Meet my eyes

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⚠️ - slight mention of social anxiety, otherwise fluff!

Soulmate AU
Your right eye colour is the eye colour of your soulmate, while your right eye colour is your eye colour

A routine. Every day.

Wake up 5 minutes before the alarm and turn it off. Get ready. Skip breakfast. Head to the cafe around the corner. Avoid eye contact. Look at the concrete. Arrive at the coffee shop at 7 sharp. Order a plain black with milk. Sit down. Finish at 7:30 when people start to appear. Avoid eye contact. Walk out the door. Look at the concrete. Avoid eye contact. Head home. Continue writing the book.

That was Logan's routine. Every day.

But then something changed his routine. Or rather, someone. A young man about Logan's age. A cashier at the coffee shop that seemed to take interest in the stoic man. He had sandy coloured hair and a sweet, melodic voice. But Logan still avoided eye contact.

Patton always said he'd never realise he was talking to his soulmate because he refused to look people in the eye. But Logan didn't care. He wasn't rushing to figure out who owned the chocolate brown colour of his right eye, a high contrast to the icy blue colour adorning the eye on his left. His black hair that wouldn't ever flatten really brought out the unnerving nature of his left eye, giving him a cold, calculating look that used to scare people off.

But this man never seemed to mind. He didn't force Logan to look at him, or for him to change. He just brought up conversation. Logan began to spend an extra half-hour with this dashing young man. Roman, was his name. Though Logan preferred Greek mythology, a joke he would commonly make. Roman was a theatre nerd. And proud of it.

He would tell Logan about plays he'd been in and watched, as well as behind-the-scenes moments that caused the entire cast to burst into laughter. So Logan told Roman about his passion for space, and his beginning of writing a book all about it. They never seriously judged each other's passions, but had a teasing, playful friendship.

Then one day, Logan brought Patton and his boyfriend, Virgil to the coffee shop. Patton chatted excitedly, talking to Logan about whatever he wanted, Virgil adding a sarcastic comment here and there as they walked towards the cafe. Patton was the only person Logan would look in the eyes, also the only person who knew the colours of Logan's eyes.

They walked into the bustling shop, the smell of coffee filling the air. Logan seemed to shrink back a little when he noticed the amount of people. People always seemed to unsettle him. Asking personal questions, being insensitive, and then there was the whole 'emotions' thing that he wasn't too keen on.

The trio walked up to the cash register, where Roman was rushing back and forth, taking orders. Logan noticed Roman standing there and smiled at him, causing him to stop and smile back. A small gasp escaped itself from Patton's lips, causing both to look at him. His eyes glittered with excitement.

"I told you Lo, you'd never realise you're talking to your soulmate because you never look at them in the eyes." he squealed.

Shocked, Logan slowly raised his head to stare into Roman's chocolate brown and icy blue eyes.

A new routine. Every day except for weekends.

Walk up 5 minutes before the alarm and turn it off so it doesn't wake Roman up. Cuddle closer to the warmth of him. Wait until 6:45 to get up. Wake up Roman with a kiss to the cheek before getting ready. Eat something small for breakfast. Wait for Roman to be ready. Walk together to the cafe around the corner. Talk, gaze adoringly into each other's chocolate brown and icy blue eyes. Arrive at the coffee shop at 7:30. Order a plain black with milk and a milk chocolate mocha. Talk for half an hour. Head home. Help Roman practice his line. Write the sequel of the book.

Sometimes change is for the better.

That is quite the step up from the last soulmate AU I tried huh?
*shudders from the memory*

Anyway, hope you enjoyed, because I enjoyed writing it! I might do some more soulmate AUs with different ships, make things interesting and make up from the constant angst since that seems to be the only good thing I can write. Most of the time.

Apologies for being M.I.A. for 2 weeks. My computer decided to be a bitch and glitch constantly, before not turning on, and I had to get it fixed. Which is just great seeing as where I live is back in isolation. Fucking hell I hate socialising. I nearly had a panic attack talking to the IT person. No, I don't know whether I need to sign out or not! You're the goddamn teacher! Also when I got it back the brightness was on full volume or whvr. You damn freaks. How are you not blind yet.

So, I will be trying to write a bit more, but no promises. It'll either be angst or AUs coz I'm so original

Ok, have a g'day people

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