him and say through clinched teeth "you're not helping." "In sorry ma'am. If you're genuinely not happy we have programs you can sign up with for adoptions. Alot of young parents do it when they are ready for children or just dont want them. But in the mean time we're done here." I get up, shake his hand, and say without really listening to what he just said "Thank you." As I walk out the door.
"Val, can you meet me at my apartment as soon as.. NOW!" "Umm, is everything okay?" "Just get to my apartment now!" Speeding to get to my apartment, I rub my stomach, and think... what am I going to do with a baby? How am I going to finish school? I pull into my parking lot and my bestfriends are standing at my door. When I get out of my car, the both of them say at the same time "Are you ok?" Its nothing better than to see two great supportive smiling faces, "I'm fine. Can we get out this cold?" We all walk in and sit on my couch. Ru is the first to say "So, what's up?" I look at both of them and say "Brace yourselves." Val starts shaking her head before I say it and says "Oh my god, you better not be." Ru like always, is lost and says "Not be what?" I lift my head and say "I'm pregnant." Val smiles, covers her mouth with both hands and says "Jay, I knew it. Oh my god - why didnt you tell me you slept with him?" Ru is shocked and says nothing. So I say "Because I didnt want to tell anyone yet? Now I kinda have too." Ru finally says "So how are you gonna tell him?" "Not over the phone, that's for sure." "So... when?" "I'll tell him on Kells birthday. Its only 5 days away. I wish October 19th would never come." "Dont say that. Me and Val will come with you." Val says with a smile "Count me in. I might meet me a man." I look at her and say "My new next door neighbor might be available." She smile, "Fine out for me please."
It's now the 17th of October and so far I have my two bestfriends and my neighbor who knows I'm with child. I'm scared as hell to tell Tomorrow, so I text Kell "I've got a big surprise for you and mom on your birthday." He responds "Alright, what's up - you never call Tomorrow mom unless somethings wrong." "I'm glad you know me so well Kell but you'll find out when I get there. I love you, bye." I hear knocking at my door. When I open it I see Ru, Val, and the newest member of our little team - Skylar. I dont think Val finds him attractive but he can still tag along. They all sit there looking at me til Val says "You ready to go? The plane leaves in half an hour." I grab my belongings and say "As ready as I'll ever be."
When the plane lands and I see D'vontez with my family, my heart drops. Val looks at me and says "You're gonna be fine." I smile the best I can and say "I think ima vomit." We're now standing face to face with my family when she mouths the word, breath. D is the first to hug me and say "You look beautiful. I dont know what it is but you're glowing." Tomorrow looks at me and says "Yeah what did you do with your skin?" I smile and hug both Kell and Tomorrow as I say "I didnt do anything and dont know what your talking about but thank you." She drops it and looks at Ru and Val "Long time no see. Come here you two." She hugs them both and then says "But whi is this? I dont believe we've met?" He smiles and says "No ma'am, my name is Skylar. I'm a friend of Jaloni's." "Well nice to meet you. Come on - its getting cold. Let's head home." The while way back Kell is asking me questions and finally says "So what did you have to tell me and Tomorrow?" My eyes feel like their about to pop out my head, "Kell now is not the time. I told you that already." By time he turns around to sit down, Tomorrow's pulling into the drive way.
