8 years

65 3 1

Prompt: "You can pretend you don't miss me, you can pretend you don't care."

Ship: Tomtord

Tom's P.O.V

My head throbbed as I grabbed a couple of empty bottles from the side of my bed, slinging my legs over it and standing. Edd, Matt and Tord were sat in the kitchen when i threw away the glass, a few glances thrown my way as I ignored them and sat down. 

Hold up.

I shot up angrily, spinning around and glaring at the Norwegian in blue and red, "Why is the commie here?!" I yelled. His metal hand shook as he held onto it, the ginger comforting him as he helped to calm him down. Edd walked over to me and told me what had happened this morning, how he had turned up on our doorstep crying, bloodied and bruised; apparently, he's been having panic attacks all morning and I'm "not helping". I sighed, watching as Edd and Matt quickly left for the store and peered over at the commie.

"What happened." I didn't mean for the statement to come out as harsh as it did, but it was enough for him to turn his full attention to me. I just now realized how dull is left eye is and how badly I fucked up his face, I almost feel bad. Sitting down next to him, I soothed his back and whispered little nothings into his ear before his breathing returned to normal. He slowly began to explain how the "Red Army" was under attack, and that he barely escaped with an inch of his life. Pau and Pat being not so lucky, same goes for everyone else at base. I looked at him, shocked, the crazy, powerful Tord, struck down like as quick as that? 

I realized I was becoming soft to the commie, but I couldn't care less. If anyone's crying, no matter who it is, I feel the overwhelming power to hug the ever loving shit outta them until they feel better. And that's what I, Thomas Ridgewell, did. I pulled him into my lap and put my arms around his neck, hugging him tighter with each sob I heard escape his lips until he stopped and looked up at me.

"Why?" he murmured, "One second you hate my guts then the next you drag me onto your crotch and act like we're best friends, stop pretending, I don't need your mockery." he spat venom with each word, making my frown lower and lower. Eventually, tears welled up in my orbs, as he looked guilty into them. "I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't mea-"

I shut him up by pulling him closer and whispering, "I'm not pretending anymore, Tord."

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