Mephoj (MePhone x OJ)

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Art above is not by me!

OJ grabbed a plate of cookies, thinking it would be a nice gift to thank him for everything. He knows how much MePhone loves cookies, so this would be the ideal gift!

"Now where is he?" OJ asked himself. He knew he wasn't in the hotel, and he assumed he was out hosting challenges like usual. OJ didn't feel like looking around but this was MePhone and he had to look for MePhone.


OJ stepped outside, feeling the cool air, and shivered a bit. "Pretty cold out there.." OJ was unaccustomed to walking outside in the cold, but he continued his search for MePhone. OJ walked to the stage where MePhone and his assistant were, but he didn't see them there.

"They must be taking a break or something." OJ talked to himself.

"Who are you talking to?" asks someone behind them.

MePad was behind OJ when he saw him. "Oh MePad, I'm glad to see you here! Have you seen Mephone lately?" OJ asked MePad.

"No, Mr. Orange Juice, I haven't seen MePhone lately, he said he would take a short walk," MePad told him.

OJ froze up. What if something really bad happened to MePhone? OJ told the big meeple, "I'm looking for him, let me know if you see him again."

MePad nodded to indicate that he understood.


OJ began to rush while still carrying the plate of cookies. "Oh, MePhone... where are y-?" A flash of lightning interrupted his sentence, and it started to pour rain.

"Great.. just great.." OJ murmured then heard a noise nearby, it sounded like glitching. "Oh, that must be MePhone!" OJ immediately dropped the plate of cookies. MePhone's more important than cookies. It was raining heavily, and the ground was wet, so he slowed down and avoided the mud. Underneath the tree, he saw MePhone.


It looked like he was covering himself from the rain so the leaves above him would protect him, but they didn't do a great job as the rain poured right through them and onto MePhone.

MePhone's screen glitched, and he turned around to see OJ. "OJ!" He shouted.

"MePhone! what are you doing in this forest? and in the rain!!!" OJ sounded so concerned for him.

"I just wanted to walk around and clear my head, but then it started pouring and the only cover I could get was from this stupid tree which didn't help." MePhone then punched the tree and winced as his hand hurt.

"Oh MePhone.. I was worried about you!" OJ hugged him, and some of OJ's juice poured onto him, causing MePhone to glitch more.

OJ then backed away. "S-sorry!"

MePhone's words began to glitch as she said, "I-It's fine! I'm F-F-fine..."

"I'll figure out how to fix you and get you out of this rain" OJ picked up MePhone and ran out of the forest to MePad. OJ was surprised that MePhone didn't seem to mind being carried; he normally complains if people try to help him.

"MEPAD! MEPAD!" As the rain roared, OJ had to yell out MePad's name. MePad played some music to alert them that he's nearby.

MePhone pointed in the direction where MePad is, who was peeking through the curtains behind the stage.

OJ immediately climbed up the stairs and went behind the curtain. He said, "MePhone is glitching! Is there anything you can do?"

MePad examined MePhone. "He should be fine," MePad said, "he just needs a battery change and everything will be fine."

OJ asked, "Where do you find batteries?"

"It's in MeCloud," MePad said.

"No no no! I'm not going to th-th-that place!" MePhone angrily said as he didn't like seeing Cobs.

"Oh, you don't have to sir. I'll teleport there and get it for you" MePad teleport's away, leaving MePhone and OJ alone.

There was an awkward silence that lasted a few minutes until MePhone broke it. "W-w-why did you want to look for me a-a-a-anyway?" MePhone growled as his voice was glitching.

"Well, I did bake some cookies for you, but I dropped them in the rain." OJ awkwardly laughed.

MePhone also laughs. "Is there a reason why you m-m-made me cookies?"

"It was a thank you gift for everything you have done in this show, I don't know how you do it MePhone. Being a host and setting up challenges for everyone"

"Hehe.. I didn't do it alone you know... " MePhone weakly replied.

OJ looked worried. "Hurry up MePad..." he whispered to himself.

MePad teleported back with the battery. He opened up MePhone and took out the old battery and changed it out with a new one.

MePhone sat up with some dizziness but seemed to be okay. OJ hugged him, whispering, "I'm so glad that you're oK...!"

MePhone shooed MePad away as he wanted some alone time. MePad nodded then teleported away.

MePhone took a deep breath and began. "Since we're alone.. I have to tell you something.." he said.

OJ stared at him, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"I-I...." MePhone couldn't say it. "Ugh! why is it so hard to tell you!" MePhone growled then tried to keep it together.

"Listen OJ... I appreciate on everything you done.. getting a hotel and letting the loser contestants stay in it.. and well... what I'm trying to say is.. that.. I-I-... I love you.." MePhone lowly said, hoping OJ didn't hear it but he did heard it.

OJ was surprised. "M-MePhone.." OJ can't help but kiss him.

MePhone didn't hesitate to return the kiss. The kiss lasted for 5 minutes until MePhone slowly pulled away and started to cry a bit. "I hadn't felt this feeling in a long time.." He said while wiping away his tears.

"When the rain stops, are you up for some cookies?" OJ inquired with a smile.

MePhone smiled. "I can never say no to cookies" MePhone and OJ both laughed for a few moments, then turned around as the rain lightly calmed down.

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