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Ship: Poly!Lunch Club

Jschlatt sighed as he stared out the window, thoughts of his friends running through his head on a loop like a broken record. He turned on his heels and trudged out of his room, glass crunching under his feet as he stepped on broken pictures and shattered dreams of the life he once lived. He picked up one that had managed to survive the destruction that ran rapid through the house and looked at it, teary eyed. It was a picture of him and the Lunch club at the beach, they all had their own unique stance in the picture which made him able to pick out himself tagging along at the back of the line with his head down. He smiled and gripped the frame, dropping tear droplets onto the glass before it snapped under his tight grasp. Dropping it to the floor, he walked away, slamming the door closed and hopping into his car and driving off.

His mind ran quickly as memories flooded his brain, the happy cheering in the van followed by the concern laced into Carson's voice and soon terrified screams of the men riding in the vehicle. Followed by the screeching of tires against the tarmac. The horrific event of that night replayed, and replayed, and replayed in the torturous theater inside of him. He would've done everything to make sure they were safe. He would've traded his life for theirs.

He gained speed and drove straight into a guard-railing. The impact was enough to knock his head into the steering wheel, killing him instantly.

The death of Lunch Club hit all of Youtube hard, and the website went quiet for a long period of time, some quit or took a similar route to Schlatt. Others reluctantly came back, but their content was never the same.

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