the darkness falls

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sucalamo's point of veiw

we eventually left the place alone with the feeling of being watched from the shadows. It's kinda strange. a cat came out of nowhere, strange messages, and a shadowy cat. no one else is seeming to care about it though maybe I should ignore it to... its just I cant shake this feeling that eventually I would be staring into hell all alone...

I feel a tail slap my face

zenamo was angerly whispering "pay attention idiot"

"okay okay dumbass"

he looked pissed... they want to leave so should I but I don't! why not stay? we need an ACTUAL story to tell people not just a fucking bet on a fight!

I look around... wait where are they?


third person (or rather cat) point of view

someone heard there scream... they didn't come... instead the laughed yet the smaller couldn't hear the laughter of the other........

the taller thought and wanted to see their fear. he wanted to laugh at their stupidity. he wanted to continue his little song. he wanted the other to hear him... he sent his friend to scare the shit out of the eldest out of the smaller cats and now the smaller was here. oh how his wonderful work paid off! finally a FUN puppet not one that will run. but one that he could SHATTER.

and so he kept going piece by piece of his song. making it so the smaller could hear him.

"and now you see a brilliant light that you want to see."

"showing you again and again of the salvation that cannot come"

"mocking you mocking you out of reach"

"but now your trapped even if you run I will come"

'following following to mock you to mock you"

"for your salvation cannot come"

"the four eyes come they come to help you run"

"to give you salvation that will not come"

"by showing you hell"

"by killing out stars"

"by making sure you don't go"

"and all you do is die"

"the four eyes the four eyes"

"so nice so nice"

"want your life want your life"

"to be in there paws"

"to kill so fun so nice these four eyes"

"so nice so nice"

(if you have any suggestions for the story put them in the comments I will look at all of them)

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