Chapter Twenty one

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It was a saturday and I was still confused about Thursdays events... taehyung, where you jealous? If so, why? I thought you hated me

All these thoughts and assumptions were making my head hurt, I wanted a distraction but I couldnt think of one, yoongi was busy, jungkook was at work, and I didnt feel like drawing which is new.

I sighed still thinking about it, I didnt tell anyone because I was afraid that Jungkook would get upset and that Yoongi might feel threatened. I wanted to tell my parents but maybe they think that Seoul is too much for me, after all I've only been here for two months and a lot has happend.

I decided to look through my old letters I wrote to myself whenever I was hurt or sad. I searched the box and I found it. I took it and sat in my bed and opend the box revealing tones of papers cramped up together to br able to fit in the box. I took out the one at the very bottom and I started to read it

7 August 20XX

Today my phone was stolen, my parents were upset but I had to get a phone, it's new and it's way better but I'm sad because I cant talk to taetae anymore. I wonder if he'll be hurt if i dont respond, i wish there was a way to talk to him but there isnt, i cant find his number and the people that had his number, I cant contact anymore.

I hope he doesnt feel to bad about this, oh taetae, I miss you so much and my heart aches that I can no longer speak to you, to see if your healthy or doing ok...I hope you can forgive me if I hurt your feelings

I sighed thinking how much I did hurt his feelings, I wonder if anything happend at home. He still hasn't told me and I doubt he will. I read another random one

18 December 20XX

I found out today that I didnt get admition into the university, my parents are pretty bummed out and they obviously gave me a pep talk, and of course, jungkook got the most distinctions in his class, guess they should feel normal since they're daughter failed amd they're son excelled

I don't know what I'm going to do now, all I can do is try and get into college but my parents pride wont let me, why is all this happening? I never failed before but now...I'm so scared, where am I going to go in my life? It looks like no where

I frowned, I did feel like a failure that day but the very next I got over it and instead I cleaned the house and did other things to occupy my time, my parents were disappointed but what could they do?

21 February 20XX

I met someone today, his name is Jaemin-

I stopped reading, I didnt want him back in my life, I crumpled up the paper and took out another one

30 June 20XX

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