You need help with that?

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A/N: Thank you TheCreativeRose for helping me make this chapter! Check out her amazing stories and smut-shots, she's an amazing author!


Tumblr prompt: "You woke up with wood and I walked into your room whilst you were trying to sort it out, and now you're pleading to me to help you."

Ship: Vantoonz

Quick, practiced fingers thrummed against the cords of an electric guitar—bold black and red, his favorite—and idly replayed the same tune to perfection. The feedback hummed pleasantly in Evan's ears, and he thought maybe he got it right—nope, his finger slipped. With a grunt, he pursed his lips and deleted the audio clip, starting a new one and settling his fingertips back into position.

His pick strummed through again, a melody vibrating nicely—wait, what was that? His guitar wasn't already out of tune, was it? He flicked a single note—nope. Sighing, Evan checked the next, getting the same result, before moving on—there it was—in the middle.

The Canadian tested the string again—no, that wasn't right, it didn't do it. Eyebrows furrowed, he plucked it, further confused when the sound was the same. His head tilted in question, adjusting the instrument on his lap when he heard the noise again. It was coming from outside the room. Oh.

Intrigued, Evan placed the instrument back on its display and stumbled out of the room, legs weak from not standing in a while. The hallway was quiet, until the familiar noise echoed from the room at the end; it sounded strained, which made the Canasian question further what was happening in that room. In Luke's room.

Finding himself in front of the door, he heard the noise again and could finally make out what it really was. A moan. A blissful moan of his own name that made his shorts tighten at the very thought of the taller American even saying his name in that way, let alone what caused him to say it.

His shirt came over his head as he took long strides into the guest room, taking in the sight before him. Luke was gripping at the sheets of the bed, arching his back into his hand as he stroked himself in his pajamas; the sweat ran down in beads from his head whilst his hair lay in strands across his damp forehead, countless moans and curses escaping his cherry lips.

Evan's eyelids fluttered closed, teeth clenching around his bottom lip as he sighed through his nose. Fuck. He brought his hand up to his scalp, running his fingers backwards through the thick black. Opening his eyes, the guitarist slid the other hand into his pocket, clearing his throat loudly to announce his arrival to his partner.

Luke's fiery redwood irises snapped in his direction, his sudden stiff posture melting into ease—with just a hint of smug arrogance. "Uh," He trailed, face tinted as he smiled, "Hey, baby." His eyes flickered nervously to his arm—the bulge of his hand beneath the plaid flannel obvious—and swiftly back up to his boyfriend face, taking the devious twinkle in those chocolate browns into account.

"I didn't give you permission to start, but I'll allow you to continue," Evan grinned mischievously, smiling harder once Luke's face fell into a glare. "Yeah right, you damn ass," Luke scoffed—the audacity—trailing his gaze down to his boyfriend's bare chest and patting the bed lightly. "Get over here." His eyebrow raised threateningly as Evan toyingly bit his lip and looked away, humming as though he were truly contemplating it. "I'll think about it," He declared, wearing a shit-eating expression on his face like it was obvious he was winning. Hell no—not today.

Luke's eyes flickered as he marched over to the smaller Canasian,thoroughly pissed. Slamming his hands to the wall, Evan stood beneath him, still proudly wearing that shit-eating grin but sweating and trembling under the glare of his horny partner. He leaned forward and whispered "'The fuck you say to me little shit?" into the shorter male's ear, feeling him shudder and groan by eight simple words.

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