Its all fine! 🍒

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I woke up on the floor. I don't remember sleeping on the floor? I looked at the clock on the bedside table to see that it was 12 pm the next day. I looked around to see no one in the room. I sighed as I looked around to find my phone. I dialed ruby's number as it ringed.

Just as it stopped ringing, the door opened to reveal ruby.
"Ruby!", I said running up to him as I hugged him. I could feel myself start to tear up but I didn't want to cry. "Baby I'm fine. Scrim prolly told you what happen." he kissed my neck, and slowly pushed me against the wall. It was nice to have him being like this after not even being here the night before. After that I don't really remember much.

I woke up to being cuddled up to ruby. He was just laying there watching tv, his arms wrapped around me. I snuggled more into him causing him to look at me.

"You up baby girl?" I smiled at the name. It had been forever since anyone called me anything besides my own name.

"Yeah. What are you-" I was interrupted with the door opening to reveal Scott. I frowned, I felt horrible about the way he looked. The blood still covering his face in random spots along with his hair messed up completely. He walked to the other bed in the room and just sat there doing nothing. I tried to get up but Ruby's grip was tight on me. I smiled at him and moved his arm. I went to the bathroom and grabbed a rag. I put some water on it and went over to Scott.

"Let me clean you up. That okay?" I asked. He nodded and looked down. I sighed and easily rubbed the dried blood off of him. He flinched slightly at my every touch. I frowned and continued.

"I'm sorry about everything autumn. I'm not in my best place, but I wanna start over. I mean, I got my cousin 'bout to beat the shit outta me cuz of something I did. Me and him ain't never fought like this. I'm sorry." He said trying to have a friendly smile. It's been a few weeks since him doing that to me and he hasn't once spoke to me. I was shocked, but I smiled back and nodded. I didn't want to come between them. They're the real family.

I laughed as Scott has trying to balance on his bed without falling. We had decided to do play a game of truth or dare, all three of us. My dare to him was to stand on the bed and balance. My thought was the weed and alcohol would make him fall. Ruby was on the floor as Scott slowly started to walk on the bed. His head almost hitting the top.

"Okay autumn your turn! Truth or dare?"
"Truth Scotty boy." I said grabbing my beer and taking a sip.
"Do you feel better bein near me now?" I looked at him for a second trying to figure out what to say. I was fine being near him but what he had done hurt me and the idea of it sent me to tears. They were my family, I didn't want to loose family.

I nodded and took a longer sip of my beer. Ruby looked at me concerned but shook it off. I smiled and grabbed my phone. I stood up as I turned on some music from their new album. Ruby looked at me and smirked at me. He seems happy. Better.
"Autumn love. Sit back down. I want you back n in arms!" He said as he tried to tangle me back down to him. Scott smirked at us and walked to his bed. We all ended up laying back for a while and just watching YouTube videos or listening to music. The night was actually pretty amazing after everything was fixed.

Hey loves. It's been a while hasn't it? And trust me when I say.. GOD IVE MISSED WRITING THIS STORY!! I really didn't know where tf to go with it but I might have an idea so stuck around if you wanna find out!!

Word count:718 words

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