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It was hard to tell

The dark is consuming

So quiet its suffocating

But yet there is a light

Its comforting to see...

O n l y  y o u  c a n t  r e a c h  i t

Sucalamo seeming to have been prepared for this had a small light seeming not to help that much. She looked toward zenamo not wanting him to leave.

As they continued on sucalamo heard a sound she has never heard before she was fine.

Before they came zenamo decided that for once he should study about the dark lands before leaving because of that he knew that all the shadow cats wher long gone after the battle between dark and light.

/                                                                    \
\________Zenamo's point of view_______/

I was following my sister as for not wanting to be getting lost in the seemingly everlasting darkness. Me and sis both knew the 'could be karma' of speaking for I heard that the deathly doogly is here in the dark somewhere...

That terrifying beast with its sharp teeth and claws that always stuck out... it has size advantages against all cats too...

We heard a sound of crumbling leaves and as timed perfectly a cat jumped out of a flaming bush. "Who the fuck are you?! Someone with a death wish?!" Sis whispered to the cat "n-no" he replied.

"Sorry bout my sister....she's a bit...aggresive sometimes"

"No its fine"

"So... got a name"


We were all silent again.....

A noise counts the time

Seeming with a chime

Slowly counting down

That's the chime that's heard

All the way around

With a crash

And a bang

Crash bang


sucalamo and zenamo!!!Where stories live. Discover now