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"Hi, this is Rachel Eaves returning a phone call for Lydia Farrow."

They had decided at the account's beginning that it would be easiest for Rebecca, as the account's general manager and agent, to keep her last name so that she could sign 'R. Eaves' on any legal forms that came up and they would be legitimate without giving themselves away. But using her real first name seemed a bit too stupid, so they had decided to go with 'Rachel.'

After the issue with the news article, Rebecca had spent the rest of her Sunday looking through the different emails and text messages she had received as Drew Parley's manager, asking for collaborations. Most of them seemed too sketchy to risk sending Kennedy into, but there were a few that seemed normal. Rebecca wanted to start small, though, so she had decided to only go with one offer for the time being—enough to put any possible rumors to rest without rocking the boat too much.

Lydia Farrow, from what Rebecca could tell, was a famous and legitimate model who had contacted the girls asking to do a photoshoot with Kennedy, because she thought the two would look good together in an ad. It seemed innocent enough, and Rebecca had decided to go for it.

"Eaves?" The girl on the other end of the phone repeated, "From Drew Parley's management?"

Rebecca tried not to sigh too loudly.

"Yes, that's the one." She replied, "May I speak with Ms Farrow?"

"I can get things set up for the two of them." The girl replied, "I'm May Fairweather, Lydia's assistant."

That sounded like a fake name, but Rebecca shrugged to herself. Drew Parley was a fake name.

"Great." Rebecca answered, "How about we find a time for Drew and Lydia to do a shoot together? We received contact from Lydia showing interest in the idea."

"We would be honored to do so." May replied. Rebecca decided she didn't like the girl; who was 'honored' to work with an Instagram influencer when they were a successful, household-name model. "What day works for Ms Parley?"

Rebecca thought for a second. Weekends, since Kennedy happened to actually be a college student who needed to pass her classes—regardless of whether or not she enjoyed showing up for said classes.

"This upcoming Saturday or Sunday would work best." Rebecca offered, "My client has prior commitments during the week."

"Ms Farrow could do Saturday." May responded, "Does Ms Parley have any requests for the shoot? Anything she is unwilling to do?"

"We would prefer not to do any lingerie or swimsuit shoots." Rebecca answered immediately, "We feel that Ms Parley's first collaboration shouldn't be so...risqué."

She could hear May stifling a laugh from the other end of the phone.

"No risqué shoots. Got it." Typing echoed from the other line, "Should we say to meet around noon? We have a shooting location in Henderson that would work great for the two."

Rebecca quickly typed 'Henderson' into her search bar to make sure it was a drive they could reasonably make. Henderson, North Carolina was an hour and a half from Clemson.

"Yes, noon would work. Can you send over the address of the shoot?"

"Sure. I'll email it along with a copy of the contract. We'll have you sign it to ensure that we have Ms Parley's commitment to be at the shoot at the agreed upon time."

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