Now what? 🍒

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     I stood there amazed at what I saw. The concert had just ended and since I was in the front row, pouya and Ruby kept looking at me. It was sweet, and honestly I was kinda crushing on them both. I felt bad I didn't know them at all before! They're amazing!!

     "Autumn come on!" Ruby was still on stage and had his hand out for me to grab.

The arena was slowly becoming less and less people. But the ones who stayed I know was staring at us. I grabbed his hand and he lifted me on the stage. I was so happy. I was using one hand to cover my ass and the other with ruby. I know someone might end up looking at my ass.

We went to the what I'm guess was the tour bus and there's where I saw them all.

"Aye! She came.! Alright alright." Pouya said as he gave me a sideways hug. And so did a few others, including scrim.

"Come on sit down. Scott was rolling a few blunts so it could be ready any second." Pouya stood up to let me take his spot and I did.

Ruby stood beside me and started talking with a few others.

"Alright. Autumn this is Eric-" Ghostemane waved at me "you know ruby and Scott. Ummm. Max is the dude with the camera. And I don't remember saying it but you can call me Kevin." He smiled at me as Scott came over with blunts in his hand. He had enough for everyone to have their own.

"Ight. One for Kevin-" he handed him one "one for cous-" ruby was handed one and already had his lighter ready. "One for Eric." He took his but waited to spark it. "And one for Shawty over here." He handed me one and winked at me. Ruby took his lighter and handed it to me.

"Thank you ruby." I sparked it and took a long hit and slowly exhaled it. Eric turned on some music as Kevin got up to dance.

I laughed as they ended up dancing together. It was going to be a good night.

The high kicked in slightly fast. Now too long, but it wasn't quick. Somehow vodka got into the mix and so did some xans and percs.

I laid back as everyone was doing something, but it didn't take long for someone to join me.

"You want one Shawty?" I was surprised to hear ruby talking to me, and calling me that. Seems like that's Scott's name for me. I shrugged the thought away and he gave me two xans.

"You ever do those before?" I shook my head as he smirked at me.

"Alright lemme have one back then." I smiled and gave him one back and downed the other.

"Damn. For someone who hasn't done them you know how to dry swallow them?" He said and I laughed. The xan kicked in as soon as it went down.

I grabbed onto Ruby's arm scared at first as to what would happen.

"Calm down. It's just a high. Just a different way of getting it." He said as his hand went onto my thigh. There was something different about him now? Like there was a need that wasn't there before? It's just the xan. Don't think to much. I laughed as Scott was trying to get me to dance with him.

"Come on! You can do it. Come on that ass has got to know how to throw it back. Just once?" He turned me around as I saw ruby stand up about to break us up. I giggled and slowly started throwing it back. It wasn't something I was good at so when I felt hands go around my waist, I felt even more confident. Slowly I got closer and closer to grinding on Scott. Then I heard someone say something and the hands on my waist disappear. I couldn't tell what was said because the music was so loud. I felt hands returning but it wasn't like Scott's. I looked back to see ruby behind me. He turned me around and we started to dance normally.

"Don't do that to anyone else ever again. I've already claimed you shorty.", he whispered in my ear.

I was confused at first, but the high made me slowly forget.

"Aye. Looks like ruby got your girl scrim!" I heard Kevin shout. Everyone just laughed as I melted into Ruby's arms.

      Me and ruby ended up talking and listening to music while everyone else was still getting high. We were in the back of the bus and were sitting on the couch.

"Aristos? I'm hoping I said that right?" I said laughing.

"Yea you fine. Autumn was it? I mean is that really it?"

"Yea. Autumn rose. It makes no sense I know." Ruby pushes a random piece of hair behind my ear as he looked into my eyes. He was so handsome. I mean, to me he was.

"C can i um. Wow. Um is it okay if I kiss you?" I said as my hand ended up on his leg. He didn't respond he just kissed me. It was nice and you could feel the need.

Maybe it was the xans or having someone near me while I was high? But I couldn't help myself anymore. I kissed him harder as I slowly got up and ended up in his lap. He stood up as I wrapped my legs around him and laid me on the bed they had, never breaking the kiss.

"You sure you want me?" He asked. I shook my head as he pulled up my shirt. He slowly kissed down my body, adding little bites every so often. I moaned as he slowly took off my skirt and my panties. The cold air that hit me sent shivers down my spine.

"Flip over now." He said. I slowly turn around scared at first. He made it to we're my ass was in the air. Smack. I felt my ass slowly burn, but it just had me want him more. I heard him groan under his breath as I felt kisses go down me. He got down to my ass and gave it a light bite. I moaned as he inserted a finger in me. It was slow at first and slowly went faster and deeper. I moaned loud and louder the faster he went.

"Shh. Be a lil more quiet shawty. We don't want anyone saying what's mine." He said as he stopped. He flipped me over and I unbuttoned his pants. I pulled them down along with his boxer. I was greeted with what I know was more than what i could take. I only got more nervous as he ripped open a little golden package. He throw the wrapper somewhere in the room as I felt him at my entrance.

"You ready-"

"Aye ruby! We're gonna go get som- holy fuck! Oddys fuckin shawty in here!" I saw ruby get up and grab him pants as I covered myself with the covers.

Ruby flipped them off as I laughed. He throw me my clothes as I put them back on.

It was fun while it lasted.

~ okay! So. Um. I've never done smut so I'm not sure how that was. But. They'll get there time soon ;)
Word count: 1237 words

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