Chapter One

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He held my hand, whilst he lead me up to his attic. Ok, Ok, I was kinda excited, even though this wasn't my kind of place to go to. This was all Ryan loved, this was all I disliked. Before he opened the door at the top of the stair, he turned to me. I flinched from the loud music coming from inside the party venue, of his humble attic. A smile spread over his devilishly hot face. He flicked his black mop of rugged hair out his eyes, his green emerald like irises shining under the christmas tree lights, sprawled across the ceiling.

' I'll take you home, however late it is' he murmured, touching my cheek. I smiled. ' Zayn Malik will be wondering around the streets. You know how dangerous he can be'

' I can look after myself, Ryan' I said. He smirked, and gave me a quick peck. ' How ever dangerous or Bad Boy-ish people claim he is, I'm not scared of him-I bet the Bad Boy thing is just an act. I wish I could get it out of him-'

' You wish you could kiss me now?' Ryan muttered. I grinned, pushed him lightly aside, and stepped into the party. All my friends were there, Louis, Harry, Niall, Liam, Rebecca, Chelsea, Abbey, Emma.... oh, I could go on for a while, the cabin like attic was stuffed full with people dancing, laughing, talking, drinking and hugging, all my friends surrounded me. Ryan slid a muscular hand round my waist. The venue looked amazing. The dust, the boxes, the junk had all been pushed aside, and made into cosy sofas, with duvets and blankets and pillows crushed on top of all the crap. Flashing lights were beaming in everyones faces, music was pumping from the crackly radio and one of the top dancers in our year, was showing her stuff on the small raised platform under the roof window. I smiled down at Abbey as she danced, showing off to The Zayn Malik who was drinking heavily. Abbey was one of the bravest ones of them all, constantly trying to break the barrier of Zayn's insults and Bad Boy taste. Abbey would always refuse to break locks and step down from the stage, she wouldn't give up on Zayn insecurity, which is why a lot of people liked her in our year. She saw the goodness in everyone, and was friendly about it. She posed her final dance off pose, and welcomed the applause with opne arms. She approached me, grinning her bright face off.

' Wsa I good?' She squealed. I nodded uncertainly.

' I only just arrived' I say, ' But from what I saw, very nice moves' She hugged me.

' Awww, thanks' she became serious, ' Damien is here, do you think I should ask him out, or just kiss him?'

Ah, we were back on the Damien chapter again. Damien, that guy so many people were crazy about. Apart from Zayn Malik as well. I shook my head sternly.

' Do you think ramming your tongue down his throat will be more welcoming than the subtle, : wanna come to the Lido Cafe with me on Sunday?' I say. She bites her lip, thanks me, and walks off  in Damien's direction. I lean onto Ryan's shoulder, but before he says anything, I hear shouting, and run to Harry's yells of anger.

' You don't know how I feel!' he screams. Everyone is silent, looking in the direction of Louis and Harry, in a heated argument.

' How would I?' Louis yells, clenching his fist. ' You've been my best friend for ever!'

' Duh! You don't think I know that!' Harry cries, tears coming to his eyes. My heart beats faster to see them both like this. I seem unable to move toward them both and console them, this is something they both need to work out.

' STOP THIS!' Louis screams, his voice cracking, he then fell to the floor, and held himself in. ' I'VE LOVED YOU SINCE SIXTH YEAR, HARRY!'

Everyone stiffens. Harry's jaw drops. In my pheripheral vision, I see Zayn smirking. I get angry. Louis remains sobbing on the floor, and he covers his mouth, stands up, weak at the knees, and try to make a run for it, mumbling somthing that sounded like, ' I'm sorry, no, that wasn't meant to-'

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