Not wanted. Not needed.

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⚠️ - Talks about depression and some things that happens with it

Virgil knew he was making a gamble. Trusting a liar takes a lot of patience. But Deceit was the only one who he could talk to without being upset about worrying him. He knew depression was a lot to deal with. He knew the pain Virgil went through, and maybe had the slightest feeling of empathy. Maybe.

That's what was going through Virgil's head as he looked upon the half snake face he knew so well. He had just finished spilling the last details of his most recent crappy day. Deceit didn't show any emotion on his face, but it seemed he was thinking. They were sitting on Virgil's black and purple patchwork quilted bed .At last he sighed.

"You do realise that these depressive thoughts are very easy to get rid of." He replied, emphasising the lie. Virgil nodded. "It's just so hard to focus lately with them all rushing through my head." he said, rubbing his temples. Deceit nodded as well.

"Well, seeing as you are and always will be Anxiety, there is much we can do," he commented. Virgil groaned and rolled over on his bed. "I guess it's a packaged deal," he replied, "Buy one anxiety, get one depression free!" he joked.

Deceit allowed a tiny smile to appear on his face. Then, he appeared to be lost in thought again. "I suppose..." he began. Virgil lifted his head. "Yes?"

Deceit looked at him dead in the eye. It was kind of unnerving. "There might be a way to lessen your thoughts." He said slowly. Virgil propped his head on his hands. "I'm listening."

Deceit's eye flashed. "But we can't do it here." His eye flashed once more and they found themselves standing in a dark, murky area. Virgil immediately recognised it. The Darkscape. The dark sides version of the MindPalace.

"Why?-" Virgil began. "Shh." Deceit cut him off. His eyes glowed yellow for a second, then returned back to normal. He faced Virgil fully. "There is a way to quieten your depressive thoughts, but it will be... difficult."

Virgil looked back at him confidently. "I'll try anything."

Deceit smirked. "Excellent."

"You may be able to shut out your thoughts by giving some to your other... friends." he explained, spitting out the word 'friends' as if it had a bad taste.

Virgil's eye widened. "You mean, give them DEPRESSION?!" he exclaimed. Deceit moved his hand in a so-so expression. "You will only be giving them some of your thoughts, maybe a couple each. Enough so that you can all continue your day-to-day life without being constantly plagued, but will still think some dismal thoughts."

Virgil seemed to be considering what Deceit just said. Deceit glanced down and added, "They won't feel the need to do the carving job you've done to your arms, don't worry." Virgil stiffened and pulled his sleeves down further his arms, wondering how the snake knew about his depressive relief through knife.

He still seemed indecisive. Deceit sighed. "Virgil, I swear they will do no self-harm to themselves and will only think some harsh thoughts now and then." Virgil locked eyes with the other side. He seemed to come to some decision, but was still unsure.

Virgil's P.O.V.

"So," Deceit began, holding out his hand. "Do we have a deal?"

I looked down at his outstretched hand.

How could I do this to my friends, my family? I felt my hand slowly reaching out to his one. I tried to pull it back. Before I knew it, we had shaken hands and Deceit was grinning. I felt uneasy. That grin didn't look very promising....

'K-Kiddo?" a voice said from the shadows.

My eyes widened. No. NO.

Just like a nightmare, Patton, Logan and Roman walked out of the shadows.

Deceit chuckled. "Ooh, seems there is a plot twist!"

"It's not what it looks like, I-I swear!" I exclaimed backing away with my hands outspread in front of me. Logan shook his head in disbelief. "We heard everything. Why?"

"Who cares why?!" Roman snarled, pulling Logan and Patton behind him and drawing his sword, pointing it at me. "You made a deal with Deceit for your own benefit and were willing to destroy our own mental health for it!"

"P-Princey, no, that's not what was happening, I wasn't controlling myself..." I stammered.

"Liar!" Roman roared. Logan pulled a sobbing Patton away, closer towards the now-visible doorway back to the Mindpalace. "You're a liar and a monster! You were going to betray us!" Roman shouted. "Get away, go! You're not wanted by us anymore. Not needed! You're a disorder! You deserve to be alone!"

I froze. Monster. Liar. Alone. Disorder. Not wanted. Not needed. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I sprinted back towards my old room in the Darkscape. Not questioning how it was still here, I slammed the door shut and jumped on my bed.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and pushed myself up against the headboard. There I sat and began crying, sobbing into my knees. I cried and cried and cried. How could I do that? How could I be so selfish? So STUPID? My heart hurt more than anything I'd ever felt and the thoughts running through my head were worse than ever. Roman was right. I am all those things. I deserve to be alone.

Monster. Liar.

Not needed. Not wanted.

Deceit's P.O.V.

I watched as Virgil bolted away, presumably towards his old room. I smirked and waved my hand, dismissing the shadows who posed as the light sides. 'Logan', 'Patton' and 'Roman' disappeared back into the murky background of the Darkscape.

I chuckled harshly at the thought of the light sides without their little Virgil. They'd be quite confused when he is nowhere to be found, and even more confused when they discover his door is no longer present.

We don't need to worry about them coming here because if they do, Virgil will be too ashamed to show his face. All the better for us. He always has belonged here. He's one of us. We can listen. But we can't help. That's the problem. We're the problem. Disorders.

We're all the same down here. Monsters. Liars.

Not needed. Not wanted.

Hehehe. Anyone see that twist coming? Hopefully someone felt even a little sad at the end.

By the way, I also have another book called Broken, at this point in time it's crap and only has one part, but whatever. Also, maybe get used to a little cussing cause I'm me.

Welp, anyway, have a g'day people

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