First thing cherry flavored 🍒

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It was later that week and Kevin along with Eric had to go back home. Since they were with ruby and scrim, only for a slight part of the tour. It was sad to see them go but I also know it wouldn't be the same time I see either of them.

"Come on Kev. I'll see you soon I promise!" I said as he hugged me. He was cried but you know it was fake asf. I laughed as Eric came to hug me.

"Alright lil' girl. You gonna watch over these two? They're stupid stupid" he asked as ruby yelped in défense

"Yea I'll watch them. They're not leaving my site!" I said walking over to ruby and standing in front on him. He wrapped his arms around me and slightly picked me up and moved me to the side.

"Yea, she'll totallyyy stop me" he said smiling. I rolled me eyes and gave both of them one last hug before they left.

"So wait it's actually over a real suicide pact? Like you're not just making that up?" I asked.

Me, ruby and Scott were all sitting in the bus now as we were being driven to the next location on tour. Since I didn't technically know ANYTHING about them, I was finally learning about the people I've been staying with. After almost a month.

It's not gonna last that much longer autumn.

"Yep. To be famous. You gotta do some crazy shit." Ruby said. Scrim was in the room but since our first night together or when I dyed my hair, he's been distant from me? It was weird and I hated it.

"Well yea. That explains why so many people die." I shrugged. I heard Scott smirk, then he got up to leave the area.

"Okay real talk. Why's he being like that to me?" Ruby just shrugged.

"Maybe he still ain't used to people with us this long? We both hit 'nd quit. We're used too. Til you came along." He put his hand on my cheek. Before I know it we were escalating quick, And I was getting onto his lap. I straddled him as he tried getting me out.

"Nah, this ain't gonna be like last time." He got up locked the door then came back to me and took off his belt. I honestly thought he was gonna spank me with it, but he grabbed both of my hands and tied them up. He pulled down my leggings and the thong.

"Flip over and I want that ass in the air" I did as I was told as he took my leggings off. I Heard him walk to a dresser as pull out something, then I heard his footsteps move back to behind me.

"Now. Let's see how bad you want it." He said as I felt him stick two fingers in me. It felt so good and I didn't want him to stop. He slowly went faster as my walls clenched onto his fingers. I felt everything in me be hit with pleasure.

My back arched as I felt myself cum. I heard him mumble something but I was so high of the pleasure I didn't care. He took off everything of his and before I knew it he was inside me.

"Fuck you're so goddamn tight baby" he said a he slowly started moving faster. I felt my tits bouncing around as he went deeper in me. He grabbed them and growled at me as he bite my nipple. It felt so good! I grabbed onto his back as he got more aggressive with his thrusts. I felt myself finally at the edge of everything.

"Fuck baby. I'm gonna cum." He growled as he kissed me one last time. He pulled out and came all over my stomach. It was so warm that it was weird? He laid beside me as I turned to my side to kiss him.

"AYE. YOULL DONE FUCKIN IN THERE! WE NEEDA GET SOME FOOD!" Scott yelled. I giggled as Ari rolled his eyes. He got up and got a towel. I didn't question how there was one randomly in this room. I wiped his cum off me and put back on my clothes. Ruby was done when I was, so we opened the door to see an impatient scrim.

"Fuckin finally. I want my nuggets!" He rolled his eyes as we looked around. We were at a McDonald's. We got out and got so food.

"Howd he eat those with no sauce?! THEYRE DRY AS A MOTHER FUCKER.!" I said sipping on my coke. As we were eating, ruby told me that tonight we'd have to stay in the bus instead of a hotel.

I didn't mind, as long as I still had him with me. I sat on the couch as both the boys followed, and before I know it, that tired sex feeling hit me. I tried to fight it, but I slowly felt myself fall asleep. I was happy tho, because the last time I felt was ruby pull me to his chest.

~I've been gone.. and I'm sorry but I've been busy with school and the writing contest there. So yea. Next chapter won't be long away? Maybe some drama? I have an idea for it so I'm hoping it works out how I want. Lol. But thanks for reading and I'll catch you later!!! 🤍

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