Chapter 12

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Birthday Girl

      A year ago today Illianna was born and not expected to live pass 6 months but here we are today on her first birthday, "Say hi to daddy Gracey." Even tho she cant exactly talk, she tries "Ahyayah." She came out with a head full of hair and a big smile. He dad is convinced she was the happiest blue baby to ever be born. "Jay, can I hold her?" "Umm, no. I just got her from Tomorrow, let me hold her." Okay, yes.. I admit she his child too but, dang, everytime I turn around somebody's taking her from me. "Shes mine too yakno but you're right you need your time with her." I smile "Thank you." He walks away. I bounce her happily on my leg as she smiles, reaches for my face with her slobbery fingers and says "Ahyayah." I think she actually believes shes talking." I kiss her lips and she smiles. At that moment Val comes up and says "Hey birthday girl." Illianna throws her arms up to Val for her to pick her up. Val does just that then looks at me and says "You have a visitor." She points to the front door and says "I'll hold Anna til you get back." Anna is what Val calls her and she's the only person I can leave Anna with without her crying when I leave the room. "I'll be right back Stink Stink." I kiss her foot and leave. When I get outside I dont see anyone but when I turn around to walk back into the house I hear someone say "Congratulations Jay." I turn around and in the flesh, there stood my first love with a gift bag in one hand and Rose's in the other. I force myself to say "Thank you. How---" "Yakno nothings a secret these days. People talk and news travels. I just thought I'd drop by and say hi... maybe even see the baby." I look back and see Val peeping through the window. "Would you like to come in?" "More than anything." I turn to the door "Come on. But try not to be an ass." He smiles "I'll do my best." Greeted at the door by Val and Gracey. The moment I step in she reaches for me. "I take it this is the little one." I look at him, roll my eyes and say "Yep. She's a handful too." He reaches out towards her and before I could tell him she doesn't do to great with strangers she's leaning over almost jumping out my arms tryn to get to him. He puts everything down and says "May I?" With a shocked look on my face and I'm sure everyone elses I say "Be my guest." Val leans over and whispers in my ear "She doesn't even do that for D." I whisper back "I know. They say babys can tell when someone's a good or bad person." "So does this mean hes good?" "I dont know." "Well whatever it is Ds not liken it. Here he comes." D looks at me and says "Who is he, the baby whisperer?" "Umm." I grab Gracey who starts to cry and reaching back for Mann - Mann all over again. "This is Emmanuel - my ex." "What?" "Hes my---" He cuts me off "Oh no, I heard you. What I want to know is why hes here and why was he holding her?" "He stopped by to say hi and give her a birthday present." "My question... how is he just meet her and shes acting like this? Like hes her dad?" I can tell hes hurt and I'll never hear the last of it. Then Mann - Mann steps up "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. It was wrong of me to come. I'll just leave this and go." "That's your best bet." In mid turn Emmanuel stops. I just knew for sure he was about to do something stupid. Maybe he was but he thought about it and simply said "It was nice seeing you again Jay. You look amazing." Before he could walk out the door Gracey starts screaming "Ahyayah... Augh!" He looks back and says "It was a pleasure meeting you too beautiful." And behind him the door shuts. D takes Gracey from me and says "We're about to sing happy birthday and open presents. After that ima need everyone to leave." Nobody argued against that so he starts as everyone else joins in "Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you---" They continue to sing but I keep replaying in my head how Illianna acted when she seen my first love, it was crazy. When the song was over Val taps me and says "earth to Jay... we're opening presents and Tomorrows taking pictures." "Oh, umm, okay. Thanks." I watch Gracey smile as she watches her daddy and trys to help open her presents.
      Illianna is asleep when D grabs me and says "Who the hell does he think he is? Coming in my house---" "Our house." "Our house and pickn up my child---" "Our child." "You know what I mean. I feel like you tryn to take up for him." "I haven't said no more than four words but I'm taking up for him. You're crazy." "Are you still in love with him?" "What?" "Don't play stupid, I saw how yall looked at each other. Are you still in love with him?" "No. Anymore questions? If not I'm going to bed before we wake up our child." He says nothing. So I walk away, "Goodnight."

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