Crowning my king

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Prompt: "Person A is a kid who loves flowers and wears flower crowns. He's always bright and happy. Never has a frown on his face. Person B is a new kid. When he walks into class, his eyes immediately go to Person A. They get seated next to each other and become closer. Then Person B asks Person A to be their boyfriend in an empty hall at their lockers."

Ship: Krii7y

Jaren was light-hearted and caring, the type of friend you craved and the type of person you longed to be. You would often find him sat in a field with one of his friends, crafting flower crowns out of daisies and telling stories of their childhood. He was lucky enough to be well respected by his peers, he had stronger and scarier colleagues that would stand up for him if he so much as had a frown on his face. 

The day started off like any other. Jaren walked to school, his friends one by one joining by his side to walk through the double-doors of the high school. However, there was somebody in amongst the array of brightly coloured clothes and loud chatter. The figure was almost a shadow, a black cloak floating down the hall with their head down and slightly dancing to the beat of some sort of song. With each person that passed them, another piece of clothing became more vibrant and their character began to form; Smii7y stared at awe at the newcomer, taking in the bleached hair trailing down to the unique rings that wrapped themselves around the fingers. 

Jaren had to get his head straight before class started, slamming his locker shut and leaning his weight onto his hand. His head replayed the movement of the person, how they swayed their hips to the bass seeping out of the headphones placed neatly over the fluffy locks of hair that laid on their head. He sighed before trudging to social studies; the class that he can't get any notes down as the teacher goes to fast and doesn't care for students.

As the Canadian sat down and started unpacking his things, a piece of paper hit the back of his head. He turned quickly to face whoever could've thrown it, staring at a goat pointing down to pick up the note. When he uncrumpled it, his grey eyes scanned the ink fast behind 3d lenses.

New person today, I'll bet you 20 bucks Clay will talk to him before you

Jaren laughed at the writing, scrawling back "You're on" and chucking it behind him. He then saw who the new boy actually was. The bleach-blonde from the hallway. As the boy walked to the front, he scanned the crowd for faces of any sort then meeting a white-haired, smiley boy sat infront of who he could only assume to be a demon of a ram. 

"Class, this is John Keyes. John, tell a bit about yourself." the teacher forced a smile and what could be assumed a bubbly voice through painfully gritted teeth. "John" smiled warmly at the younger boy, not saying a word before he was seated next to Smit. He could feel his heart skip a beat as they made short conversation and traded possessions; John receiving a neatly woven daisy-crown and Jaren being given a slit of paper with rushed numbers written across the folded sheet.

He turned to Jebadiah behind him and smirked, the goat boy rolling his eyes and giving the "alright, you win" hand gesture whilst paying up his end of the deal.

The next semester would be an interesting one at the least.



I know I don't usually do these but, thanks a fuck ton to ILoveChoo-ChooPlanes for the request and, if you couldn't tell by the prompt, there will be a part 2 so stay tuned!


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