Chapter Five:

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Yoonhee POV

I'd like to say that my first day went pretty well, I caught up to what I had to do pretty easily. Our schedules where determined by how Taehyung-I mean Mr Kim was feeling for the day. Since we had a small part to play, we didnt need a permanent schedule and didnt have a lot to do. Though handling calls and making appointments were to much sometimes. Some of the customers were way too harsh or in such a hurry, luckily Bridgette managed those ones.

Just when I was about to leave and go back to jungkooks home, Bridgette asked me to give Mr Kim's evening tea, since his assistant had to go home early, I didnt want to do it since I cant even look at him in the eye without fumbling my words and blushing like crazy.

But I had to do it, it was the right thing to do and besides how hard can it be to see him again, it's not like I died the last time we made contact..actually I think I died internally

I made the tea and took some biscuits as well, as far as I knew, he had 3 a day, Bridgette said it's a way of calming him down with the stress of his work. Although i remember that hot cocoa was the drink that really made him relax, but I guess he has grown out of it

I put the things on the tray and headed to his office. I waited in the elevator since his office was way up there and I worked way down there.

Just before I was going to get to the floor, it stopped and opend, well duh someone is going to have to come in eventually. But the person was, jimin

He walked in and didnt look at me at all and was going to press the same floor that I was going to, but since I had already pressed it he just stood next to me

Jimin:"You going to Tae's office?"

I got startled since he ignored me I didnt think that he would talk to me:"U-uh yeah, his uh assistant had to go home so-"

Jimin cut me off:"So your bringing him his afternoon tea, dont need all the details gorgeous"

I blushed, he called me gorgeous

Yoonhee:"T-thank you"

Jimin:"For what?"


The elevator door opend and he walked out. It left me dumbfounded, he didnt even let me explain.

Jimin:"Are you comming? You are comming on this floor?"

I just nod and came out, but since he complimented me and that I hardly get, my legs were wobbling so I couldnt hold the tray right. I was about to drop it when I Jimin took it from me

Jimin:"You really are strange, relax ok? Tae doesnt like his tea on the damn floor"

I just nod and catch my breath whole trying to calm down. Why do I get so flustered when a guy does even something so small

After a while I calmed down and he noticed and just gave me the tray

Jimin:"Come on"

He started to walk and i walked behind him. We went to tae-Mr Kim's office and he opend the door for me and I went in and he followed after me. He is rude but a gentleman at the same time?

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