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Monday night meant a return to the beach and a return to Rebecca taking all the pictures she could of Kennedy, from every angle humanly possible. The morning had been full of Kennedy instructing her on the best way to take every picture, checking whether or not she had the phone on Portrait Mode, and insisting on scrolling through the shots after every five pictures were taken. Rebecca wasn't sure if it was Kennedy's insane desire to ensure she never had a bad picture or if she simply didn't trust Rebecca to take a good one.

They got food at SeaScapes Beach House by the beach before deciding to head back to the Airbnb. Rebecca felt herself becoming obsessive about checking Drew's account's likes, as they seemed to rise by the second. She wasn't sure how it was happening, or why, but they were starting to become something.

But Monday night came all too quickly and Kennedy wanted another beach shoot, but this time at night, with the pier behind her and the flash of her phone going off every three seconds in Rebecca's hand.

"Did you get that?" Kennedy asked, the sunset gone and the only light for miles coming from the phone, "Did it look alright?"

Rebecca nodded to both questions, feeling like her eyes were being blinded by the phone in front of her.

"Yeah, they all look perfect." She shook her head as she scrolled through a few of them, "Like...actually perfect." It amazed her how a human being could manage to look completely flawless in every picture, from every angle, every. Single. Time.

"Don't lie to me, Rebecca." Kennedy rolled her eyes, but her expression was clear: she believed Rebecca and was basking in her praise. It didn't even bother Rebecca; it felt like she was supposed to be bothered by it. She was sure that she would have been bothered by it, had the person basking in her praise been anyone other than Kennedy. But Kennedy Abrams smiling widely at anything Rebecca said made her heart skip a beat, in a way she wasn't sure she recognized too well.

"I wouldn't dare." Rebecca laughed slightly, continuing to take pictures as Kennedy changed poses left and right.

Less than an hour later found the girls walking back towards Rebecca's car, sand all over their feet and both giggling like children about a joke neither could really remember. They put their bags in the backseat before going around the car.

"Hey, I can drive back." Kennedy offered as Rebecca was about to open the driver's door, "You've been driving this whole time."

Rebecca shrugged slightly.


She didn't mention that the drive back to the Airbnb was probably fifteen minutes, while she had driven over eight hours down to Tampa in the first place. There was no point in being petty. Probably.

Rebecca walked over to the passenger's side and climbed in, closing the door behind her as Kennedy started the car.

"I can pull the Airbnb up on my GPS—"

"It's fine." Kennedy shook her head, "I can figure it out."

Rebecca shrugged.


The two drove for a few minutes before Rebecca saw the left turn signal on when she was pretty sure they were supposed to be turning right. But Kennedy had said she knew what was going on, and there was really no blatant reason to distrust her.

Until fifteen minutes had passed, and the girls were on a dark one-way street with trees shrouding either side of a road they had never seen before.

"Can I turn on my GPS now?" Rebecca asked in annoyance, "We're very clearly lost."

Kennedy shook her head.

"I'm just taking the scenic route, Rebecca. Chill out."

"Chill out? You're acting like a stereotypical dad at the beginning of a movie where the car breaks down and the serial killer finds them on the side of the road."

"Don't you think that's a little bit dramatic?" Kennedy asked, picking up speed a bit. "Your car isn't going to break down."

As if the car had heard her and decided to jinx itself, one of the headlights went out from in front of them, leaving the only illumination on the road one dim headlight and absolutely nothing else. No streetlights, no other cars, no light from the moon shining through the trees. Just the one headlight. And Rebecca was about ready to scream.

"You jinxed it." She muttered.

"Oh, are we in middle school now?"

"Are you really trying to pick a fight with me after I spent the majority of my day taking pictures of you?" Rebecca snapped as Kennedy continued to drive faster, her level of anger seemingly linked to the speed of the car.

"You said you liked doing that!"

"I liked it for the first hour, not the last seven."

"Why are you being so dramatic today?" Kennedy demanded, "I picked you because you didn't seem dramatic."

"Picked me?" Rebecca repeated, "What do you mean you—"

Her sentence was cut off by a scream as the car hit something with violent force and the windshield cracked loudly. Kennedy was silent as she slammed on the brakes and opened her car door to see what had happened as Rebecca stayed in her seat, the seatbelt pressing against her neck and her heart beating faster than it ever had before.

"Was it a deer?" She asked softly as Kennedy went around to the back of the car, where the object had landed after being hit. She watched Kennedy from the side mirror—watched as she shone her phone's flashlight down on the ground and her eyes became so wide that Rebecca could see the change from the front of the car.

"Kennedy?" Rebecca called out, "Was it a deer?"

Kennedy's head rose slowly from her phone and looked directly at Rebecca through the side mirror. She was still for a moment before very, very slowly, shaking her head 'no.'

A/N: Uh oh.

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