where'd ruby go? 🍒

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Its been a week since the whole scrim thing happened and we still haven't talked really. It was weird, because every time it had to he us in the room together he always seemed to be on something. I felt bad, but during that month he needed up getting a girlfriend. I didn't know her name or anything about her just that there was one.

"Autumn. Were here", ruby shakes me as I was trying to wake up. We were in Atlanta for the next few days. The show itself was in 2 days but we had the next few days to ourselves. I groaned as I felt someone pick me up. "Noooooo. Sleeppp."

"We can cuddle and take a nap in the room babe-" I opened my eyes to see someone's back. Shocker. I tried to turn to see who it was but I failed.

Finally we got to the room and I saw sho carried me up here.
"Scrim whyd you-"
"Aww shit. Oddys gonna kill me" he said as he sighed.
" what-"
"You and my girl look the same and pparently y'all sound the same when you tired i-"

"SCRIM AUTUMNS GO-" I turned to see a worried ruby, but that slowly turned into anger.
"The fuck you doing with my girl" ruby went over and was now in scotts face.

"Not my fault they look and sound the same." scrim grabbed a blunt that he had in his pocket, and right as he was about to spark ruby took it from his grasp.
"Nah. My girls got lavender hair, not the bullshit black yours has. You hang confuse that shit up, so what's she doing in here?!" I ran over to ruby and hugged him.

"Aristos. Calm down.. Please baby." why did I just call him that? Shit.. Ruby looked me up and down, and his look changed.
"Fine. Just don't want the same shit to happen again" ruby picked me up and carried me to his room.

"You mean it when you said babe?" i was in the bathroom as Ari was on the bed scrolling through his phone.
"Of course I did. Please don't hate me for it. I know it wasn't the right moment for it but I couldn't help but-" he interrupted me by kissing me. It was nice and sweet. Not too hard either. I smiled as he kept kissing me. I love this guy. Wait..

"So.. What do you want to do about us?"
"Shawty its always been us.?"
"No. I mean like.. You actually like me?" he just smirked and kissed me again. It was just new to me that you actually was into me even if its fake.

"Ill be back in a few. I wanna go get a few snacks then nerve we can chill and watch some movies?" I said. I honestly thought ruby would say no but he looked at me and nodded.

"Just be back soon. I'm already miss in yo ass" he said as her came up and kissed me. I smiled and walked out of the door.

The store didn't have anything good it seemed. Nothing but snacks we already had at the hotel. It was frustrating, its whatever. I got a few things of snacks and some random little snack that I was one of the few people in the world to like. I sighed as I went up the checkout. I smiled at the clerk.

"Find everything okay?" the clerk said.
"Oh um. Yeah. About as good as I can. Most of the snacks here my friends have at the hotel now so. I did the best I could" I said a little ashamed that i just wanted about something dumb.
"Oh cool. You from here or?"
"Oh no. I'm from Seattle technically but I'm on tour and were taking a few days break here"
"Oh. What are you on tour for?"
"A band. Suicideboys?"
"That will be 12.43 and I haven't heard of them sorry" she said. I pulled my card out and handed it to her.
"Here you go. I hope you have an amazing time traveling" she said as I grabbed the bags. I walked out the door and waited for my uber to get here.

"Hey guys I'm ba-" I looked around the room to see everything destroyed. The bags dropped out of my hand as I slowly walked in the door. I looked around to see Scott on the floor and ruby no where in slight.
"W where is he? WHERES RUBY AT SCOTT!?" tears slowly started to form in my eyes.
"He um.. I didnt mean to.."
"S Scott what did you do to him?"
"He found me.. I shot up... He saw... Beat my ass about it... I don't know where he went after that." he said crying a little. I ran out the room and dialed ruby's number.. I went straight to voicemail..

Its been a while i know but its probably gonna be longer if I'm grounded so I wanted to update now. Love y'all <3 word count 849 words

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