Chapter 6

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Overall Pain

      "Bae, I dont want you to go back just yet." "Why wouldn't you want me to go back to college? That's my main priority, other than my family, right now." "But bae - that was before you met me." "What does that have to do with my education? Look, I love you but my education comes first. I'm sorry. I'll be done by December. Well, before then actually. I'll be walking in December. It should be on the 18th. Four days after my birthday. Speaking of birthdays, I'm sorry I missed yours. I cant believe you're 21 now." I was smiling but it fades when he gets up and walks to my door sayn "Call me tomorrow before you leave, I love you." Before I could respond the door closes behind him.
      I woke up to my phone ringing. "Hello." Its D'vontez of course, "Good morning beautiful." "You seem to be in a better mood today. What happened between last night and this morning." "I've been doing some thinking. Actually I've been up all night thinking and I've come up with this - Beauty, you are a great girl...." In my mind hes got me thinkn hes about to end it between us but he says "And I was wrong to even ask you not to go back. I just wanted you to consider stayn with me a little while longer, then you could go back." He paused but I thought he was done so I say "I'll be gettin up to pack in a few. If you wanna help you are more than welcome to come now." He sounds disappointed but says says "Okay." That ends out conversation. Two hours later and he doesn't show. So I gave up waiting and hit the road to the airport. I text him on the way there "I'm gone. Hope to hear from you soon, I love you."
      "If everyone would please take their seats and fasten their seatbelts, we will be landing in Panama shortly." Came on the intercom. After we landed and I was exiting the plane, I suddenly had this weird feeling, like I forgot something back home. Then my thoughts were broken by my bestfriends obnoxious screaming and waving "Jaloni... Jaloni!" She runs towards me "I've missed you Jay. Cant wait to hear all about your trip." "Val, I've had a long trip back. I just need some rest." Her face goes from excited to worried, "Okay, but call me if you need me." We drove the whole way back to my apartment in silence. I get out the car, "Thanks for the ride home Val. I'll call you in the morning." "Dont forget... you can call whenever if you need me, I love you." She waves and drives off.
     I walk into my apartment and get this cold chill down my back like something was wrong. I turn on all my lights and look around but theres not a thing out of place. Its exactly how I left it. So I think, maybe I'm just paranoid cuz I left without saying goodbye. Ima text him "D'vontez?" I wait a few seconds and get no response so I text again. "I made it home ok... I'm sure you're upset with me but I love you and I promise things wont change. Have a good rest of the day." I dont wait for a response, instead I hop in the shower and get ready for bed. I have class first thing tomorrow morning.
      I came in looking a hot mess, dark shades on, sweat pants and sweat shirt, my head down and professor Jean is introducing a new student and lecturing us about the assignment due today that I didn't do. I take my seat and a low but familiar monotone voice  says "Jay is that you?" Without looking I say to myself obviously. Then look up to find my bestfriend Ru standing in front of me. I jump up and hug her. "Oh my god, what are you doing here?" "I just transferred here." Ru and I went our separate ways after high school. She went back to Virginia to start college and we lost contact from there on. "I cant believe it. You look amazing Ru." She takes the seat beside me and says "You still written? If so, I'm sure you did this assignment with no problem." She acts like I dont look like I've been through hell and back. I thank her for that and say "Actually I've had alot going on and haven't even started." "So start now. I'm ready to hear what you've got to say." That gave me the inspiration I needed so I started writing.

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