A mistake? 🍒

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I woke up to not being with ruby, but in a bunk.. I frowned and looked around. Everyone was asleep, but scrim? I got up and went over to him. He was in his bunk on the laptop.

"I've been here a month and haven't seen you work once." I said. He smirked and rolled him eyes.

"Okay you were nice earlier! What's your problem with me?!" He looked at me and stepped down to be in front of me.

"You that stupid? You, you. I want you. But you apparently want only oddy" he had me backed up onto the wall. Honestly the idea of being with Scott have come to my mind once before, but that was the first day we ever hung out.

"What's he got that I don'? Why's he get you? That ass and those tits?" He slowly put his hand down and grabbed my ass.

"S-Scott I'm not no ones. J just ruby shows me-"
"Oh I can show you anything" he grabbed harder and picked me up and wrapped my legs around his torso. He was so skinny that my legs wrapped around him way too easy. Scrim attacked my neck as I tried to keep quiet. I didn't want ruby to know about this at all.

"S Scott this Isn't right what if-"

"What if nothin. Shawty I want you that's final."

"Scott p please stop." I said as he kept attacking my neck and tried to take my shirt off. "Y your speeded out. P please stop!! " my eyes teared up as he finally looked at me. He set me down and backed away.

"Shawty.. I-"

"The fucks all the noise about?" I heard ruby's voice and he just stood there and looked at me.

"Hey hey. What's wrong?" I tried speaking but I couldn't ruby looked at scrim and back at me.

"You did this?" scrim didn't say anything which just made ruby more mad. He went over to scrim and punched him right in the nose.

"Ruby stop! Its not like that!" I said trying to hold him back.

"Its not!? Then whys he look guilty and your shirts ripped?" I looked down and saw my shirt. I didn't even hear it rip. Ruby started punching at scrim more as I still tried to pull him off.

"AYE BITCHES WHATS U-" I looked at the door to see Kevin stepping in. He ran over and grabbed ruby off scrim.

"So much for a nice surprise." he looked at ruby, at first he seemed mad til he looked at me. His eyes showing pity.

"Hey kid.. What's going on here?" I shook my head.

"Scrim over here tryna fuck her. God knows what he's on!" ruby screamed at Scott. He didn't move, probably cause he was on so much. Kevin looked back at scrim then me.

"That true kid?" I shook my head slowly, only out of how scared I was. I didn't know ruby would be this mad about me. He shook his head and got out of kevs grip and hugged me. I didn't do anything but crying silently and hug back.

It was the next day, and the boys had a free day. Which meant that we all stayed in the bus. I didn't want to move, and since ruby brought me to bed with him, I haven't. I was scared to be near Scott again.

Kevin was sitting on the edge of the bed as I was curled up to ruby. We were watching the Genius video of O Pana. You could see ruby cringing at the video. Mostly because of how Scott looked the same then as he did last night. I curled up more to ruby as he sighed.

"Mamas I know last night was messed up. And I should have said sorry, but I didn't so I'm sorry for Not waking up sooner." I looked up at ruby and wanted to cry. He looked so disappointed in himself. I hated it.

"Its not your fault.. I just wanted to know what his problem with me w was." it hurt me to think of what happened. I looked at my shirt. I honestly forgot about it being ripped, which meant that ruby could stare at me. But I didn't care.

"Ruby.. Can I get a new shirt.?" I could get one of mine but it was near Scott. If he was even here. Kevin got up to get my bag and picked out one of my shirt. It was a loose shirt with FTP on it. Ruby gave it to me one day and I had it into a shirt that was my style.

I put it on and felt ruby look at me. He seemed upset still, but I couldn't do anything about it.

"Hey y'all wanna smoke?" Kevin said.

"Only if shawty wants too?" ruby looked at me as I nodded. Ruby smiled and kissed my forehead.

~ its short I know but I wanted a new chapter out for Valentine's day so have fun! Also. THEYRE NEW ALBUM DROPS TMRW. IM SO EXCITED. anyways. Hope you'll have an amazing day! <3

Paris // $uicideboy$🍒Where stories live. Discover now