Everyone piles into my room. The moment the door closes, Kell comes knocking, and says "Jay can I come in?" Everyone looks at me and I feel like the bad guy when I say "Kell we're busy." I can hear the disappointment in his voice, "Okay." Ru looks at me and says "What now? Your brothers birthday is tomorrow, are you ready?" I look around the room and then say "No, I'm not ready but I have no choice." Val looks at me and says "That's true." I put my head in head in my hands then say "I'm not gonna ruin Kells party so I'm gonna tell them at dinner tonight. Go get ready." Skylar grabs my hand as support and says "The sooner the better. It's ok to get it over with." Before I could respond my crazy ass cousin comes running up the stairs screaming "Dinners ready!" I open my door and she comes in. The moment her and Skylar lock eyes she forgets all about dinner and say "Hi, I'm Duce." Now face to face with her he says "I'm Skylar." Me and Val look at each other, I clear my throat "Umm, its dinner time." Duce smiles and says "Oh, right.... dinner time." She grabs Skylars hand and guides him to the living room, leaving us behind. Ru looks at me and says "Looks like Sky found him somebody quicker than Val." Me and her laugh at this as Val frowns and says "Shut up, ima find somebody, just watch." We head down the stairs talking, laughing, and smiling. When we get to the bottom of the stairs D is standing their waiting on me. "Jay, can we talk?" My two bestfriends look at me as if waiting for my response but I couldn't find my words so Val says "We'll just leave you two to talk." They left and he looks at me and starts "You've barely said two words to me since you've got here. Did I do sumn wrong?" Hurt by this question, I grab his hand and say "Of course not. Baby, I love you. You've been doing everything right." I take a deep breath "I'm just nervous." "Nervous about what?" I come closer, place his hand on my stomach and say "How do you feel about kids? Do you want any?" He steps back and says "What does that have to do with anything?" I look up to him, grab his hands and hold them on my stomach, then say "Just answer the question?" He places his hands around my face as the tears bubble behind my eyes "Yes, I want kids. What's this about?" I pull away from him, turn around and say "I'm pregnant." He g6my arm lightly, and turns me around "What? That's amazing." He wipes my tears "Why are you crying?" "Because we barely know each other. How are we gonna take care of baby?" "Easy. After you graduate we can start planning." "You sound so sure." "Why dont you?" "Because I dont know what ima do with a baby." My mom walks up "We're waiting on you two love birds and what's this I hear about a baby?" I smile and say "Let's eat mom." Her and Kell know I only call her mom when somethings wrong but she over looks it and heads back. Before I can follow behind her D grabs my arm again, kisses me and says "We're in this together. I'm here. I love you." I smile and together we head into the dining room, hand in hand. The mom we walk in everyone is looking at me. So I let go of D's hand and say "I've got something to say before dinner starts. It will only be a moment... I planned on sayn this tomorrow but evidently I'm not good at hiding it" D'vontez comes to stand by my side and holds my hand "But... I'm pregnant." My mom turns the opposite direction of me ad if shes been slapped then looks at me and says "When did you find out?" "Sunday. The 14th." She looks both happy and disappointed, then says "So what are you hoping for?" D looks at me and says "boy" as I say "girl" at the same time. We laugh and say "Whatever we get." He kisses my hand and my mom gets up and walks away from the table. I follow behind her, both D and Kell start to do the same but I say "Let me talk to her first." I walk out and find her on the living room couch. So I sit down beside her, she turns to face me and says "I'm proud of you." Not the words I was expecting to hear so I say "Why? I got pregnant at 22. What's so great about that?" She laughs and says "Cuz you waited. You're almost done with college, you had your business, and you have a good man. You did good."I smile "Thanks." She runs my arm, stand up and says "Now let's eat." I get up and she wraps her arm around mine. We walk the whole way back just like that.
After dinner my bestfriends pull me aside and Skylar gets abducted by my cousin. Standing in the middle of the livingroom Val asks "So what did your mom say?" "Nothing. She just said she was proud of me." Ru looks at me and says "That's good shes not mad at you." Val agrees and hugs me. When she pulls away D is standing there looking at us. We all look up as he says "Can I steal her from you?" They look at me, tap my arm a few times, look at him and then say "Sure, shes all yours." I watch them leave in the opposite direction from where he came in. I feel a warm hand on the small of my back and immediately was pulled back to reality. I turn to face him and he kisses me then whispers "I heard it good for you to still have sex while you're pregnant." I smile then he says "Wonna test that theory?" I grab his arm and we head back to my room. On the way there we hear moaning. D looks at me then to the open door beside us and says "It looks like your friend and cousin hit it off pretty good." We look at each other and laugh then close the door and continue to head to my room. The moment my door opens he picks me up, kisses