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 I climb up the ladder to the upper floor drop ship and see Bellamy sitting on a stool looking at the beat up grounder. "you talk to the ark yet?" he asked, "no, John is talking to his dad" "but later I'll be sure to talk to Roma's parents" I say. "Thanks for that, I owe you" he said, I smiled at him then looked at the grounder, "telling all these parents that there kids were murdered by grounder, I just wish we can have some justice" Bellamy says, "were not killing him" I ordered, then walked away. Wile leaving the drop ship and walking out side some one grabbed my arm, I looked to see who it is, it was just some random kid saying "wow you got dolled up just for me", "yeah because holey dirty jeans is just so sexy" I say sarcastically, wile pushing him of me. He grab's my arm again saying "hay, hay don't you want to play", "you want me to play, fine" I reply, then I swing my head back and hit my head against his, I kneed him were it hurts, then kicked him to the ground. I walked away into one of his buddies grabbed me from behind and leaned his knife against my throat.

"I like pretty things with sharp tongues" he says, "me too" some one says, then puts a gun against the kids head. The kid backed away with his buddies and ran off. I turned around to see my save-yer, It was Jake of coarse. I rolled my eyes at him then walked away, "hay, no thank you?" he shouted, but I just kept walking ignoring him. I walk up to Bellamy and Clarke, "that's a lot of rations" "what are you guy's up to?" I ask, "the ark showed some old records showing a supplied depo not to far from here" "If we get there before the cold comes, we can probably survive winter" Clarke says. "A day trip sounds fun" I say sarcastically, "a lot can happen in one day" Bellamy says, wile looking at me then walking out of camp.

"Why him?" I ask Clarke, "because right now I don't feel like being around some one I actually like" Clarke says with a smile, I laugh at her comment, wile she walks out of camp with Bellamy. I'm in the tent were they keep the water supplies washing a clean rag for Finn, Octavia popes in and starts washing out the blood of the grounder. "I hate to see the other guy" I say trying to be funny, "you did" "when Raven was torturing him" Octavia said, "Finn would have died if she didn't" I say. She didn't reply, just ignored me, "so, whats his name?" I ask, "what" Octavia says in shock, "I know you spoke to him" "and I know he speaks english" I say, "Lincoln" "his name is Lincoln" she answered, then started walking away. "I wont tell, I promise" I say, she turns around and gives me a half smile the leaves the tent. 

I'm out side now fixing up a wool blanket for Finn, "ALEX,ALEX" Jasper comes running towards me screaming my name, "Jasper whats wrong?" I ask worried. "I think I'm going crazy, but ther-- there's grounder's every were" he replies nervously, "just slow down" "tell me what you saw" I say, "him,him" Jasper say's, wile pointing at nothing. "Jasper there's no one there" I say, "HE'S RIGHT THERE" "WHY IS NO BODY DOING ANYTHING" Jasper yells, "Jasper stop" I shout, Octavia comes running up to us, "whats wrong" "is he on something" Octavia says, wile staring at Jasper. Jasper turns to Octavia and whispers "I love you" "since were all going to die soon, I love you", Octavia grab's Jasper hand and pulls out a green berries, "Is this all you have been eating today?" Octavia ask him, "yeah, but who the hell cares" he say's, wile laughing. 

"Your totally bombed" Octavia say's, "here buddy take this" I say wile giving Jasper a very long, large stick, "a stick?" Jasper asked, "no, this is an anti grounder stick" "so as long as you take this, you stay here and the grounders can't see you" I say and put Jasper to the ground, "makes sense" Jasper say's, Octavia starts walking away, but I grab her and ask "what are you up too?", "I'm getting Lincoln out of here" "your either in or or out" she replies, I sigh and say "fine, whats the plane Pocahontas." After getting every one doped up I look around trying to find some clothes for Lincoln, but then I bump into some one, "hahahaha" "grandma is that you, wow" I look up and I see Jake, just standing there, wearing only his briefs and smiling. "Jake hi" I say awkwardly, "awwww grandma" Jake say's wile hugging me, he starts smelling my hair "it smells like rain bows and marshmellow's" Jake says. 

I try to push him off of me, his grip was to tight, so I stepped on his foot as hard as I can and knocked him down. He just fell on the floor and started laughing, "sorry bud" I said, then walked over him, I ran to the drop ship and quickly climbed the ladder to were the grounder was. I walked in on Octavia and Lincoln, they were kissing, witch wasn't by my surprise. Octavia in shock quickly stopped kissing him and said "what took you so long?", "I got in a little conflict" "here" I said, wile walking over to Lincoln. He just stared at me, "don't just leave me hanging" I said, "it's alright" "you can trust her" Octavia told him, he took the clothes out of my hand and quickly started putting it on. "Thank you" he said to me, then looked at Octavia, then left, after a wile after he left I smiled at Octavia who smiled back, then I left the drop ship. 

Its dark now, and every one is back to sane, "HE"S GONE" "THE GROUNDER"S GONE" Miller yelled wile running out of the drop ship, "what if he brings more grounder's" Jasper say's in worry. "Let the grounder's come" "we'v been afraid of them for far too long" Bellamy say's with blood all over his face, wild dropping a huge bag to the ground. "Why, because of there knives and spears" "I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being afraid" Bellamy finally said. He opened the bag, the bag were full of guns, "tomorrow we start training" Bellamy orders, "if the grounder's come, we'll be ready to fight" He finally said. I meet Bellamy in fron't of the drop ship and start cleaning his wounds on his face. "so what happened?" I ask, "John happened" he replied, "thank you" he said, "for what?" I ask, "for this" he replied, "hay, your the one who asked me" I said, "did you ever think asked you because I like you" he say's, "well maybe I did it because I like you" I say with a smile, he smiled back............

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