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⚠️- Someone being retrained (surprise, surprise), implied blood and knife

It was dark. Too dark.

He couldn't see or move. Panic began to settle in his stomach. He could feel the harshly tight ropes binding his arms together. He could feel his arms uncomfortably straining against the wooden chair. He could taste the slight scent of smoke on the cloth around his mouth.

He thought he heard faint footsteps somewhere behind him. They sounded like they were coming through a wall. He screamed into his gag, trying to get someone's attention. Eventually the footsteps faded, leaving him to wonder if he just imagined it.

He started hyperventilating, struggling to breathe through the cloth. No. He had to stay calm. He had to stay logical about this.

He struggled against his binds, the ragged rope cutting his wrists. He tried to move the chair, but found his legs bound to each chair leg. He kept trying. Maybe if he knocked over the chair it would break and he could escape from wherever he was.

He gave one last jolt with all his strength and the chair fell over... But didn't break.

He was now lying on his side with the chair digging harshly into his back. He attempted to spin himself to where he thought he heard footsteps earlier. Everything looked the same. If it weren't for the sharp glass-feeling material cutting the side of his arm, he wouldn't have thought he moved at all.

He heard more footsteps, closer this time. He screamed into his gag again, but was once again not heard, or ignored. He heard a faint chuckle from the corner as the footsteps receded. He jerked his head towards the noise, trying to make out anything in the darkness.

He heard, or rather felt, something coming closer to him, but didn't feel reassured. He tried to shift away from the presence, but it put a hand on the chair, keeping it still on the ground. He stiffened as the entity stroked his jaw, gentle at first, but then grabbed his jaw and forced him to look up.

He still couldn't see anything, but felt cold and scared. The 'thing' grabbed the side of the chair and lifted it up back onto its feet. It then circled around him and he struggled to look around for it. He felt the slightest bit safer when it was in front of him.

He felt a slight breath on the back of his neck and the hairs stood up. He then felt a searing cold pain slicing down his arm and let out a muffled yell. The pain slid down his forearm, and he could feel something warm dripping down from where it had been. The cold then moved to his other arm, giving the same feeling and leaving behind the warmth trickling down his arm.

He continued to shriek into his gag. He shouldn't be able to feel this. It shouldn't get to him. But it did. And it hurt.

He could feel the pain taking over his mind and body. Just as he was about to drift off somewhere else, he felt a sharp pain on his face that left his cheek stinging.

He didn't have the energy to protest. The cold pain stabbed again in his stomach. He lurched forward, but the ropes held him back. He felt the entity fade back and went back to struggling at his restraints.

He pulled at the ropes at his wrists and legs, trying to get some hope that he could get away. He could feel the warmth down his shirt now, and the searing pain taking over his mind. He couldn't feel anything else.

Everything was pain. The ropes seemed to get tighter, the gag seemed to prevent his breathing, the chair seemed to get closer, jarring into his arm and back.

He continued pulling at the ropes, if he was moving, the pain couldn't get him, couldn't take him over. Just as he thought he was close to breaking some of the ropes, they suddenly changed to metal chains. Now his wrists were still being dug into by the chains and he began to hyperventilate.

He slumped over, losing all hope and letting the pain wash over him. The pain in his stomach, arms and wrists seemed to amplify, the warmth spreading all over him. He was once again about to fade away, but felt something fly past him and was thrown into a wall.

He groaned at the sudden impact and slumped to the ground. The chair had broken, but he didn't have the energy to move at all. He knew the cold 'thing' was back again, and that there was no use fighting.

He heard a snap of fingers and the gag disappeared. He should have called out. He should have screamed. He should have yelled for help. The others would come, right? They'd hear and follow the sound to him.

But he didn't.

He lay on the ground, consumed by the pain and his own thoughts. He could feel the entity getting closer, but didn't move. He saw the glint of something silver before the object was by his throat. He could feel it pressing against his throat, and could feel the warmth slowly forming.

"You had the chance." the entity whispered, its voice echoing around his brain.

"Goodbye, Logan."

Eh, eh? What'd y'all think? I'm pretty proud of this. I tried to keep the 'he' a secret but there are some parts that give little implication of who it is. This is one of the prompts I have and I did my best.

Real creative title, I know. The rest of the prompts will probably be the same so yay.

I then asked three of my friends to pick a number and then I'd do that prompt and both of them chose one that had something to do with sickness.

*Sigh* Of course. The three ones I had no idea what to do for.

Well, hope you enjoy them anyway, have a g'day people

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