Knickle Short Story

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(A/N I love these two so goddamn much!!! zubefkhdwehsubdwe!!)



It was your average midnight. The moonlight shined on any reflected surfaces, it reflected off of the blades head, shinning a bit brightly. Might be so bright that the people in the hotel could see the light from their windows. Knife quickly hid underneath a nearby tree as he didn't want to attract attention to himself. He was going to sneak into the hotel to meet up with his boyfriend. Of course, Pickle wasn't his boyfriend yet but he still wanted to see the cucumber again. It's been weeks since they've last seen each other, the two of them would play video games, chat, and eat snacks.

Knife defiantly missed those times. MePhone didn't want any of his remaining contestants leaving and secretly sneaking off to places like Marshmallow, so Knife had to be confidential about it and not tell anyone where he was off too. Security was strict though as MePad would teleport everywhere to find anyone who was missing but luckily, MePad was nowhere near Knife so he thinks the coast is clear. Knife walked out from underneath the tree then promptly ran down the hill, towards the tall orange building in front of him.

Knife had been sneaking into OJ's hotel for a while now so of course, he knows where Pickles's window was located. He eyed up at his window then snapped his fingers, saying "Bingo"

The blade began to climb, grasping the window ledges as he did so. He tried to be careful as he didn't want to end up slipping and falling down. Not only he would break his leg, but also alert the guests inside the hotel so he had to stay vigilant.

He finally grabbed Pickles's window and boost himself up, he knocked on Pickles window as it was shut closed. He watched the cucumber rising up from his bed then Knife snickered as he saw the sleepy cucumber staring at him all drowsy mixed with a puzzled look. He walked up to the window then unlocked it then fully opened it up.

Pickle: K-knife? The hell are you doing here?

Knife: To see you again, duh!

he fully launched himself through Pickles's window and landed on his face on the floor. Pickle let out a short chuckle then helped him up.


Pickle: Don't you know what time it is?

Knife: *smirks* Time to play video games?? (playfully nudges Pickles arm with his elbow)

Pickle: *playfully rolls eyes* It's midnight and half of the people here are sleeping. What if OJ catches you?

Knife: Pft, that beverage can't catch me, I'm pretty stealthy and hadn't been caught yet~

Pickle: Just make sure MePhone's giant assistant doesn't catch you. He's pretty loyal to MePhone and his rules

Knife: *rolls eyes* Yeah yeah, I know that


The two of them stopped talking, none of them had anything intriguing to say to each other so the room was filled with stiff and awkward silence altogether. Knife whistled to break the silence then Pickle just snickered as he heard Knifes terrible whistling.

Pickle: Alright, stop dude *chuckles*

Knife: Don't like my whistling tune? *smirks*

Pickle: It's cringy and not really a tune *laughs*

Knife: *pretends to be shocked* I'm offended that you said that!

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