Chapter Three

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I lie awake, naked, in Ryan's bed. It's late on Tuesday morning, and we're both bunking off school. I don't know how Ryan pulled it off with his parents, but somehow, it's now 11:43, and I'm lying here alone, no one else in the house, but Ryan, who is making breakfast downstairs. I hear his clatters, and a smash of a dish. That's my Ryan. I turn over, and shove on some random spare dressing gown in his rooom, hanging off the door peg. I trundle sheepishly down stairs, to find Ryan fully dressed, clearing up broken shards of plate. I laugh at him.

' That's so like you' I mutter, leaning down to help him. He brushes my hands away.

' Don't want you getting hurt, babes' he says sweetly. He tips the china plate(or whats left of it), into the bin, then rubs his face, exhausted. ' God, that was a good one last night'

' Tell me about it' I murmur, leaning on the wall, admiring the golden, fried toast sizzling in the pan, the scrambled egg bubbling in the other pot, and some bacon frying to the left. ' Nice breakfast, bistro'

Ryan snorts. ' As if' he says. He flips the food onto the plates, and hands one plate to me.

' Aww, thanks darling' I say, giving him a small peck, not caring about my bed breath. He smiles into the kiss, then we slump lazily down onto bean bags, and watch some morning T.V, snuggling together.


' C'mon, let us in! We know you two love birds are in there!' I hear Louis yells from the door downstairs. Me and Ryan are back in his room, on his bed, making out hotly. We both break apart and laugh, then swing on some dressing gowns, and run down stairs, answer the door quickly. Harry and Louis are there, holding hands tightly, giving me a look.

' I knew she'd be here! What did I tell you?' Harry rubs into Louis' face. Louis scowls, and invites himself in, dumping his school bag gruffly. Ryan appears at the top of the stairs, and calls down.

' Is it safe to come down?' he calls.

I blush hard, ' No, put on a dressing gown' I call back, ignoring the screams of laughter from Harry and Louis.

' Shit!' Ryan crys. I smile to myself as he climbs down the stairs (in a dressing gown), and sees Louis and Harry.

' What they doin' here?' he asks, stepping down the last of the stairs.

' They kind of.. invited themselves in' I admit. Ryan grunts, and sits down with us.

' Yeah, why aren't you at school?' Harry asks. I bet on his life he know the answer, he would just want to watch me and Ryan cringe a little. Me and him share a glance, then burst into a fit of giggles. Louis nudges Harry, as he sits on his lap.

' Don't pester the lovers Harry, they were only-' he bursts out laughing, ' they were only fucking, dearest'

I giggle harder than ever. 

' Did you wear protection, Ryan?' Harry asks. Ryan grunts, and pulls a face.

' Duh!' he simpers. This couldn't be more awkward!

' Oh, stop bullying the couple, dearie, they need their alone time' Louis says, pretending to be motherly stern with Harry. Harry just smirks, and gives Louis a slow kiss. Me and Ryan both make loud, 'awwwwwwwwwwwwww's'

' You guys are so cute together' Ryan purrs. I nestle into his arms. ' But, I have to say, you were pretty obvious sometimes, Louis. You were practically having eye sex before the party! By the way, that heated love kiss you guys shared whilst arguing was so sexy and adorable!'

' Shut up before they get too sexy, Ryan!' I grin. He winks at me cheekily. ' You know what the could be like'

' Yeah, I'm getting a little hard, here' Louis murmurs. I squeal and cover my ears.

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