Hope You Feel Better (Yin-Yang x Tissues)

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Yin-Yang where both sleeping calmly in their bed. They were both sleeping peacefully until they both woke up from a huge sneezing fit coming from the other room. Yang grabbed the pillow to covered his ears  to block out the noise but it just kept going. It was 5 a clock in the morning!


Yang: I'm gonna stomp in there and tell him to BE QUIET!

Yin: No! You might wake up the other sleeping contestants!

Yang: Does it look like I care if we wake them up? It's their fault for not being heavy sleepers!

Yang tried to walk out the door but it was difficult for him as Yin-Yang both share a body. So Yang threaten to hurt Yin if he doesn't get a move on then Yin obeyed then they started walking towards the door.

Yang loudly banged Tissues room door. The doorknob jiggled then the door opened to reveal Trophy with an irritated look on his face, glaring down at the two.


Yang forgot that Trophy was Tissues roommate.

Yang: Could you tell your friend  in there to keep the sneezing down? SOME OBJECTS ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!!

Yin: Terribly sorry Trophy!!

Trophy: I was having a really nice dream, didn't expect dumb and dumber  to wake me up in the middle of the night...

Yang: *holds fist up* Who are you callin' dumb?!

Yin tried to put his arm down as he was about to punch Trophy.

Yin: No! We might get kicked out if we start a fight here again, OJ said so!

Yang slowly put down his arm as Yin was right, he glared at the golden award, not afraid.  

Yin: Well uh... Could we maybe take Tissues off of your hands? We would like to take care of him!

Yang: (shocked) WHAT?!

Trophy: Pfft alright, I never liked him anyways 

Trophy walked back inside the room. He picked up the sleeping tissue box then thrown him out of the room. Tissues collided with Yin-Yang on the floor, he slowly opened his eyes, his eyes looking pretty tired and sick.


Tissues: Wh-what happened?

Yin: Well uh... Me and Yang are volunteering to take care of you! You know, since you've been sick for the past few weeks...

Yang: Just to clarify... I DIDN'T agree to this!!

Yin: (ignores him) So come to our room and we'll take good care of you!

Tissues: Oh, you really don't have to *sneezes*  do that! My condISHAWn is probably permanent.. and contagious sooo don't get too close...

Yang: Welp, we tried. Let's go Yin, I'm not risking getting his condition!!

Yang tried to walk away but Yin wasn't budging.

Yin: We will still help you Tissues! We could at least try and help you feel better!

Yin half smiled while Yang did a disapproving frown.

Tissues: O-oh, Really...?

Yin: Of course! Luckily our room is just a few meters down from yours, we'll get there in no time! 

The two objects walked down then Yin-Yang opened the door to their room. They all walked in and Tissues settled down on the bed with orange covers. He patiently waited as Yin-Yang went downstairs to make something for him.


Yin: We're back!

Tissues saw a nice hot bowl of soup Yin-Yang was carrying. 

Tissues: It smells wonderful!!

Yin: Secret recipe I used~ Now eat you, you need your strength

Yin-Yang handed him the bowl then Tissues started to carefully eat it as it was still hot. Yang had to admit that he looked pretty cute when he's sick. The dark side of Yin-Yang's face started to have a slight hue of red while the white half had a slight pink to it. Tissues stared at Yin-Yang then gasps.

Tissues: A-are you two feeling ok?! 

Yin: Yea? What'd you mean?

Tissues: You're faces both look a little red... I hope I didn't give you guys the fever!!

Tissues began to worry then Yang felt his face then blushed a little.

Yang: Oh uh... IT'S NOTHING, BYE!

Yin-Yang quickly left Tissues room.


Yin: Yang... What was that all about?

Yang: I-it's nothing... Let's just go back to sleep...

Yin opened Tissues room door again to say bye to him.

Yin: Hope you're feel better, Tissues!~

Tissues: I hope so too... Thanks for the- *sneezes*  Soup...!

Yin-Yang blushed then gently closed the door.


Yin: You have to admit... He's pretty cute when he's sick~ Don't you agree Yang?

Yang: *blushes*  Pfft, no! I find him pretty gross...

Yin: *smirks*  If you say sooo...

Yang: Oh shut up loser...


A/N short fic I know

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