Just Tell Him (Penraser)

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Pen and Eraser had been hanging out for years. They both knew each other very well and are best friends, but what if that friendship had turned into something else? Like... Boyfriends? Pen didn't know if Eraser was gay or not, neither of them had discussed their sexualities because it wasn't either of their business but... Pen does get all nervous whenever he was around Eraser; face all warm, heart pounding faster than normal, sweating sometimes. Pen wondered if he was crushing on his best friend! He would sometimes go talk to his cousin, Pencil, for advice since he knew Pencil and Match were together and the two had been dating for a while.

Pen was relaxing on the picnic bench, bored. He hadn't seen Eraser in a while and he was sad Blocky wasn't here to keep him company since he'll be battling for BFB while Snowball, Eraser, and himself are competing in TPOT.

Pen gazed at the table then his head shot up as he heard someone coming. He was disappointed to find Pencil and not Eraser.

"Need something?" Pen said in a downhearted tone, not too thrilled to talk to his cousin.

"I can tell something's up, so like, is something wrong?" Pencil asked with a calm tone.

Pen sighed, "It's just Eraser... I don't know when to tell him! What if he- what if he doesn't feel the same way and thinks I'm a weirdo!?"

Pencil could hear the despairing tone in her cousin's voice. "Chillax cuz, Eraser wouldn't think any less of you if you just tell him! I was worried about coming out too when I had to tell Match the same thing"

Pen listened in, "Really? What was she like?"

"Oh, she accepted it! Turns out she's into girls too so we, like, have been dating, for like, a few years now!" Pencil smiled as she thought about Match.

Pen was surprised to find his cousin coming out like that, must take a lot of guts to do that but... Pen wasn't the bravest of them all, he was still somewhat apprehensive about doing this.

"But-" Pencil cut him off. "Just tell him, I promise he wouldn't get upset if you just confess your feelings, your true feelings" Pencil ended it with a smile.

Pen smiled then hugged his cousin. "Thanks, sis..."

"Sis? I'm your cousin" Pencil was surprised and a bit flattered he would call her "sis".

"I-I know... I just find you a... Sister figure for right now..." Pen chuckled.

Pencil laughed with him. "No prob, bro..."




Eraser was chilling and chatting with Snowball from afar. Pen located the two then took a deep breath, slowly walking up to them.

"Like seriously, who has time to be Match's assistant? I was basically being forced to work for her..." Eraser ended with an eye roll.

"Tell me about it..." Snowball groaned.

Pen approached the two. "Mind if I speak to Eraser, alone?" Pen told Snowball.

Snowball rolled his eyes, "Whatever..." Snowball walked away then Eraser faced Pen.

"Sup bro hadn't seen you in a while! What do you want to talk about?" Eraser's warm smile made Pen's cheeks have a slight hint of blue.

"I-I...." *stop stuttering, Pen!* He told himself.

Eraser lifted one eyebrow, querying if he was ok. "Uh... You ok dude?"

Pen's legs trembled as he was growing nervous then he retained what Pencil had told him. "Just tell him, I promise he wouldn't get upset if you just confess your feelings, your true feelings" Pen took his cousin's advice then took another deep breath.

"Eraser... There's something I wanted to tell you for a long time..."

Eraser nodded. "Yeah? What is it?"

Pen sighed, "We have been best buds for years and... I sorta... Have a crush, o-on.. you.." Pen practically whispered the last part.

Eraser's eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly opened, in shock.

Pen frowned, he knew this wasn't a good idea! Why did he accept Pencil's advice?! He wishes he could just take back what he said and forget this ever happened!

Pen was about to tell Eraser he was just joking till he was astonished to feel lips connect to his. Pen found Eraser kissing him, on the lips.

Eraser's lips felt warm and soft. Pen gently closed his eyes then felt Eraser place his hand on his cheek, kissing more passionately. The kiss remained longer than pen expected till Eraser mildly pulled away.

"I love you too man~ I was just afraid that you wouldn't think the same way...!" Eraser rubbed the back of his head, I guess he too was just as nervous as Pen.

"So... It's official then?" Pen said with a nervous smile.

"You bet~ We'll be such great boyfriends!" Eraser gave him a bro hug.

Pen returned the embrace and had a few tears in his eyes, he was glad to be with Eraser and glad that Eraser feels the same way.




Pencil was glad that Pen finally came out to Eraser, she would smile at her cousin every time Pen was with Eraser, holding hands and kissing each other.

Match walked up to Pencil's side then gently holds her hand. Pencil stared at Match with a surprise gaze then Match had a warm smile on.

"Ya wanna, like, go get milkshakes or something? My treat!" Pencil heard the enthusiasm in her girlfriend's voice, she couldn't help but giggle.

"Sure Match~"

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