Something In Common (Sticker x AirPod) (Updated)

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A/N I know all the objects despise AirPod and I get why they hate him but I find Sticker x AirPod a cute ship! I found it while on Insta and it was just so cute that I had to make a chapter of them!

(This show just came out so I'm a little new to their personalities and such but I'll get better once the show progresses)

BTW! If you're wondering what object show this is, it's a new show called Mysterious Object Super Show or for short, MOSS.

So yea, I recommend that you go check that out before reading this since you may not know who these characters are.


Sticker watched AirPod as he was busy bragging about how expensive he was and that he's cooler than all the "poor objects"

Sticker: Ugh! He irritates me so much!

Sticker wanted to get up and slap him in his stupid yet charming- Oh what was he thinking?! AirPod is a jerk to every object here, Sticker shouldn't be in love with him! Sticker grasped onto his head, confused and furious about why he was thinking this way.

Gumball machine gradually approached Sticker.

GM: Uh... You ok?

Sticker: *turns around to see Gumball machine then groans* Yeah... Why wouldn't I be?!

GM: Well... You're grabbing your head and mumbling sounds so I was assuming you-

Sticker: I know I know, I was being sarcastic!

Sticker sat down on the grass then glared at AirPod. AirPod turned around to look at Sticker but Sticker kept looking away with a slight blush on his face and with his angry expression like always.

Gumball Machine looked at AirPod from the distance then gazed down at Sticker.

GM: So uh... Do you like him or something...?

Sticker: Wha- NO! I deeply loathe that guy! *points to AirPod* How can I be in love with that charming jerk?!

Sticker accidentally said the word Charming which got Gumball machine to say "Mmhm~"

Sticker: Oh just... Shut up and leave me be..!

Gumball machine sat down next to Sticker.

GM: I don't get why you like him-

Sticker: I DON'T!

Gumball machine put her hands out in defense.

GM: Ok ok! All I'm saying is that you should just.. Walk up there and talk to him. Maybe you could become his friend or something? Once he gets to know you, he might finally stop being so jerky to everyone!

Sticker took a glance at AirPod then looked down at the grass, his expression suddenly turning to a frown, which surprised Gumball machine of course.

Sticker: I don't know...

GM: C'mon Sticker, you're like; the toughest and grumpiest object I know! I know you can do this *lays hand on his shoulder*

Sticker: I guess I'll give it a try... But I won't like it and get your hand OFF me!

Gumball machine quickly backed off and watched Sticker got up. Sticker hesitated to walk over to AirPod but he was doing it.


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