Chapter Ten

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sorry for not updating very quickly, I was pretty tied down with homework, but it's nice to be back! Thanks for reading this far, more to come! This chapters pretty boring, but I hope YOU find it at least mildly interesting, love you! x

I sit up when I hear Zayn, pressing the door shut, his hands laden with food: bacon rolls, cereal bars, galaxy rolls, oreos, pop tarts, cheese balls and some coke. My mouth waters. Zayn is half naked, from having a shower, only his towel wrapped round him.  DAMN I LOVE HIM SO MUCH WHEN HE HAS NO TOP. I pat the place beside me, and Zayn slumps down comfortably, and hands me some food. I wolf it down, as we sit in a still silence.

' What are we planning to dot today?' I ask quietly. Zayn blinks, and puts his arm round me.

' I need to find the location of which they make the meth, then we must destroy it, to provoke them, and to put a halt to their business and blow up whatever they have and stop them making ruins out of people' Zayn says calmly, tightening his grip on me. I then let a small tear drop. I was thinking of Abbey again. Her death was so pointless, so violent, so meaningless, for such a meaningful person. Zayn sees, and kisses my temple. ' This will end soon, I just can't do it without you-'

' Zayn, I love Niall Horan!' I cry. He nods. ' How can I be here with you?! Why am I here? You haven't explained a thing! I'm suddenly in danger, and people around me are dying! You're a dangerous, filthy, thoughtless, smoker, drug dealer, murderer! But I love you! Why do you do this!? God, I hate you so much!'

I had my hands tangled in my hair, and I was pacing around the room, tears falling from home sickness, missing Niall, and for Abbey. Zayn got up from the bed quickly, and slapped his arms round me. I sobbed into his hard chest.

' Fuck you' I whisper under my breath. Zayn only tightens his grip on me, and I only sob harder. Soon, we both lumber out the hotel, me still sobbing, and we get out, into the sunny morning, and head for what looks like a shopping center.

' Why are we going here?' I choke, wiping away my tears. Zayn slips his hand in mine.

' I need to buy some matches, and a few other stuff' he mumbles. We end up buying some new clothes, food, two sleeping bags, some turps (highly flamable) and obviously, some matches. Then, we rent a car, and drive quickly to the warehouse, my heart hammering in my chest. Zayn reached for my hand, but I snatched it away quickly. I had grown angry. Zayn suddenly slams the breaks down, as he sees the warehouse looming on the other side of the street. He swallows hard, and again, tries to grab my hand, but I shake it off.

' If they see us holding hands, they will know I'm important to you, there for, a bargaining chip, and vulnerable for you to loose' I spit. Zayn nods, and wanders to the front door. I notice his knees are weak. A women is standing in front of the door, a gun in her hand, tattoos sprawled all over her visible chest, skinny black cords, a choppy bob of black hair, and a few gruesome scars across her face. ' Since when have they had someone gaurding this place?' I ask Zayn. He bites his lip, staring hard at her. She hasn't noticed us.

' It seems no ones in... I'll handle this' Zayn mutters. He jumps out the car, and strides slowly up to the woman. She blushes at Zayn's looks, and twiddles her fingers on her gun. Zayn smirks at her, and walks close.  ' You gaurdin' this place, sweetheart?'

My heart bubbled with anger. Sweetheart? I watch with intense interest.

' Yeah, why?' she asked quickly, her American accent clinging to her lips. ' D'you wanna get in?'

Zayn tilts his head. ' Maybe, why are you gaurding it?'

The woman smirks, and puffs her chest out. ' Not sayin''

' Is there something you need to protect something from me?' Zayn slurs, getting uncomfortably romantic.

' Protect you from?' the woman grins, showing her peirced tongue. ' Not from a bad boy like you, no'

Zayn strides another step towards her, so close to her that they very almost join at the hip. The woman puckers her plumb lips, looking a fool. My heart is punching my chest brutally. ' Bad boy, am I?'

The woman tries to slide her hand onto Zayn's waist, but Zayn has something completly different in mind. He took her hand, twisting it all the way round, evidently breaking her wrist, and he clamped his hand round her mouth, while she screams out. I wince. She tries to kick him in the groin, but he takes a hold of her pressure points in my shoulders, and squeezes. The pain would be horrible, just in the pressure areas, and she then stumbles to the ground, and shuts her eyes. I freeze. Zayn looks up at me, his eyes bright with satisfaction. I get out the car, and hit him angrily over the face. He freezes, then grabs my wrists, and pulls them to my sides, then slams his open mouth to mine. I try not to melt into the kiss, and push him away aggresively. 

' Don't try, bad boy' I spit, walking into the warehouse. Zayn runs after me.

' She's only unconcious' he mumbles, leading us up the stairs. Fear was at risk of taking me over. I try to move away from Zayn, but he pulls me back. ' We have to stick together, OK? Don't run out on me'

I stare at him. ' Zayn, I hate you, but I wont walk out on you, leaving you in this warehouse! I love you too much. This place is too dangerous, I wont Zayn-learn to trust me, please?'

He nods, and gives me a sneaky peck, before I could pull away. And before I could react, he opens the door to the drug room, and dissapears. I follow him, and my nose twitches at the smell of rotting flesh and rusted metal. ' Do you know where the drugs are?'

' I used to be one of them, Jenny' Zayn says, lowering his eyes as he riffled through a whole load of cardboard boxes, bottles, empty packets, corregated iron, and all kinds of different scraps. ' I'm sorry you have to learn now, but... but I was once part of this gang. I'll explain it all when we get back to the motel...'

If we ever get back to the motel

I help Zayn search through stuff, tears in my eyes. ' Erm, is this it?' I ask, as I lay my hands on some meth after a few minutes of digging. Zayn grabs it from me, and examines it. He nods after a while.      ' Zayn, don't think about aking anything, no funny stuff?'

Zayn swallows hard. ' No funny stuff' He whispers, settling down the meth onto the floor. ' Now, we go outside, get a flame thrower, and chuck it into this room, the whole room will combust, and we have to run fast-real fast. OK?'

I nod. Zayn begins to squirt the floors with turps, then, when the whole floor is soaking, he throws away the empty bottle, and we both run downstairs, and out into the sun. Zayn grabs the match, removes his leather jacket, sets it alight, then, with a small nod of permission from me, chucks it into the window. We both don't think for a moment, and we starts running like maniacs. I run round the bend, through half an alley way, Zayn in front of me, then, as it just feels as if the world has had all the air sucked out of it, it all goes black.

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