That look? 🍒

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I woke up confused on where I was at. I turned off and fell onto the ground. Fuck! I looked around and all I saw was bunks. Guess I fell out? My head was pounding and I couldn't find my things.

" oh shit autumn. You okay?" I look up to see ruby!
"Wait why am I in a bunk? I thought we were just smoking?"

"So you don't remember-" I shook my head no and he smirked. "Me and you got a lil close it seemed."

"I FOUND YOU AND ODDY FUCKIN" i heard someone shout. It was Scott.. this is amazing.

"It's nice to know what happened at least. I guess I should go now." I said grabbing my things. They were on some table.

"Hey wait. Um. You ended up telling me you don't like one spot. Livin in one spot. So why don't you come with us? We're still on tour for only a few months tho but you'll love it?" Ruby said. He seems happy with me? Seconds after he asked, Kevin Eric and Scott were with us.

"Y yea. Sure why not." I said. Everyone cheered and hugged me.

"Good cuz we gotta leave for the next show. Got anymore things on you" Kevin said putting his arm around me.

"Shit what about my car!?"

"Leave it here til tour ends. I mean we gotta come through here to get home anyways." I nodded.

"Let's go get ya shit shawty" scrim said. He didn't seem happy anymore.

(Real note: listening to them while editing is great cuz no one in my house knows what they're saying!!)

We got all of my things, then ended up leaving for the next location. It was in LA. (Probably don't go there next but idc!) Shockingly, ive never been to LA. I've heard that it's amazing and there's a few people I like that lives there! The trip was fun. We spend more of the time just getting high and was just enjoying the way there.

Slowly, I'm getting the hang of how much these guys are high or on pills. It's weird because it didn't bug me, but I know people who it would bug.

"And here we are!" Kevin said. We were pulled up in front of a gorgeous hotel. Saying it looks like a million bucks was an understatement.

"How do you pay for this?!" I said. It was so so so SO gorgeous. Yes I said it twice.

"It's nice oddy" Eric said. We went to our rooms. It was ruby and Scott. Then Eric and Kevin. And they gave me my own room. I was kinda upset about it but it's fine.

      It was about time for the next concert and since I wanted to have time to myself for the first time in years, I decided to stay at the hotel.

"You'll be okay right? You promise?" I was surprised to see ruby saying that. I mean I see Kevin, maybe even Scott but not ruby.

"Aristos I'll be fine don't worry. I'm literally just gonna relax and take a bath. Maybe go get food?"

"Keep your phone on you and wherever you go tell me. I don't wanna lose you in a city like this." He said as everyone else go to leave.

"Bye shawty. Be careful okay?" Kevin said giving me a hug. Everyone else said bye and left the room as ruby stayed.

"Be careful with what's mine lil' thing.", he said and kissed me. He made it quick and short. But you could tell he meant it.

     For a hotel, the bath was amazing! It had jets in it! It was so relax to just sit there and relax. Sadly, with my random moment headass, I thought it was a good idea to go out get hair dye and dye my hair. And that's what I did! I didn't bother texting ruby or anyone because I know I wouldn't be long.

When I got back, I ended up hanging out in Ruby and Scott's room. I just felt better in there. I got everything set up and my Netflix was playing on my hair.

Kevvyy: Hey shawty. You holding up okay?

Shit. "Hey Siri. Text back kevvyy. 'Yea I'm okay. I'm dying my hair at the moment'. This guy couldn't have at least texted when I was waiting for it to set?" I said pushing play with my pinky.

The color was a pastel purple with my same black roots from before. Im okay at this but I don't wanna screw up my roots with bleach. It was easy to do so it wasn't long before I was done and washing it out.

      "And done." I said as I finished straightening my fresh dyed hair. It looked so amazing. I put my clothes with the dye, in a corner of the room to pick up later.

As I was throwing those in the corner, I found a hoodie with "FTP" all over it. (If she already has one I'm sorry but this ones Ruby's) I put it on knowing that the owner wouldn't mind it on me. It was a little big but I liked hoodies like that. I say down on the bed as the door opened.

"I told you he'd smoke it all in the car! That's all scrim d-" Eric said as everyone but Kevin looked shocked.

"Damn girl you know how to do hair" Kevin said giving me a side hug. Ruby looked at me with a hungry look I'm his eyes. I thought he'd be tired from preforming. I guess not?

"Shi' lil thing over here looking even better now. And oddys shit on her!" Scott said pointing to the hoodie.

Ruby stepped closer and closer to me then kissed me. I've never felt such hunger and such need before. No matter what anyone said I couldn't hear it. Only the sound of his lips against mine.

~so I've done a lot. Like go back to school, pulled my side? It might be something more idk. But still I'm going through a lot rn so I'm trying to upload. Please don't be mad or hate me if it takes a little bit. 🤍

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