me and lays me on the bed. He lifts my top up and says through kisses "You're" Mwah. "The" Mwah. "Most" Mwah. "Beautiful" Mwah. "Woman" Mwah. "I've ever" Mwah. "Seen." I pull his head up to look at me and say "I love you." He kisses my lips and finishes for me "More than you'll ever know." I take his shirt off and see his amazing 8 pack, his strong protective arms, and roll on top of him. I undo his pants and he kicks them off. I take my pants off and he finishes the rest. With his dick on rock hard and my pussy drippin wet, ready to devour him, I slide on. He grips my hips with his firm hands while I ride. Changen positions, he puts me on my knees, puts one hand on my lower back and the other firmly on my waist. Lent out a loud moan I say "Faster, beat this pussy up." The faster he gets the louder I moan, when he says "Who's pussy is this?" I say in a moan "Yours." "Say it louder." I scream "Yours Daddy!" As soon as hes about to nut some one knocks on the door. "Jay." Its kell. I get up and apologize to D as I walk towards the door. I crack my door and say "Yes." In the sweetest voice I could conjure. He looks at me with this everyone knows look and says "Is this healthy?" I look down then back up to him and say "That's what you had to ask me? Right now?" He smiles and says "Actually no, mom asked to tell you and your" He makes quotation marks with his hands "Daddy - To not be so loud." He laughs and I push him playfully and say "Its not funny. Tell her... okay." He walks off "Okay.. have fun." I flick him off and shut the door. When I turn around D is stretched out with one arm behind his head sleeping. I crawl on top of him and wake him up with some head. His eyes open and he moans as I finish him off. He bites his bottom lip and says "Damn baby." The looks at me, smiles, and says "You're the most beautiful thing to wake too. And that there was a bonus. I love you." I crawl up to him and lay in his arms then say "I love you too." We fall asleep just like that.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELL!!!" I was awaken by one happy birthday after another to my brother. I roll over, stretch out my arms, only to find D not in bed. Ugh, why does he get up so damn early? I open my eyes, then look at the clock. I sit up, now alert that its 12 O'clock in the afternoon and nobody has bothered to wake me up. I get out of bed, walk to the shower and get in. While I'm in the shower I start smelling food. When I got out, a plat of food sat on my bed with a card that read "Good morning beautiful - enjoy. Join us when you're ready." I smile at this but still wonder why he didn't wake me up. So I quickly get dressed and make my way downstairs. I walk to the back door and see my whole family having fun and laughing, including D'vontez. I get this weird feeling, like I'm being watched. Then I hear behind me "Long time no see baby girl." I know this voice so I turn around and say "Aaron?" He looks hurt and says "Damn. No, hey dad? Nothing?" "I'm 22 years old. You've been out of my life for 15 of those years. My quote on quote 'dad' is out there, where I should be with my brother." "He didnt help make you." "Maybe not but I can say this - He was there when i needed YOU most." "Fine Jay-" "Its Jaloni to you." "Okay. Jaloni then, you're right... but I'm here now. I heard you had a baby. Where is he?" I roll my eyes "He or She.. isn't born yet." "Ohhh, my babys pregnant." "Aaron, dont touch my stomach. You do know it's a charge to touch a pregnant womans stomach without their permission, right?" He backs away and says "Your brother's waiting on you." I look back at the door and say "Thanks for tryn. Had you tried sooner, you might have had a better outcome." Then I walk out the door. The moment I step foot outside everyone looks at me like I'm the Queen of England or something. My darling grandmother is the first to come up to me and say "Did the baby sleep well?" At that I roll my eyes at her too, look at D whose watching us, look back at her and say "He or she has barely formed yet." She grabs my hand and tries to help me down the stair like I'm handicap or something. My pregnancy has gone viral overnight. As I walk down the steps in the spotlight, I think... 'Is my family really here for Kells birthday or to bask in the glory of my pregnancy?' At that moment I feel nauseous. I guess my little brother knows me better than I thought because at that moment he runs up to me trash can in hand and says "Its okay." I smile "Thanks" He says nothing and doesn't leave my side. My grandmother let's go of my arm when someone comes up and says "Grandma Shyne or do you prefer to be called Lois?" Lois Shyne is my grandmothers name and the unknown voice sounds so familiar. "Lois or Nanna is fine." He clears his throat "Well, Lois, if you dont mind... could I speak with her... alone?" At that moment I block the sun with my hand and look up to see my youngest older brother "Tyrece? What are you doing here?" Kell and Nan walk away but I guess that shot a red flag for D because he was by my side in an instant. Tyrece looks at him then to me and says "Its just Rece and I'm here for yo dumbass. What the fuck you doin gettin pregnant and shit?" D grabs my hand and says "And who are you to question her? Shes grown and can do what she wants." I go to say "This is---" But Ty cuts me off and says "Someone more important than you." I say quickly "He's my brother." I look at him and say "Baby.. this is my 