You need to move on

303 4 16

⚠️- None, I think

Roman's P.O.V.

I skipped giddily down the road towards my boyfriend's house. Today was Valentine's day, and I wanted to surprise him with something special. A black box shuffled around in my pocket while my hand holding some pretty red roses swung back and forth.

I reached the door and rang the doorbell. "Be there in a minute!" I heard my beloved call. But I was too excited to wait, and used my spare key to burst into the house.

"Happy Valentine's Day, dearest!" I exclaimed, before freezing at the scene in front of me. My boyfriend, Damian, was sitting on his couch, nuzzling up to another man.

"D-Damian?" I stuttered. He quickly got up off the couch with his partner. "Ro, I know this looks bad but-" he began before I cut him off. "How long?" I asked quietly. "W-What?" he stammered.

"How. Long?" I questioned, voice devoid of emotion despite the constant tumble of feeling swirling in me. "9 months." he replied quietly. "9 MONTHS?!" I yelled, losing my composure. "Just, listen! I'm sorry okay?" he pleaded. "I was just beginning to feel that you didn't love me or something and got jealous!"

"No! It's not okay!" I yelled, "I do love you and have loved for all the time we've been together, and I was going to tell you that today!" I pulled out the black box from my pocket and Damian's eye went wide.

"But now it's too late."

I threw down the roses and left without another word, slamming the door behind me.As I walked away I heard I faint voice shout, "I'm sorry, but you have to move on!"


Roman's P.O.V.

I walked towards the park, mind blurry and full of thoughts. I stopped when I found the park. This was the place where Damian and I got together. It hurt to think of him, but I didn't know where else to go and I needed to clear my mind before going home.

I walked towards the tree where Lysander and I would sit against and pass time by holding each other and talking. As I reached the tree, I noticed another figure leaning at the trunk. As I got closer I tapped the person's shoulder and they whirled around in panic, pulling off their headphones and making to get up.

"I'm sorry," I quickly apologise, "I was just wondering if this tree held something special for you as well." The stranger slowly sat back down at the base of the tree. "Uh, n-no I just found it one day and thought this place was pretty nice." he stuttered. I eased myself down to sit next to them, but far away enough not to startle them.

Once I sat down I got a good look at him. He wore some black ripped jeans with a My Chemical Romance t-shirt and a black and purple hoodie. He had dark brown, almost black hair with purple tips, and when he turned to look at me again, I could see his beautiful mocha coloured eyes.

He raised an eyebrow, "Whatcha looking at?". I blushed and looked down at the grass. "Sorry, I've just had a really rough day." I sighed. He turned to fully look at me. "What, on V-day? You and your partner have a fight?" "Not really I-" I paused, not sure if I should continue. The stranger shook his head, "Nah, that's okay, pal. You shouldn't trust a rando you just met, believe me, it's taking a lot not to bolt from here." his eyes widened, like he didn't mean to say that last part.

"No, it's just that," I sighed again, "I found out he's been cheating on me for 9 months." "9 months? Shit." he grimaced. "He?" he added. I nodded, then stopped, "Oh, please don't be a homophobe, I've had enough of them." I rambled. The guy chuckled, "Nah, I'm no homophobe, I'm actually gay myself." "Really? Cool." I replied, "I'm Roman, by the way" I said, offering a hand. He took the hand and shook it uneasily, "Virgil." he replied, smiling slightly.

"Virgil." I rolled it around in my head. "That's a cool name." I commented. Virgil grinned, "Thanks."

We ended up talking for multiple hours, but all too soon he had to go. We exchanged numbers before we left.

Today was full of ups and downs, but in the end, I decided that it had been a good day.


"Roman Charles Prince, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the minister asked. Roman looked upon Virgil's smiling face and eyes shining with happiness. "I do."

"Virgil Ace Black, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the minister asked Virgil, who smiled while saying, "I d-"

"I OBJECT!" a voice shouted.

Everyone turned towards the back of the aisle, where a familiar figure stormed towards us.

"Damian?!" Roman blurted.

"Please, Roman, I-I made a mistake when I did that to you all those years ago. I loved you and I still do, please, please take me back." Damian begged.

Roman looked between him and Virgil, confusion etched across his face. Then his face suddenly became calm as he made up his decision. Virgil felt his blood run cold, as he thought that after all this, his husband-to-be would leave him. But then he felt all his happiness flow back into him as Roman took his hand.

Roman looked Virgil deep in the eyes. "Virgil, you have changed my life since I met you and I could never thank you enough for that, But as much as it pains me to say it, I still love Damian. I have always and never stopped. I'm sorry, but you need to move on."

With that, he walked down the aisle to Damian and happily laced his arm with his. Together they happily walked back down the aisle and out the church doors.

Virgil watched his lover walk down the aisle with another man and felt his heart drop to the floor and shatter.

He sunk to his knees in a pool of tears as his family ran up to him to offer comfort. Even Roman's family were trying to help, cursing Roman under their breath. Virgil hugged himself as he knelt on the church floor. "I-I thought finally s-someone loved me." be choked, before bursting again into tears.

Well, there you go, some bittersweet Prinxiety for y'all. Please pay no mind to the names I gave them, they seemed kinda fitting to me.

This prompt was interesting, to say the least. Hope I broke a couple hearts along the way lol. Aside from Virgil's, that is mwaha

Well, I don't have much else to say, so, have a g'day people

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