Chapter Twelve-Final Chapter

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' You ready?' Zayn asked me, as we approached Niall's family home drive. I take a deep breath. This was the time, we had to tell Niall, that Zayn was mine, Zayn was my love. The one. I nod bravely, acting much braver than I really was. Zayn got out the car, and as did I. We kept at arms distance, just to be better to Niall. I rang on the doorbell, trying to keep the tears out my eyes. Niall's brother answers the door, in his dressing gown. Zayn smirks, I notice, out my pheripheral vision.

' Is Niall in?' I ask, my voice thick with fear for what Niall will be like. He nods, and goes off, shouting Niall's name. Me and Zayn give each other a long look. ' This ain't gonna be easy' I whisper. Zayn shakes his head, then his eyes widen as he notices Niall. I would fall into his arms, and I had half a mind to do just that, after all, I did love him, but Zayn was mine. Zayn. Niall looks like an angel, a real, glowing, white angel, blonde hair, blue eyes, a muscular figure, the cheek bones to die for. I wanted to run straight to him, but the thought of Zayn kept me back. Niall's lips looked so inviting. They broke into a relieved smile when he saw me, and he came running. I tried to avoid eye contact, as he opened his arms for me. I run into them, unable to stop myself, feeling at home as we embraced each other. I could feel Zayn's eyes boring into my back like drills. I berrie my face into Niall's chest, holding back my tears. Niall sees the scars on my arms from the explosion, and gasps, while tracing them with his finger.

' What happened?' he asks, fingering them, making me shiver. I wish he wouldn't, if he continued ot do that, I would surely kiss his face off. I shuddered in pleasure of his soft touch. I shook my head.

' I can't tell you, Niall' I whispered. Niall widened his beautiful blue opal eyes, as he looked Zayn up and down.

' Did he do this to you? Why were you away?' he asks quickly, his hand still clasped round  my waist. I swallowed hard. 

' I can't tell you that either' I breathed, sweating a bit now. ' I can't tell you anything now, I would hate to lie to you, so this is for the best. Please believe me-'

' Of course I would believe you, Jennifer' he said, still glowering at Zayn. ' I love you'

That did it for Zayn. ' Right OK, lets not make a meal out of it-listen pal, you're girlfriends dumping you to be with me, she's made her choice, OK?'

Niall mouth hung open, his eyes suddenly damp with tears, his whole structure stiffened. I wanted so badly to help him, to scream at him that Zayn was just telling lies, and I belonged to him, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. ' Is this true?'

It tore me apart to answer to him, but I slowly, incredibly reluctantly, nodded my head. Tears ran down Niall's face. Why must he make this so hard for me? I hated to see him like this-it killed me. Then, Niall began to shake his head, as if he was in a bad dream, and trying to shake himself from it. He even pinched himself.

' But... I only just got you, Jennifer' he whispered, seemingly unable to take this in. ' I love you, you can't just leave me!'

' I'm so sorry Niall, I'm so, so sorry, but-' I stopped, as Zayn grabbed me gruffly by the hand, and began to pull me away roughly to the car. I tried to struggle against his grip, but he was too strong. I screamed for Niall, as Zayn wrapped his arms right round me, and almost dragged me to the car. Niall then cocked his head, looked up, as if he had only just realised what had happened, then ran to me, just approaching the car, before Zayn shoved me in aggresively, then locked the doors, whilst I had to watch from the inside of a car, helpless, as Niall and Zayn began to argue.

' Don't touch her like that! Don't you dare! Why are you so rough with her, eh? Does she love you?' Niall shouted in Zayn face. Zayn's face remained emotionless. 

' Yes' he muttered, looking away. Niall's face went paler than ever, and more tears ran down his cheeks. Oh God, this was torture for me.

' Have you fucked?' he whispers, so quietly, I had to strain my ears to hear. Zayn looks up, and Niall remains questioning. Zayn doesn't say anything for a while. ' Have you fucked!?'

' Yes' Zayn says quietly, his face pained. Niall just shook his head, looking disgusted.

' How long has she been cheating on me?' he whispers.

' Not long...' Zayn replies. ' A few days, maybe'

' Jesus Christ' Niall mutters, running a hand through his lucious hair. Oh, how I would love to do the same. I wanted to touch him, to feel his skin on mine, to know what he felt about me, but I couldn't. I physically couldn't right now. ' How did you guys-?'

' After Ryan's party' Zayn cuts him off, his voice raspy. ' We got talking after that, you know-'

' Leave' Niall says quietly. Zayn jumps in the car without a second thought, and revvs up, and we skid out the street, much faster than the speed limit. I cringe in my seat, as the tears stain my face, licking down my face. However hard this relationship may be, I will stick to Zayn hard and fast, making sure there will be only love, and nothing else, however rocky the road ahead us will be, we can't ever deny our love.

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