Chapter 3

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Its Official

Its 2 o'clock in the morning and Kell and my mother are just coming through the door I guess the mother in me came out because before I knew it I was yelling "Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is?" I point to the grandfather clock in the corner of the livingroom. "You should be ashamed of yourself Tomorrow - haven yo son out til 2 in the damn morning. Hes your SON - NOT your bestfriend! You reek of alcohol. Your drunk, go clean yourself up. As for you, Kell - what hell where you thinkn? Where did you go? What in your right mind made you take her out - especially when you were rushn me to come home?" He sits down slurring his words and speaking really slow "Just chill sis, me and ma wanted to go out and have some fun - like you. Only difference we weren't out being a hoe. Hows---" I slap him and he laughs as he runs his cheek and continues "Hows it feel haven a taste of your own medicine?" I shake my head, rub my temples, and grab his face. I look him in his eyes and say "Boy, you done went out and got high too?" He looked at me and said "Naw, I got fucked up." And started laughing again. I slapped him again but this time harder and said "Now go to your room before I beat you like momma should've been doing." He grabs his face once more this time not laughing, starts walking to the stairs and says "Hit me again." I look up at him and yell "Or what!?" He keeps walking so I just shake my head and make my way to the kitchen. I needed a drink. I look in the fridge and ain't nun in it. So I walk myself upstairs and made my way to bed. I laid down with my arms and legs stretched out across it and immediately, I was out cold. Sleep came so easily specially since the day I've had.
I wake up to a text that read, "Good morning beautiful." With a smile, I stretch out of my covers and respond "Good morning. This is a surprise, lol." "How so? A beautiful woman, such as yourself, should be told everyday that they're beautiful and if noone else will... I will. So what's your plans for today? Cuz I have something in mind." With a little confusion, I look at the time and say, "It's 4:30 in the morning. What could you possibly have in mind?" For a second I thought he wasn't going to respond, then he text "Good, I take that as you dont have any plans. Get dressed and I'll be there in 15 minutes." I throw the covers completely off me, hop out the bed, jump in the shower, and got dressed. With two minutes left I had to do my make up. As I was putting on my eyeliner he texts me "I'm here, you ready?" I got my phone and responded "Hold on - I'm still getting ready but I'm comn to get you. Meet me at my front door." He responds "Okay." I got to the door, opened it, and was greeted with a smile. I whispered "Come on in but be extra quiet cuz the fam is still sleep." He smiled again and said in the same whispered tone "Okay." So I led him up the dark stairway, down the hall, and into my room. He sat down and said "So this is yo room? It's not all girly like I thought it would be. Actually it's kinda boyish lookn." As I walk to my bathroom to finish my makeup I say "Yep this is my room" I laugh and continue "And I wasn't all into that girly stuff. I was more of a tomboy growin up. Oh, and thanks for waking me up early. I've got some things to do before...." I trail off and then say "Before the end of the day." I hear papers moving around when he responds "Damn babe, you would have never thought you were a tomboy just by lookn at you. That's what's up. And it was my pleasure waken you up early. I'd be glad to do it any time but" I walked out my bathroom as he asked "Who is Jaloni Wynnes?" With my eyes wide open I snatch my journal out of his hands and say "A family member." I guess he got the idea and shrugged it off, "So you ready now?" Thankfully he didnt ask again, I put my journal back on my dresser and said with the biggest smile "Absolutely." We walked out hand in hand. It felt so good to have real company. As we reached my car and I went to open my door he grabbed my hand and said, "Where we're going we dont need to drive." I look at him confused and before I could ask he said "Dont ask just follow." We walked and talked for about 10 minutes when he gets behind me, covers my eyes, and leads me blind to our destination. After what felt like an eternity, he stops and stands back. Then says, "We're here." I open my eyes and say "Holly shit, how long did it take you to do this?" He comes up beside me and says "Well, considering the fact that I woke up at 2:30 and finished right before I text you... about two hours." I turned to him, "What? You did all this for me?" He lightly wraps his arm around my waist, turns me towards him and says "Look, I really like you. I dont know what it is about you but in these last two days you've made me wanna put my old ways aside for you." He stops and picks up a can of hairspray and spells something in the air. Before I could ask him what he was doing, a bunch of lightning bugs came together and formed the words he wrote - it was crazy looking but legible "Will you be mine?" I put my hands over my mouth and said "Oh my god... yes. Yes! That's the most amazing thing I've ever seen." He grabs me by my waist, picks me up, spins me around and says "Its the corniest thing I've ever done. I thought for sure you were gonna say no. But you said yes." He puts me down, I don't look at him but I res mlmpond, "Yeah, the thing is - I leave today." He steps back "What?" I look up to him and grab his hand, "I was just visiting for the weekend - I should have told you this sooner but I didn't expect for this to happen. That's why I said I'm glad you woke me up early. I have to pack before its time for me to go." He looks at me and says "We'll keep in touch right?" I look down then back up to him with tears in my eyes, "Of course." He steps forward, wipes my eyes and says "Can I help you pack?" Surprised I say "Sure." We walk in silence the whole way back and when we reached my house the lights were on but nobody was there. Still, neither of us has said a word and its been hours. Now its time for me to go. Tomorrow and Kell still haven't come back so I left a note for the both of them on a torn sheet of paper taped to the fridge.

| Left early - See you
| when I get back. I
| love y'all.
| ~Beauty

Finally D'vontez grabs my hand, kisses it and says "I'll be waiting for you when you come back."

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