chapter four

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My mind was clogged with horrid and rancid thoughts. I hopped in the shower hoping it would clear my head. The shower seemed to have cleansed the fog of today out of my mind and my head was finally clear. I remember everything that happened during my manic episode and I wish I didn't. It wasn't that bad, but it just wasn't right. Nothing I ever fucking do is right.

I trudge down the stairs into the kitchen and chills rush down my spine. I hurry to find a clean shirt in the pile of laundry, but there was nothing to conceal me from the cold. I toss the wet clothes onto the dining room table when I hear Fiona and V chatting in the living room. I rolled my eyes, annoyed by the fact that there was nothing clean to wear. Suddenly, everything felt annoying. I knelt down and started sifting through the clothes.

" Fi! You gotta t-shirt I can wear?" I continue to sift through the clothes, I yawn. I need to sleep soon. I run my hand through my hair, leaving a wet feeling on my hand, I quickly wipe it on my shorts. Fiona doesn't answer me, I peek my head into the living seeing V sitting on the couch with an unfamiliar man sitting on the floor in front of her.  Fiona was staring while standing in front of them behind the coffee table. She was gawking at him so much her eyes were practically bulging out of her head. He wasn't even that attractive. My thoughts were interrupted by the familiar stomping coming from the stairs. The kids.

I sigh and pull on one of Ian's shirts that for some reason felt a little smaller than usual. Was I gaining weight? It's only a little baggy compared to what I remember. I roll my eyes. Stupid pills, Its just another damn side effect of taking the wrong dosage of lithium, weight gain. I reach my hand under the shirt and fix my bra while walking into the living room.

" I nearly peed myself when you hit him. Well I did a little.'' V laughs with Fiona joining in. I walk through what is supposed to be the dining room but we just use it for storage and Liam's playpen. I kick a toy to the side so I don't trip on it. The guy looks around at all of us,'' How many of you live here?'' I smirk at Lip who is standing by the other side of the couch.

" Not me. I'm one down. But the old guy next door died in March which I guess technically makes up next door neighbors.'' Carl comes over and sits on the ottoman in front of me, I stand behind him and play with his hair which he barely has. Debbie sits on one side of the chest table and Lip sits on the other side.

I look up at the stairs, wheres Ian?'' So you're a nurse Veronica?'' I snort causing V to glare at me for a moment,'' Used to be.'' I actually let out a laugh making the guy look at me again before Fiona speaks,'' Lying bitch.'' Lip looks up and smiles at us,'' She worked housekeeping for Cook County.'' I take over for Lip with a giggle on my lips,'' Bed pans and shit sheets.''

" Fineeee,'' Veronica drawls out,'' but I was offered a place in the nursing school.'' Carl looks up at me for a second and I give him a smile,'' Fineeee,'' Fiona mocks,'' but it never happened.'' She glances at Lip with a smile on her lips,'' They fired her for selling medical supplies on eBay.'' Fiona says matter-of-factly, I grasp Carl's shoulder trying to stop my hands.

" Will you shut up! We don't even know him!'' V hisses, the guy licks his lips before smiling and holding his hand out to Carl,'' Steve.'' Urgg, Steve, what the fuck kind of name is Steve, who names their son, Steve. Carl leans forward and I let my hands fall from his shoulders while he shakes his hand,'' Carl.'' He says with a cheeky smile.

Steve looks up at me,'' Ellis.'' I hold my hand out and once he takes it, I squeeze while shaking. I smirk at the little wince from the pain. He pulls away but I catch him giving Fiona a little raised eyebrow look, she gives me squinted eye look, I flip her off with a smile. Lip holds up his beer with a smirk,'' Lip.''

Debbie stares down at her notepad writing something, she doesn't notice that its her turn to introduce herself, Fiona gives her shoulder a little rub,'' Debbie.'' which doesn't cause her to look up, Steve leans down a bit trying to see she would look up,'' How you doing Debbie?''

She glances up at the coffee table where Steve's watch sat, I could see the gears turning in her head," Nice watch.'' He looks down,'' Oh thanks. Panerai.'' Fiona is about to get with a rich boy, go Fiona, go Fiona, go Fiona. I hope he accidentally leaves his wallet behind, I bet I can swipe it, he just has to stand up and I just have to get close enough, wait. I look down at the watch, the wallet is right next to it.

" Fuck yes.'' I mumble. Carl looks up at me and I give him a smile before looking directly at the wallet his eyes follow mine, he looks up with a smirk. I give him a wink and start to pick up on the conversation.

𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘆

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