That Stupid Gorgeous Boy!

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I stepped out of the cool airport terminal, emerging into the hot, humid, Florida air and headed to the parking lot where temperatures had to be at least upper nineties.

The July sun was beating down on my face. I slipped on a pair of black Ray Bans over my eyes. I could feel sweat dripping down my back. The hideous meteorological behavior of the state of Florida was going to make me sweat my behind off no matter how high the air was cranked.

I spotted Jill right away only because she was waving her hands frantically making me think they were going to fall off any second.

We're total opposites, but we're just alike in so many other ways.

 "Humming Bird!" She yelled.

"Jilly boo!" I yelled back rolling my suitcase behind me.

I ran to her as she ran to me. I let go of my suitcase as she jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist. "Oh my gosh, I missed you too much." Her auburn hair was tickling my neck. She was a bit obnoxious at times, but I got used to it. So while she was the loud one, I was the go-with-the-flow type of girl.

"I missed you too!...Now get off me you fatty!" I joked, causing both of us to laugh. She was that type of girl who no matter how much she ate, she never gained weight. Jill let me go just in time because my legs were beginning to shake.

She smacked my butt and giggled. "Sorry you needed to be punished for looking so damn hot!" I laughed looking down at myself. I only had on a white t-shirt with music notes on it, black cropped shorts and white converse.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I said taking in her appearance. She had on some cut off jeans and a blue tank top which really made her baby blue eyes shine.

She looked at me, laughed and pulled me back in tight. "Im so happy you're here with me," When I finally managed to break free from the major bone-breaking bear hug we were five minutes and a whole lot of friendly insults later. Both of us were grinning like morons as we stared at each other.

She looped her arm through mine and we walked over to her red Beetle Convertible. "Oh, Sam," she exclaimed, playfully squeezing my arm. "You're finally here! Aren’t you just so excited?"

"Absolutely!" I agreed, smiling, her enthusiasm contagious.

She popped the trunk open and I threw my suitcase in and slid into the passengers seat and tied my hair into a ponytail. "Jill promise me it will be a Summer to remember. Because after all that's happened, it's just something I need. A real Summer." I said as I held out my pinkie finger.

"I promise nothing but fun ahead of us." She said as she held her pinkie up and we locked them together shaking our hands up and down.

"You're the best friend and cousin anyone could ever have." I said as I leaned back in my seat.

“I know, what would you do without me." She sighed as she placed a hand on her chest faking a dreamy sigh. I laughed as I shook my head. She turned on the radio and  'Live While We're Young' by One Direction was playing.

"Ooh!" We both squealed at the same time. She blasted the music.

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun

I know we only met but let's pretend it's love

We both sang at the top of our lungs.

And never, never, never stop for anyone

I looked over at Jill and her auburn hair was blowing in the wind as she bobbed her head up and down to the music.

Tonight let's get some

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