Take It Back

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I've been sitting down in the corner of my tent crying for two days straight, wile drinking a bottle of liquor,I just can't get over the fact that he's gone, my best friend, my only family. I instantly get up and wipe my tears, I pack a full bag of clothes or anything I need to survive on my own. I quickly leave my tent, but then I notice Bellamy heading this way, crap, what does he want now I though to my self. Him getting closer and closer to my tent, I head the opposite direction hoping he wouldn't notice me leaving.

I walk even further towards the camp doors and leave out of camp. "Alex" I hear a deep voice calling after, I already knew who it was. Bellamy. I ignore him and keep on walking forward, but he catches up to me and grabs my arm. He walks in front of me and stares at me with those dark brown eyes "we're are you going?", "far away from here" "now get out of my way."

I push him aside and try to keep walking, but he grabs my arm again "no way" "you are not leaving", I laugh threw my noise and show him my teeth. "Oh really and who's gonna stop me" "you are?", he looks at me worryingly "if I have to" "yes." I roll my eyes at him "Alex you don't need Jake to survive" "your smart in you own ways" I give him a confusing look, did he just really compliment me. "Oh come Alex, you came down here already to beat the crap out of me" I look at him and smirk "well that's only because your a dick."

He laughs and replies "yes, and you may be a huge pain in the ass" "but you are interesting" he smiles then walks away, I follow behind smiling all the way back to camp.

Hours Later
It's dark now and cold, I'm in my tent thinking about what Bellamy said. I don't need Jake I can survive on my own, I do need his presence though. I decide the only way to get my mind off of him is to be distracted. So I leave my tent heading to the drop ship, to see if Raven needs help with anything. I walk into the drop ship with a smile upon my face "so what's my two geeks up to" my smile soon fades away when I see how depressed and gloomy Raven and Monty look. I walk slowly towards them "what's wrong" I say in worry, there heads both look up shockingly not realizing I was standing there for like five minutes.

Monty then looks at me with his bulgy big eyes, "some one is purposely jamming the signal too the ark" I look at him in question. "The grounders?" I ask, "not possible" "the grounders are to savage to know things like we do" Raven answers. I open my mouth to ask another question, but murmur from out side cuts me off. "The hunters" "there back" I quickly run outside looking for Finn and Clarke, well mostly Finn, if Finn is alright then Piper doesn't have any thing to worry about, you know cause there siblings and all. I quickly walk pass Murphy who was gutting a fish, and of corse he noticed me and had to comment.

"You know it's all for nothing" "Jake was worthless and got what he deserved" I instantly stopes walking and turned around, I see Murphy smiling with that smirk of his and I just couldn't hold it in. I quickly walk towards him and push him to the ground, I jump on top of him yelling "JAKE WAS AMAZING, NOT WORTHLESS YOU HEAR" "SO YOU BETTER TAKE IT BACK" I was constantly punching him, making the scars he already had on his face even worst. I keep on punching and punching not planning to stop any time soon. "TAKE IT BACK NOW" "TAKE IT BACK" I punch him even harder hearing his face crack, but the all of a sudden two large hands grab me lifting me off of Murphy pulling me away from his body. One hand was around my waist the other was covering the rest of my body.

I couldn't see who it was until they brought me into there tent and let go of me. I turn around to see Murphy's savior, and of corse it was Bellamy. I look at him with a pissed look, "great it's you", Bellamy blended his arms around his waist making look like triangles. "Alex, you nee to stop" "you could have killed him", "good" "now let me finish" I say wile trying to push him out of my way, but he just pushes me back to hard, I fall to ground and look up at Bellamy. I get up to my feet and walk over to him invading his personal space. "Piss off Bellamy" "now get out of my way", "no" he replied looking at me dull. I get even closer to him, our noise almost touching "get out of my way" I say again, "no" he replies again. We stare at each other with silence, right when I open my mouth to say some thing, he grabs me a smashes his lips against mine, I kiss him back harder, wile he rubs his hand up and down my shirt. I take off my shirt then start to unbuckle his pants, he then kisses me again wile I help him take off his shirt. He kisses my neck then unclips my white padded bra. I jump on him wile he catches me and holds my legs. We start falling towards his bed wile we laugh with excitement.

Minutes Later
I wake up to the sound of Bellamy leaving the bed. I quickly sit up and cover my naked body with his sheet. I watch him wile he slowly but inpatient puts his jacket on "we're you headed to?" I ask trying not to sound like his girlfriend or any thing. He turn around and looks at me "the hunters are back" "but Clarke and Finn was a no show." I stare at him confused like "that's not like them", he nods his head at my statement "I know" "that's why I'm going with a group to go out and look for them", I nod my head back "good" "I'm coming with you" I say wile standing up still with the sheet rapped around my body. "He looks at me and smiles "that's nice" "but we don't have all day, so hurry it up" he says cockily. I give him a fake smile wile he leaves his tent and waits out side for me. I quickly get dress and meet Bellamy out side his tent, we leave camp and head into the dark woods"

20 minutes later
"There some one in the bushes" Raven says threw the Walky, great first Monty weirdly won't reply when we copy him, but now there some thing strange were Piper and Raven is. Me and Bellamy quickly run towards were Piper and Raven was. When we finally found them instead of a dead grounder in the bushes, it was Miles who's was groaning on pain. "We're are they" "where's Finn and Clarke?" Raven asked. "The grounders took them" Miles barely answers, Piper suddenly looks towards the ground then gets up and starts walking away. I chase after her "Piper" I call out "I'm sorry", she turns and looks at me "we need to make a stretcher" she then leaves me and walks back to camp.............

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