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Ship: Switz

The Misfits house was a weird one. They weren't normal, some called them freaks and others called them aliens. To eachother, they were normal.

The 6 were sat on the sofa one day, watching whatever the fuck came on the TVs, and made fun of it whenever they could. It was turning 1am, and most of them were getting tired. Jay was starting to melt on Matt, and Matt was complaining that his wings were getting vanilla ice-cream on them. Mason was baked, so he was prodding Toby in the face whilst laughing at how bright her hair would become with each poke. 

Fitz started to yawn, his long, green tongue stretching itself and his rainbow like fur standing on end. As his tongue placed itself neatly into his mouth, he opened his eyes to see the whole group staring at him.

"Dude! The fuck is up with your tongue?" Mason laughed, being the cooked cunt he is. Fitz slumped into the sofa, the group still staring at him and one by one they got up and left.

Not Eric. Eric was interested to much in Fitz to notice that everyone was leaving, he also wanted to comfort his friend as he looked uncomfortable. The rainbow furball looked over to the shorter male and looked puzzled. Shouldn't he have left with the others?

"So," he began, "what's up with you? You didn't leave with the others, so what's up?" By now, he had scooted over to Eric, sitting beside him.

He had to find the courage to build up words that wouldn't help the poor man's ego "I don't think it's.. That bad?" He muttered.

Fitz was surprised "You don't think this," he let his tongue drop out of his tongue before sliding it back into his mouth, "is weird?" Eric began to blush, realising how actually hot the long body part was. The taller one smirked, "No wonder, you find this hot, don'tcha?"

He was considering it for a while, before slowly nodding his head in his hands. He thought of something, he might regret it thoroughly but.. Why not? "C-can I.. Can I try it?"

Fitz smirked even bigger, it was cute watching the smaller blush  so, he leaned in and kissed him. Eric quickly parted their lips, feeling the wet tongue enter his mouth. It was slimy, but it felt amazing against him. He moaned as he felt it run over the roof of his mouth and run down towards his throat. To say someone has deepthroated someone is one thing, to say you deepthroated their tongue? That's another. He gagged as it hit the back of his throat but he adjusted to it fast and started moaning uncontrollably as he was teased. They parted and he was panting hard.

"Was that nice..?" Fitz asked. The smaller male hugged him tightly, whispering that it was amazing and that he wanted it again. The rest of the night contained heated kisses and Eric moaning at the feeling of the green tongue teasing his mouth.

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