chapter 1 : coming together

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The Gatomon sisters


(The Digital World, Many years ago)

Gennai continued to polish the Digi-Eggs.

It seemed like just the other day when he did this with Tai and other DigiDestened's eggs only this time it would be the eggs for there children. Gennai knew that the Digital world would never truly be at peace, there will always be need for DigiDestined to defend the Digital World from whatever would be Ruler or Dictator that would come along, he knew that especially Dark times were coming, that was why these Digimon were going to be stronger, faster, more powerful and so they would be. 

Before he went to bed he decided to take a quick look at the eggs.

The first one was a Biyomon egg, this was no average Biyomon egg though, it was the Daughter of Agumon and Biyomon, she would be given to Tai and Sora's Daughter Atsuko, the connection would be strong between the two, Gennai could feel it, next we're two Gabumon Eggs, one was another offspring of two Digimon. It was the Son of Gabumon and Palmon, this would be the Partner of Matt and Mimi's Son Matthew.
The other was a Black Gabumon egg, this egg would be given to the elder of Izzy and Kari's twin sons, Hatsaharu.
Next was a Gatomon egg, this egg was a special case, not only was this the offspring of Kari's Gatomon but inside the egg were triplets, these three sisters would be the Digimon partners of the younger of the Izumi twins, Michael.

As gennai continued to look over the other eggs, he heard  a loud crashing noise coming from behind him!
He turned his head to see lady Devimon standing behind him.

" What in wor...."

Gennai was grabbed tightly by the throat, lady Devimon looked at him like a cat looking down at a captured mouse.

" My, my, look how old you have become gennai, I think you're even shorter than the last time I saw you."

" What do you want ?!" Gennai struggled to say.

Lady Devimon didn't answer but looked down at the Digi-eggs.

" No, you can't have them!"

" Them, o don't worry gennai, I only need one, for you see, I want my child to have a companion, a fitting servant just like his father."

Gennai then looked down to see Lady Devimon was with child, gennai couldn't Evan imagine how evil a child of Lady Devimon could be.

Lady Devimon then picked up the Egg with the Gatomon triplets.

"This one will do."

Before gennai could say anything lady Devimon threw him to the side of the room!

Lady Devimon then flew into the night sky with the Gatomon triplets egg.

(The Digital World, 2028)

It was so hot, she hated this heat, she wished Sabaku city was in a more tropical area but she knew to complain about it wouldn't help her now so she decided to just keep treding on until she reached the city.
For the past few months, she had moved from village to village and from settlement to settlement, trying to find out who she really was, where she had lived and how she came to be trapped in the Gesomon pit.
When she was living in a gizamon settlement, a Masked humanoid Digimon approached her and told her that he knew where her family was and that she could find them in Sabaku city. He gave her a map and told her that she would find her family in a luxurious townhouse on 23rd street. She wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead and as she did a small mirror dropped from her pack, it was one of the few objects she owned, she bought it from a Kamemon trader.
As she picked it up she looked at the x shaped scar over her right eye. Out of all the questions she wanted to ask her family, she wanted to know how she got this scar. She put the mirror back into her pack and continued to walk towards the city.

Mammothmon walked through the hot desert day, his feet stepping into the hot sand but stopping almost immediately as he noticed a small City in the middle of the Desert.

Mammothmon turned his head and grabbed a hooded Human boy and his Gatomon partner in his trunk and lowered the boy and Gatomon to the ground.

"Thanks for the ride, Mammothmon, we'll only be here for an hour then we'll head back to the temple."

Mammothmon gave them a small roar then began to walk over to a small watering hole.

" Remind me again, why we are  here ?" The boy's Gatomon said as she scratched at her triangle-shaped scar.

The boy took off his hood and revealed himself to be Micheal Izumi.

"We are here because one of Kaito's contacts said that he found someone I've been looking for," Micheal said as he and Tri Gatomon walked into the city.

"Who could you be looking for, I thought guys rounded up all the Anti-Digidestned?"

"Not all of them, we did get most of them but I'm not looking for any of them."

"Then who are we looking for? Also, why did you bring me with you, I thought Meicoomon was your go-to Digimon?"

"I decided to give her the day off, besides I thought this would be a good opportunity for the two of us to get to know each other better besides knowing the asset we're hunting personally so you will prove very useful in her capture."

Tri Gatomon was a bit confused when she heard Michael say this but after a few seconds she figured out who he was talking about.

"Wait, are you talking about..."

Michael got out his Homemade D-3 and it showed a hologram of one of Tri Gatomon's sister, Zero.

To be continued

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