Alive And Here (10)

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"sis em up" the grounders spoke behind me, wile I run for my life, I didn't know what they were saying, but it wasn't good. It was daylight now and I ran and ran until I trip over something and bounce down a bumpy hill, I look to see were I was heading. There was a cliff at the end of the hill, I try to use my feet to stop myself from falling off, but that just made everything worst. I land at the the end of the hill, I fall of the cliff, wile closing my eyes tightly knowing I was about to die. My eyes are still closed, when I realize I don't feel anything, no pain, nothing. "I'm I dead" I whisper to myself, I slowly open my eyes and look down, my feet were swinging back and forth from way high above, underneath there was pointy rock and dirt. I look up and see my shirt hooked on some branch, I quickly grab on to the branch and hang there. I noticed I wasn't that far from the entrance of the cliff, I try to climb up, but every time I put pressure on the branch it began to break and little rocks would start to crumble from under my feet. I just decided to hang there and call for help "HELP" "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME", "Alex" I look up recognizing that deep voice, "Bellamy" I say, wile crying, he's alive I thought to my self, he's actually alive and here.

He stares at me for a couple of seconds, "ok Alex" "hold on, I'm gonna got you out of there" , I look at him nervously "I'm to stubborn to hold on any longer." "Well be stubborn a little longer" he turns around and leaves, five minuets later I see Bellamy crawling down the cliff with rope made out of belts tied around his waist. He finally get to were I am and stares at me "Come on" "rap your arms around me" I just look at him awkwardly "Don't worry I got you" "trust me." I nod my head telling him ok, then I carefully let my hands fall of the branch and grab a hold around in neck. He catches me an holds me with one hand around my waste and the other holding onto the rope. "I got her" "pull us up" Bellamy shouts up, we started going up slowly until, WHOOP, the rope that was pulling us up fell down half way "AHHHH" I screamed. "Murphy what the hell is going on" Bellamy shouts up, "don't worry" "I wont drop you Bellamy" Murphy said sarcastically, a few seconds later I here Monroe's voice "GROUNDERS" she yells.

They try to pull us up as fast as they can, all I can hear is creaming and shouting, but then a loud horn blew, I turn my head and look at Bellamy nervously "the fog." Bellamy looks up quickly "WE NEED TO TAKE COVER" "HURRY", it finally got quite, the rope slowly started pulling up with us still on it. We finally got to the top of the cliff, Bellamy gets there first and falls to the ground, heavily breathing. I come up next and fall on top of him, landing on his chest, our nose almost touching I smile and kiss him hard on his cheek. I laugh in happiness, wile he shrokes my hair, I finally get off of him in pain. Few Seconds Later: The tent was built up over a small rock, the fog was blowing all around us, wile we sit and wait in the tent. Bellamy raps his jacket over me and starts cleaning my wounds, he makes a brace for my arm, using a part of his shirt. I look up at him and smile, wile he tightens my brace, the wind finally stops, we all walk out of the rent. Bellamy gives Finn and Murphy a map to go find Clarke and our friends, I stop Finn from leaving and give him a tight hug, I tell him to be careful before he walks away with Murphy.

We all start walking to were the ark crashed, we finally get there and there was already a camp set up. As soon as we walked into camp guns pointed at us from all sides, Bellamy slowly and carefully put his gun to the ground, with the others doing the same. I looked past Bellamy and see Abby walking this way, I quickly run towards her with Bellamy's jacket falling off of me. I jump and hug her as hard as I can. I truly did miss her all this time, I never had a real mom and she was defiantly like a mother figure to me. She hugs me back hard as well, I let go of her and smile, I see Jackson walking up from behind her, he looks at me shockingly "Alex", I run to him as well and hug him. Abby looks at us "bring her to medical" "I'll fix you up shortly." Jackson walks with me to medical, on the way there I tell him about my adventures on the ground and what me and the other's been through. We finally make it to medical, I walk in slowly and sit on top of the table bed, Jackson gives me a quick check up and waits for Abby to come.

A couple of minutes later Abby comes in ready to clean me up. She slowly walked over towards me and grabbed her tools. She gave me several stitches, one above my eyebrow, two on my back, three on my legs, and one small one on my left arm. She took of my brace around my right arm and said I didn't need it, and that I only sprained my right arm, so I should be find in a couple of days. Before I left to Be with Bellamy, Abby gave me new clean clothes. It was a nice black T-shirt, green jeans, comeback boots, and surprisingly a new black bra. I mean I need a new bra, but it's kinda weird how she knows my size. She also gave me a nice warm jacket, right after she laid the nice clothes down on the table bed, her and Jackson left so I can change.

Right after they left I quickly but carefully changed out of Bellamy's shirt and my black pants. I put on my new black bra and threw away my old white bra. Right when I was about done, I walked over to the Mirror and looked at my self, my hair looked like crap so I tied in a French braid. Before I left I grabbed my new Jacket and headed out the door. I left the ark and stepped outside, the first thing I saw was Clarke hugging Bellamy, I smiled excitedly and ran towards her "CLARKE" I screamed her name, she let go of Bellamy and turned around. She smiled, wile I jumped on her and gave her a tight hug.

I petted her dirty blood hair and smiled, I let go of her and looked at her face. There was bruises and scratches all over it, "wow you look like crap", she laughed in response. I saw Octavia and Raven standing next to each other, I quickly ran towards both of them and hugged both at once. They hugged me back as well, I let go of both of them and looked down at Raven, she was leaning on a cane and limbing. I looked at her sadly "Raven I'm so sorry", she looked back at me and smiled "nahhh it could have been worse." We all glance at each other in happiness, knowing that everything is fine now, we're all here and safe, and nothing could hurt us.................

Yeah I know there was probably to much hugging and happiness in this chapter, but don't worry next weekend that's when it starts getting ligit. Also next chapter is we're I'm posting a picture of Alex's new outfit on the chapter pic.
Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I'm still upset that the 100 ended so soon, but when the messengers comes on that should keep distracted all summer especially that hot Spanish guy who reminds me of Bellamy 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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