24 year old Tyrece Whenchester and---" Ty cuts me off again "He dont need to know my whole damn name." Ty mumbles "You fail to mention that we---" I stop him "Shut... Up!" He wave me off and walks away. So I look at D and say "So you've met one of my older brothers on my dads side." He says jokingly "I hope the others aren't as crazy as he is." We laugh at this but I stop when I see my sister. These are all kids on my dads side and have no relation to Kell but are here for some reason. D quickly ask "What's wrong?" I can hear how worried he is by the tone of his voice and say "Nothing, I just seen my sister." He smiles "That should be a good thing. Let's go me meet her." I let out a deep breath and lead the way. She seems to be the one person that doesn't even notice my presence. Either that or shes just really good at playing it off. "Lyah." She looks up to me, smiles and says "Hey baby. I was wondering when I'd see you." I smile back "You must have seen me and Ty get into it just a minute ago." She shake her head "Nope. I didn't even know he was here." "You need to come back to earth and let me go where you're at for a few days." We laugh then go quiet when D clears his throat. I forgot all about him and the pregnancy just that quick "Oh, um... Sis, this is D'vontez Banes, the father of my unborn." Her eyes got big "Your pregnant? Oh, wow. That's amazing. I was starting to think you were turning into a lesbian because I never hear about any guys anymore." I laugh then she looks at D and says "I'm her sister. My name is Aalyah Armendez and I'm so glad to have met you." They shake hands and D says "For the record, I'm glad she's not gay." My sister laughs as I hit him. "That's not funny." Then I turn and search the crowd of people but interrupted by D "Who you lookn for? Kell?" I shake my head still searching, and say, "Someone you haven't met yet." The moment I say it I see them standing off to the side talking and drinking beer. So I grab his and say "Come on, we'll be back Lyah." I get to my granddad and stepdad and say "Hey strangers." With a big smile "Hey knuckle head." I smile again "I guess I'll introduce him first. This is my stepdad Richard. Richard this is D'vontez." He holds out his hand and D takes it, then he says "You have firm handshake. You can tell alot about a man by their handshake. But it's nice to meet you and you can just call me Ricky." "Okay Ricky, it's nice meeting you too." Before I could introduce my grandfather, Aaron walks up behind us and says "You're not gonna introduce us?" I scrunch up my face and turn around. Before my words could escape my mouth I gasp and hug my oldest brother "Ronnie." Aaron is still standing there and says "Damn, I didnt even get a hug." I pull away and say "Aaron, we had this discussion already. Just cuz Ronnie is your Jr. doesn't mean you are the same. So please dont go there." "Jay, he's still---" "Ronnie, please... Not today." He shakes his head and says "Fine. But he still deserves respect." "I dont care what HE deserves. I deserved a father and what did I get? Nothing." I turn to D "So yes, D'vontez... This is my no good father Aaron Armendez and my lovely brother Aaron Jr. aka Ronnie." He waves and says "Nice to meet you both." I get this weird pinch in my side, kneel over, and then flooded with a wave of dizziness. I fainted.
Laying on the couch surrounded by so many people. I hear Kell scream "D she's up!" He runs to me and get down on his knees "Are you ok?" "Yes, I'm fine. What the hell happened?" "We'd like to know the same thing." Gregory, which is my grandfather, says, "It could have been her heart problems again. It could have started back up now that she's pregnant." A few people started to mumble in agreement but D gets aggravated and says "What heart problem? Nobody thought to inform me of this earlier?" My stepdad comes up beside him, looks at me, and says "She has a heart blockage. It never went away but the pains come and go. They usually dont last long though. The last time she was checked though was August of 2015. They told her she was in her second stage of 3." D cuts him off "What happens when she gets to stage 3?" "She has to get a pace maker or heart implant but they told her that wouldn't be for another 8 to 10 years. Its only been 3." "With all due respect Mr. Wynnes, doctors dont know everything." I was too weak to speak. He goes to pick me up and says "It was nice meeting everyone but I'm taking her to the hospital." I go to sit up but I moved to fast and got dizzy again then layed back down and manage to say "I appreciate the concern but this is Kells birthday party and so far it's been all about me. The only place I'm going is home." Before I could call for them. Val and Ru were there to help me up. D grabs my hand and says "Please dont go." Kell steps in front of me, wraps his arms around me and says "The word doesn't revolve around just one person" with tears in his eyes he pleads "Dont Jay, my party wouldn't be a party without you." I squeeze him as tightly as I could and say "Okay. Okay. I'll stay. But I want all the attention off me, I'm fine." He kisses my cheek and says "Deal." Then sprints out the back door. The rest of the day, I spend on the back porch. Knowing that I have to leave tomorrow makes me feel guilty. D walks me back to my bedroom when I say I'm getting tired, kisses me goodnight and sits there until I fall asleep.

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