Chapter Eleven

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' Jennifer! Please, no, come back!'

The next thing I feel, apart from the pain that ripping my insides, is the pump of hot, wonderful air being rushed into my lungs, from Zayn's soft lips. I feel my heart pound faster, the air regaining inside of me. I lie there, for a few moments, letting the air take over my body. Then, it stops, and I hear whimpering. Zayn's crying. I try to open my eyes, but they feel weak, and hot. As does the rest of my body, accept hotter, more hard core, and really, really agonizing. I don't think I can move a muscle. 

' Please, please don't.... no, you can't...' I hear Zayn. Right. That was it. I opened my eyes, which was arguably the hardest thing I have ever had to do, then I sat up, and cried out from the pain that seized inside my veins.

' I'm here..' I grumble. Zayn's shaking body stiffens, then his beautiful head shoots up, and stares at me. I want to smile and kiss him, and make love to him, but the pain is too immense, I slump down again, and scream out.

' Jenny! It'll be OK, I'm here for you' Zayn says, his voice shaking. He takes me up in his arms, and carries me onto a hard matress. Oh, we were back at the motel. Everything starts to kick in now, and I realise why I am in such pain, and how I am here. I was obviously unconcious for a while. I let Zayn tend to my wounds, using a sharp, clear ointment, that stung, then soothed my wounds. It seemed as if my face was soaked with blood, burns tore at my flesh from my legs, but almost everywhere else seemed untouched. What seemed like just seconds, Zayn then pulled me into his arms, and he stopped healing me. I was done. I felt my skin wet now, with ointment. Outside, it was dark. Strange. When I woke up, it was light, and now, after he had healed me, it was pitch dark outside.

' It's dark?' I mumble. Zayn lies me down onto the bed, andd strokes my face lovingly.

' I have been treating you for hours, babes' he whispers. Babes. I like it. I purse my lips, and Zayn understands my signal. He leans in without hesitation, and kisses me, long, slow, deep, tender, passionate and sexy. I reply, with as much enthusiasm as I could, then, after about half an hour, I seperate our lips, and lay down again. That was exhausting, but rewarding. I shut my eyes, and fall asleep.


' Jennifer... Jennifer?' I hear Zayn whisper. I snap open my eyes, and see his angelic face, and smile. ' Hi there, you may want to look around you-'

' What the fuck!?' I cry, as I sit up. I am in the plane again, the plane I took to America with Zayn. It seems a world away. Weren't we in the motel a few seconds ago? And now it seems as if I have been transported back to the future. ' Why am I here?'

' It's OK, now, you need some answers' Zayn says, propping up a pillow for me. I lie with him, fuming. ' I'll start from the moment you fell asleep-you fell asleep, then I left to find Jake, and what they had to say about the explosion, and if they would take the deal back, but they didn't seem to want to, after all, I did kinda blow up a lives stock of meth, so when they began to threaten me, I wanted to make a run for it, but they tried to strangle me-'

' Zayn! Are you OK now!?' I cry, touching his neck. It's plastered with tight hand marks. I grimace.         

' Yes, thanks, but anyway' Zayn continues, ' they tried to strangle me, but I kicked the guy hard in the goin-a blind spot especially for them, and ran, real fast. They didn't have their guns on them, so I just ran all the way from the warehouse, back to the motel, picked you up, took you to my car, then drove to the airport, them on my tail, and jumped back onto this plane, and we got away, pretty slim though. They will still be after us, though. They just need to find out how to get to us'

I nod, and sit up. I drink in his words, then shut my eyes, exhausted. Zayn kisses my nose sweetly.

' Where d'you think you're going?' he murmures romantically. I tilt my head. ' You're going to sleep with me, missy'

I grin, as he begins to kiss me passionately, hard, strong, all round my face, behind my ear, round my jaw line, down my neck, then he rips the fabric of my top away from me, and kisses my torso all over. He takes off his top, and I kiss him, tracing his juicy tattoos with my tongue, while he removed my jeans. Then, his hand go bolistic, and run all over my body, making me shiver. Then, he throws his hand into my undies, and rubs-hard. I throw back my head and sigh/moan out loudly. My vision blurred, my body alive with sexual energy. Zayn kisses my thighs, as he slides my last peice of clothing down my legs, kissing my thighs softly as he went. Zayn then kicks off his high tops, slides off his skinny jeans, then lies back onto the bed, while I kiss round his boxers, they grow tighter and tighter, until he's hard. I then take off his boxers, and slip his member into my mouth, and slide it up and down, around my mouth, my tongue whirling round. He cries out softly, and rises his pelvis in pleasure. I tease him, almost laughing at the way he reacts. He is so cute when he gets teased like this. Then, he speaks breathlessly.

' One sec... Jennifer' he moans at me, as I go faster, then stop. ' Condom, let me get it-'

Once he's protected, everything starts up again, the room is soon filled with moans and sighs and gasps of pleasure, adding effect. The feelings for me are half pain, half thrill, but it's worth it. Everything's worth it for Zayn. I love him so much. I cry out, as he goes faster and harder, and I feel on fire. Zayn is oddly experienced at this kind of thing-it's unforgettable.

' Mmm, uh, Zayn...' I whisper, taking his face in my hands, when our bodies become our own. ' I love you so much... I really do'

Zayn smiles, and sucks on my neck, leaving little love bite marks. I shiver, when his cute little teeth poke my skin, through his tongue. ' I'm a murderous drug dealer with a gruesome past, who smokes and drinks, and who has gotten his girlfriend into unspeakable danger-but you still love me? Not many people do-'

' Shut up, I do' I say, as I let his lips cuddle mine. I suck onto his bottom lip, making him groan out. Wow, that sound is really wonderful, the sound of an angel. Niall. I pull off, shocked. ' Oh God. what will we do when we get back home? What about Niall?'

Zayn rolls his eyes, and slithers his muscly arm round me, gently squeezing my bum. ' I don't care about that twat, but if you do, then choose. It's the only way'

My breath gets caught in my throat. Of course I had to choose, but now I was faced with that situation, I was stuck. ' I don't want to choose-'

' Let me make it easier for you' he snapped, then kissedme fiercely. I kissed back, then I had made up my mind. Zayn. Zayn. Zayn. Zayn.

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