Grounder (3)

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I was in the drop ship with Raven Clarke, we were trying to help Finn, but Octavia hasn't come back yet with the water, how long does it take to get to cans of water, its pouring out side. Octavia finally came back to the drop ship with two cans of water, "you got it?" Clarke asked, "Yeah", "good, now run up to the drop ship and got something I can use as a needle", "and Monroe shut the doors" Clarke ordered. "No, Jasper and Monty still hasn't come back yet" I said, "neither did Bellamy" Octavia says. "There back" some one shouted, "Bellamy" Octavia says, wile running towards him, but then her face changed when she saw Monty and Jasper carry in the grounder who saved her, so she claims. "the hell are you doing" I say, wile looking at Bellamy, "its time to get some answers" he replies, "umm, you mean revenge" Octavia cuts in, "I mean in tell" he replies deeply.

"Get him up stairs" he order's Jake, "I don't have to answer to you" Jake says cockily, "Oh really?" Bellamy ask, "yes really" Jake replies, "Get him upstairs now" Bellamy shouted, wile pushing Jake. "Why don't you make me" Jake pushed back, I cut in between them and looked up at Jake and said "stop it, stop causing problems" I turned around and looked up at Bellamy and said "I'll do it" then I walked over to the knocked out grounder and lifted him up with the help of Jasper, Monty and Miller. Wile me and the other's were tightening the straps on the grounders hands, he woke up in a bad a reaction and started moving around, trying to get out. I immediately backed away from the grounder, "tighten the strap's, before you four screw things up" I rolled my eyes at his comment, I heard some body climbing up the lander, I turned around and saw Octavia's head pop up.

"Octavia. get out" Bellamy ordered in a worry voice, "I told you he was protecting me, you didn't have to do this" Octavia says, "this isn't about you" he replied. "I'm doing this for all of us" Bellamy says, I cut in saying "you did this for all of us?", Bellamy turned around and said "I did this for John, jasper and Roma" he says nastily. "But it probably wasn't even him" I shouted, "You don't know that" he yelled, he signed then said "we need to know why there killing us and what were up against", "and were gonna find out right now", "no Bellamy, please" Octavia pleaded, wile grabbing Bellamy's arm. Bellamy pushed Octavia off his arm and said "Miller, get her out of here", Miller and two other guys grabbed Octavia and started pushing her to the exit, "no, let go of me, get off of me" Octavia screamed, I ran over to Miller and pushed him of her and said "let go of her, she can walk on her own."

Miller backed off and Octavia just glanced at me for a second then turned her attention to Bellamy and said "I don't even think he speaks English, he won't understand you" then walked away. "Oh I think he will" Bellamy replies, "I'm gonna ask you again, what's your name, where's your camp, how many of you are there?" Bellamy speaks an to the grounder. "hey, Bellamy come here" I ordered him, "what is it" he replied, wile walking towards me. "what is this?" I ask, wile holding this muddy book I found in this grounder's trash, Bellamy snatches the book out of my hand and starts unwrapping it, the grounder right away starts freaking out, "I think we found something he doesn't want us to see Alex" Bellamy say's, wile smirking at me then at the grounder, "you mean what I found" I reply with a smirk.

Bellamy flip threw the pages of the book, all there was, was drawings of trees and houses, "those aren't so bad" I said. He flipped threw more of the pages and then shockingly stopped, I look at the page he stopped on, and what I saw shocked me as well. It was Octavia, he drew a picture of Octavia, Bellamy flipped one more page, on that page there was a graph, It looked like he was jotting down how many of our people died. Me and Bellamy looked up at each other then turned our head to the grounder. He walk es up to the grounder angrily and says "he's been watching us ever since we got here", "what the hell is this" Bellamy says, wile pointing at the monster thing in the book, "a friend of your" he finally says. Clarke comes up the ladder trying to get threw the group of boys surrounding her she says "get the hell out of my way", "its ok, let her threw" Bellamy order's.

Clarke walk es up to the grounder in shock and says "If he didn't hate us before, he does now", Bellamy grab's her arm and pulls her to the corner of the drop ship and starts mumbling seriously. "Clarke he's seazering" Raven say's cutting Bellamy and Clarke's conversation, Clarke quickly runs away from Bellamy and quickly climbs down the ladder, seconds later Clarke comes running up the ladder with a bloody knife in her hand. She runs up to the tied grounder and shoves the knife in his face and yells, "WHAT IS THIS", "Clarke whats going on?" I ask, "there's poison on this blade, which means he knew Finn was gonna die" she answered angrily. "IS THERE AN ANTIDOTE" she yells again at the grounder, "Clarke he doesn't understand you" I say, "it has to be one of these" Bellamy say's, wile grabbing the jar of different liquids. Clarke grab's the jar out of Bellamy hands and looks towards the grounder and shouts "which one", "which one is it" Bellamy shouts after Clarke.

"pleas tell us, which one is it?" Octavia pleaded, "my friend is dieing down there" Clarke shouts, "I'll get him to talk" Bellamy says, wile walking towards the grounder, I grab Bellamy's arm and say "Bellamy don't", Bellamy pushes me off and yelled "HE WANTS FINN TO DIE, WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT", "Clarke do you want him to live or not?" Bellamy ask, "Clarke you even said it your self, this is not who we are, pleas he saved my life" Octavia begged Clarke. "Do it" Clarke say's, "no" Octavia whispers then try's to run to the grounder, but Miller grab's her and pulls her away. "Clarke" I say, "Alex, I made my decision" she replies. "you make me sick, you all do" "we aren't grounder's, but if you want to be murder's go ahead, but keep me out of it" I say, wile walking away and every one staring at me.

I climb down the ladder, walking pass Jake, Jake grab's arm saying "hey, were you going", "any were but here" I reply. I walk away from Jake and go to the lower floor, under the floor boards of the drop ship. I jump down there, and find I place to sit, its dark and stuffy, but I rather be here then hear that poor man suffer. Jake jumps down and sits next to me, he looks at me with those eyes of his, he starts talking to me, but I zoned out, wile he was mumbling some thing about Bellamy. I hear Raven running up the ladder and yelling some thing, me and Jake get up and quickly leave the bottom floor and climb up the ladder.

When I got to the top floor, I saw Raven electrocuting the grounder, "Raven stop" I shout, she turned around and shouted "he's letting Finn die", Octavia grabbed the poisoned knife and purposely cut her arm, "Octavia don't " I say, "he won't let me die" Octavia said, wile looking at the grounder. She bend down were the antidote was and starting pointing at each one saying "this one", the grounder finally told her which was the antidote, she gave it to Raven and Clarke and just lay-ed there. Raven and Clarke quickly ran down stairs, wile Bellamy walked over to Octavia and touched her shoulder, "DON"T TOUCH ME" she yelled. I looked at Bellamy, wile he looked back at me, I signed then shook my head and whispered "pathetic" then me and Jake walked away. We went down stairs to were Clarke and Raven was, Clarke gently gave Finn the antidote, couple seconds later Finn awakes. I smile and say "you almost die there space walker", "well I didn't orphan" he replies, we both laugh. Raven quickly runs and hugs Finn, Clarke reacted to that and walked away, me and Jake just stood next to each other smiling, wile I gave him a quick hug...............

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