Luke, help.

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Prompt: "Write a book about a character who has always had the ability to change how they looked, and so they hid their true appearance behind an attractive façades. Now, their abilities aren't working, exposing what they truly look like."

Ship: H2OVanoss

It's been a month since I showed the guys my "face".
It's been a week since we moved in together.
It's been and hour since I've been hiding up here.

"Del, Del please, open up!" That's Luke. He helped me contain what I really look like past a hockey mask and makeup. It worked for a while. A long while. But damn you, Lui, don't play so rough. My mask was cut and split in two as well as he smudged my makeup. So I'm hiding in my room whilst the others conversate in horror at the demon they just witnessed.

I glanced at the mirror.
My eyes were black and bleeding and my hands were red and bloody from scratching off the rest of my makeup, catching some skin with it. I grimaced before standing up and answering the door. Instead of Luke walking in, he shoved Evan in and locked the door from the outside, leaving us trapped.

"Listen, Del," my head whipped to meet his eyes, he wasn't scared or full of fear, he was sympathetic, "We don't care if you're a demon, you're beautiful as fuck dude," I cracked a smile at his joke, but found him walking closer to me and taking my face in his hands, "Do you believe me?"

His voice was smooth and delicate, only making me seemingly melt into his strong but gentle touch. His eyes were glossed over, on the verge of tears and his cherry lips looked tasty. I managed to whisper to him "I don't believe you at all." before he brought my face in close and kissed me delicately, he tasted of Marcel's hot cocoa and melted marshmallows. He pulled away, much to my disappointment, and take me hand gently. 

"Please, just come downstairs for a second. They don't hate you I promise." he informed me. I sighed as he dragged me down into the livingroom where everyone stared at me again. I could only stand there in my own pity to think that they would take me back in. To my surprise, I was engulfed in a 20 person hug. 

"Thank god you're alright, Delirious!" Craig balled. Everyone was either crying, laughing or both as they told me they were sorry and that they excepted me even if I was a demon. I laughed and cried along with them, knowing they didn't hate me. And knowing that Evan loved me. 

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