Chapter Three

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How do I know taehyung? Well, he and I used to date a long time ago. Before that we were good friends, the best of friends.

We were happy with one another, always there for each other when we needed it but then my parents decided to move, forcing our relationship to end, ever since then I had done terrible in school and in myself in general.

I couldnt find a reason to go on, especially since I lost my first love

I have dated many guys before, but with him, I actually loved him and he loved me

I thought it was gonna last but it didnt. When we left I never thought I'd see him again, but here I am, about to work for him

He chuckled


I took it all in. He has become so much taller, he used to be shorter than me. His face has also changed, his jaw has become more defined and his lips have grown. His eyes are the same. He has grown his hair out and that surprised me. He even got piercings!?

And his shoulders are doubled there size since I last saw him. His body is even more sexy. His chest has grown and his collar bones are so prominent. His curves stick out. His legs are so sexy as well.

I kept staring at him, puberty must have blessed him too well, he's so hot! I cant work here! I'll be distracted and everything will be awkward since we-


I blushed when he called me by my pet name. My heart started to pound like hell and I think my breathing exelirated

Taehyung walked over to me, Even his walk is attractive

He stopped right infront of me and bent down to my level. I got a better look at his eyes but they were different, they were...emotionless...empty even


I gulped:"Y-yes?"

Taehyung reached his hand out to me and I shut my eyes closed feeling my face heat up. Then I feel him pinch my belly

Taehyung:"You've gained weight since I last saw you, your fat"


He laughed and stepped back, but his laugh sounded forced

I was a bit angry but I felt flushed:"I-I know"

Taehyung immediately stopped laughing and became serious. He looked scary

What did I do now?

Taehyung POV

I couldnt belive that it was her, what were the odds of Yoonie being to only one to apply for this job? I was also surprised since she had always wanted to be a designer, but she is applying for this? Maybe she is just trying to get some form of experience or something

When I first saw her, I wasn't shocked, she looked the same but just a bit chubbier. Sigh, she could never control herself against oreos and ice-cream. But it made her even more cute than she was before. A part of me was happy to see her again, my first love. But the other part wanted to ignore her and chase her away for leaving me alone. I didnt know what to do so I tried to play it cool and be Mr Kim

After I had made my hilarious scene she answerd so seriously so I turned serious. But by the reaction she had, she was confused.

Taehyung:"anyways, lets proceed with the interview"

I took her file and went to my seat opposite her, leaving her dumbfounded

Yoonhee POV

One minute he is emotionless, then he bursts out laughing and then he goes emotionless again!? What happend? This isn't the tae I know

The interview went well actually, though I fumbled with my words whenever we made eye contact, I managed. Thanks to jungkooks prep

Teahyung:"well you seem to meet all the requirements miss Jeon"

Why isnt he calling me Yoonie?

Yoonhee:"Thank you I-"

The door opened interrupting me, another man came in

He was short but still taller than me. He had blond hair and pink full lips. His hair was messy but slightly parted to show his forhead and he had a toned body. His hands were small but his feet werent. When he got to taehyung, ignoring me, they stood in an odd position. He must be a dancer

Taehyung:"What is it jimin?"

That's a pretty name

Jimin:"I need your acceptance on her or not for the job, Soobin is getting impatient"

Taehyung sighs:"I'm almost done"

Jimin:"I'll wait"

Taehyung:"No you can go"

Jimin:"I'll just wait, relax tae"

He called him...tae? And taehyung doesn't mind his attitude!?

Taehyung got up and walked over to me. I got startled

He told me to stand and I did. He was so close to me I could smell his cologne. He smelled good. My cheeks started to get red and warm.

Taehyung leaned into my face and looked straight into my eyes. His eyes looked so emotionless but I could see a fire far beneath, what a contrast

Yoonhee:"W-what are you-"

Taehyung:"She is in"

He stepped back and wrote something in the file amd gave it to jimin and taehyung told us to leave the office and we did. Not even a goodbye?

Jimin took me somewhere and he gave me everything I needed for work. He said to come tomorrow at 9 and that I end at 4. He gave me my uniform in a bag and he sent me off.



Jungkook:"that is just, wow, wait till mom finds out"


Jungkook held my hands:"But are you ok with working for him?"

I smile:"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

No i am not! I am gonna work for Kim Taehyung! The man I loved so much and broke his heart! The man that made me feel loved and now he makes me feel ashamed! How the fuck can I do this!? I cant!

Jungkook:"Alright then, goodluck"

He leaves me be and I lay down in bed and think about it

How am I gonna do this, oh lord please be with me!

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